Shop on line and pay no local sales taxes.


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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Thats right. When you shop at the mall youre giving to the goverment and thats more money for lazy bums who just dont wanna work 8 hours a day in a sweatshop. Keep paying those sales taxes and youll see more free housing,Free transportation and food stamps.
You just give me one more reason to buy the stuff in local, thank you.
ravensteve1961 said:
Tipical liberal. :stupid:
It is 'typical'. Now who is stupid? :P

Edit: In fact, in my opinion, I think your idea is quite dumb but it is your opinion.
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your not paying taxes but you are paying shipping charges
I rather pay shipping because the postal people have a hard job to do. Theyre not lazy people who wanna collect food stamps,get free housing and free rides.

What does it have to do with being lazy?....I'm so lost on this

Beside ordering things on line aren't safe as you think, and I could never order something on line with my credit card even some people may think some sites are safe to order from but for me no thanks! I rather to pay taxes then having someone ripping off my credit card ,then Ill be stuck paying off a credit card bill!
Then youll see more lazy people applying for welfare instead of filling out a job application.

^Angel^ said:

What does it have to do with being lazy?....I'm so lost on this

Beside ordering things on line aren't safe as you think, and I could never order something on line with my credit card even some people may think some sites are safe to order from but for me no thanks! I rather to pay taxes then having someone ripping off my credit card ,then Ill be stuck paying off a credit card bill!
Angel, this topic does not make sense to start with anyway. So just humor him :) Good laugh keep the doctor away for one day, week or month.
How can I be lazy if i prefer to "walk all the way
to the store" instead of staying at home placing
an order online ?

Keep paying those sales taxes and youll see more free housing,Free transportation and food stamps.

What about children who cannot help it that their parent don't have jobs? Don't you realized that there are people who cannot work because of health reasons. Before judging those people you don't live in their feet to know what they are doing. I didn't know they have free transportion? Everyone pays for RTA Buses to go where they want to go, It's not free.

I like shopping at Malls than ordering items off line. :)
Cheri said:
Everyone pays for RTA Buses to go where they want to go, It's not free.
Really? How come they get tokens from the goverment? Tokens to ride in a NYC subway
Cheri said:
What about children who cannot help it that their parent don't have jobs? Don't you realized that there are people who cannot work because of health reasons.
Well newt gingrich had a good idea.If parents cant afford to take care of their child send em to childrens home. Someone will adopt them. Thats a good way to keep em from street gangs. And he wants a law if you live in a ghetto you cant have children living with you.
And for health reasons,, my grandmother was sick when she was 32 my uncle took care of my dad until she was well enough to raise him again. Samething if youre sick cant afford take care of your child ether send him to another family member or to a childrens home.
Cheri said:
What about children who cannot help it that their parent don't have jobs? Don't you realized that there are people who cannot work because of health reasons. Before judging those people you don't live in their feet to know what they are doing. I didn't know they have free transportion? Everyone pays for RTA Buses to go where they want to go, It's not free.
Like what old native american said: Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins.

Native American know best. Edit: And I agree with your post.
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Magatsu youre not really an indian. Cause indians dont chat on computers. They chat by hanging around other tribe members around the campfire watching dances , listening to drums and chants.
Here in Canada, you pay both PST (Provincial Sales Tax) and GST (Government Sales Tax) while shopping at Canadian online stores.
ravensteve1961 said:
Really? How come they get tokens from the goverment? Tokens to ride in a NYC subway

Most transit systems have free trolley or bus systems downtown, and many times a one-time ride is only $1.25 or whatever - and you can get weekly passes for barely $20 or whatever. Transit is more expensive then owning a car. But, I don't know about NYC subway that Government pays the token. I never heard of it. :dunno: Better ask someone who lives in NYC.
Cheri said:
Most transit systems have free trolley or bus systems downtown, and many times a one-time ride is only $1.25 or whatever - and you can get weekly passes for barely $20 or whatever. Transit is more expensive then owning a car. But, I don't know about NYC subway that Government pays the token. I never heard of it. :dunno: Better ask someone who lives in NYC.
Well welfare people get 10 tokens a month in NYC to go the store or doctors appt and for other needs.Welfare chidren ether ride a school bus or get a student card from the goverment to hop on subways or city buses during school hours. Whos paying for this? You do! When you buy something in the store.