Kids' test answers on race brings mother to tears


Love Makes the World Go Round
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Sep 7, 2006
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Kids' test answers on race brings mother to tears -

(CNN) -- A 5-year-old girl in Georgia is being asked a series of questions in her school library. The girl, who is white, is looking at pictures of five cartoons of girls, all identical except for skin color ranging from light to dark.

When asked who the smart child is, she points to a light-skinned doll. When asked who the mean child is she points to a dark-skinned doll. She says a white child is good because "I think she looks like me", and says the black child is ugly because "she's a lot darker."

As she answers her mother watches, and gently weeps.

Her daughter is taking part in a new CNN pilot study on children's attitudes on race and her answers actually reflect one of the major findings of the study, that white children have an overwhelming bias toward white, and that black children also have a bias toward white but not nearly as strong as the bias shown by the white children.

Full coverage: Kids on race

Renowned child psychologist and University of Chicago professor Margaret Beale Spencer, a leading researcher in the field of child development, was hired as a consultant by CNN. She designed the pilot study and used a team of three psychologists to implement it: two testers to execute the study and a statistician to help analyze the results.

Full doll study results

Video: Father reacts to daughter's doll test

Video: Inside the AC360 doll study RELATED TOPICS
Racism and Bigotry
New York City
Her team tested 133 children from schools that met very specific economic and demographic requirements. In total, eight schools participated: four in the greater New York City area and four in Georgia.

The mother, whose name the study prohibits from being used, says her daughter has "never asked her about color" and that the results of the test were an eye opener, and she says she and her daughter "talked a long time about it"

Her daughter's perception on race and the fact that the issue was not taken up at home is in many ways typical.

Research and discussions with parents of the children who participated in this study, indicate that white parents as a whole do not talk to their kids about race as much as black parents.

A 2007 study in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that 75 percent of white families with kindergartners never, or almost never, talk about race. For black parents the number is reversed with 75 percent addressing race with their children.

Po Bronson, author of NurtureShock and an award-winning writer on parenting issues says white parents "want to give their kids this sort of post-racial future when they're very young and they're under the wrong conclusion that their kids are colorblind. ... It's in the absence of messages of tolerance that they will naturally ... develop these skin preferences."

Many African-American parents CNN spoke to during the study say they begin discussing race at a very early age because they say they feel they have to prepare their children for a society where their skin color will create obstacles for them.

iReport: Where do we go from here?

The study has generated thousands of comments to CNN. After seeing the report, iReporter Omekongo Dibinga said, "My daughters are 4 and 2 years old. I didn't realize that at 2 years old I'd have to start teaching them to be proud of their skin color."

Watch his reaction

The father of a black girl who took part in the CNN study says, "You can not get away from the fact that race is a factor but hopefully what we instill in them at home will help them to put that in its right place and move on"

CNN's Chuck Hadad contributed to this report

That is definitely shocking and sad!
Not the least bit surprised. White kids (for the most part) aren't taught to think about race and racism.

On another note, anyone who doubts covert racism really exists or who claims it's an empty accusation needs to just read articles like this or do studies like the one mentioned in this article to see it does indeed exist.
This is why we go out of our way to taalk about race with my daughter. We talk about how everyone's body is different and it is great.
Was on our local news the other day....a Poll taken about racism....and 73-78% were racist here in Jacksonville....I suspect crime is the culprit....the jails are full of mostly Black people.....My sons do have black friends from school and the neighborhood....they get along fine.
Sometimes small children do not understand that it is OK to be different, unless they are taught.

Plenty of books for small children. I actually teach it in the pre school classes about how it is OK to be different.
When I was a kid, I saw a black couple with a white child in a stroller. At that moment, I thought we were all born different colors even in the same family. (I have a drug free memory like a steel trap - I was 3 and it was in a Burger King). I also remember thinking it was the coolest thing I ever saw and thought I was so smart figuring that out, I then told my mom "I want a black brother!!!"

I do not recall there ever being a moment when I thought one race was superior or inferior to another. I noticed the differences but did not think "THEY are different from US".
I agree it's time to talk about the color skinned people on news to let people know. Its ok to be different in a form of general or anything. Indeed, It depends on where you live where the color skinned are that reflects people's attitudes.
I found it very interesting a while ago. From my own experience, for deaf or hoh have more chance of hanging out with diversed people to deaf events and all like that. It hits me hard that my friend who had always been socialize with diversed people then she gave birth to two kids. Lots of diversed people came over to my friends home. It is no problem until her kids started school last fall. A while ago, it is like all of a sudden, her friend brought dark skinned kids to come over my friends home. Her kid was unsure about playing with dark skinned kids. We all were puzzled because we did hang out with them every other months. Of course my friend explained to her that it's ok for everyone to be different and friend together. My friend is shocked and upset about it. I wonder because of school itself that impacts kids to see where color skins are. like I said, it depends on where you live and where you go to school. Because of parents never discuss about the color skin. It hits me hard about it. Because i have never talk to my kids about color but i always told kids that everyone is different and its OK.

sad i agree.
I agree it's time to talk about the color skinned people on news to let people know. Its ok to be different in a form of general or anything. Indeed, It depends on where you live where the color skinned are that reflects people's attitudes.
I found it very interesting a while ago. From my own experience, for deaf or hoh have more chance of hanging out with diversed people to deaf events and all like that. It hits me hard that my friend who had always been socialize with diversed people then she gave birth to two kids. Lots of diversed people came over to my friends home. It is no problem until her kids started school last fall. A while ago, it is like all of a sudden, her friend brought dark skinned kids to come over my friends home. Her kid was unsure about playing with dark skinned kids. We all were puzzled because we did hang out with them every other months. Of course my friend explained to her that it's ok for everyone to be different and friend together. My friend is shocked and upset about it. I wonder because of school itself that impacts kids to see where color skins are. like I said, it depends on where you live and where you go to school. Because of parents never discuss about the color skin. It hits me hard about it. Because i have never talk to my kids about color but i always told kids that everyone is different and its OK.

sad i agree.

That is why Arizona is banning ethnic studies courses
Wirelessly posted

You don't even know what Ethnic Studies entails...

That got nothing to do with this topic.
the kids have to be getting this from somewhere. Maybe the parents or friends.
That is why Arizona is banning ethnic studies courses

:confused: ethnic studies course aren't related with this topic. It's all about attitudes, could it be teachers' or children by their parents. Most kids do learn about MLK, and Feb month, and asian history in school.

Edit: My girl learned about asian history in school last week.
Wirelessly posted

Take a look at your local colleges' syllabus. Saying you want to ban Ethnic Studies would terminate programs like:

Deaf Studies, American Indian Studies, African-American Studies and quite a handful of History courses focusing on foreign nations.
Wirelessly posted

Second of all, the study in the article focuses on how a strong bias is developed in absence of race awareness.

They did compare the results with minority families who incorporated race awareness-- and found that the bias not "as strong" as the first group.
The Arizona House Bill 2281

States that the Legislature finds and declares that public school pupils should be taught to treat and value each other as individuals and not be taught to resent or hate other races or classes of people.

· Prohibits a school district or charter school from including in its program of instruction any courses or classes that:
Ø Promote the overthrow of the United States government.
Ø Promote resentment toward a race or class of people.
Ø Are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group.
Ø Advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.

It is for public schools; not colleges.

HB 2281 prohibits a school district or charter school from including courses or classes that either promote the overthrow of the United States government or promote resentment toward a race or class of people.
Wirelessly posted

I do realize that. We had Ethnic Studies too in Canada when I went to school as a young teenager. The classes were no different than the ones you take in college-- just dumbed down,

And yes, we did talk about how white majority oppressed the First Nations, the Japanese, the Chinese and Inuits. Ethnic soliderity was promoted in the name of cultural preservation.

In fact, some government programs allowed natives to be schooled separately in the interest of preserving languages and cultures. Anyone can enroll in those.
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this is not surprising at all. this has already been studied and it is well-documented since long while back. The degree of racism especially on subconscious level depends on the society you grew up in. This is perfectly normal. It does not mean one is a terrible racist even if his way of thinking and reasoning are influenced by racism. Again - perfectly normal.

The covert & overt racism is usually due to one's traumatic experience that resulted in misdirected & misguided anger toward a certain race because it is in human's nature to blame something.

For example - it was said that Hitler developed extreme antisemitism when his mother died under Jewish doctor's care. At that time - Hitler was a young brilliant art student at 18 years old on the path to be "the greatest artist." And now with no parents... Hitler changed.

Another example - some people became a member of Aryan Nation or KKK because they most likely grew up in a bad neighborhood and their sister or mom was raped/murdered by black thug. With the death in family, their anger will intensified and will start blaming black people for corroding neighborhood into crime-infested shithole.

Another example - same for people who join a hate group targeting at minority people when they lose their jobs and house... so they blame it on illegal immigration.
later tonight.... if I ever remember... I'll have to dig around and find the book and academic studies on this but it's long and dry :zzz:

feel free to share if you know it!
Wirelessly posted

Take a look at your local colleges' syllabus. Saying you want to ban Ethnic Studies would terminate programs like:

Deaf Studies, American Indian Studies, African-American Studies and quite a handful of History courses focusing on foreign nations.

Take a look at Arizona's new law ... it bans all inclusive ethnic studies and those courses do not promote tolerance of diversity.

Are you also on the "no read" list?