Hi all! 
I am hearing, and I am in a class in college with a woman who is deaf. She has an interpreter, can lipread somewhat and has a clear speaking voice. I've not had much interaction with those who are deaf/hoh, coming from a small farming community, and so I am unsure what might be considered offensive or insensitive that I may be unconsciously doing, or things that make it harder for us to communicate. She seems *very* nice, but she is there to learn and not educate me on deaf culture/etiquette, so I'd rather not bother her with these questions unless she mentions it first. But that's what you wonderful people can help me with!
Do you have any "Deafness/HOH for Hearing Dummies" tips or rules for me?
Also, would you consider it okay to communicate via laptop? I'm a very fast typer and I usually communicate much clearer via type rather than speech. I feel bad for her (and the interpreters!) who have to translate all of my umm's and ah's. I don't know if it is considered to be an impersonal method of interacting, though.
Thanks everybody!

I am hearing, and I am in a class in college with a woman who is deaf. She has an interpreter, can lipread somewhat and has a clear speaking voice. I've not had much interaction with those who are deaf/hoh, coming from a small farming community, and so I am unsure what might be considered offensive or insensitive that I may be unconsciously doing, or things that make it harder for us to communicate. She seems *very* nice, but she is there to learn and not educate me on deaf culture/etiquette, so I'd rather not bother her with these questions unless she mentions it first. But that's what you wonderful people can help me with!

Do you have any "Deafness/HOH for Hearing Dummies" tips or rules for me?
Also, would you consider it okay to communicate via laptop? I'm a very fast typer and I usually communicate much clearer via type rather than speech. I feel bad for her (and the interpreters!) who have to translate all of my umm's and ah's. I don't know if it is considered to be an impersonal method of interacting, though.

Thanks everybody!