Good question... I'm still trying to figure this out for myself.
I bounce between thinking of myself as HOH and deaf. I've experimented with telling hearies I'm deaf or that I'm HOH. I seem to get a better reaction if I tell them I'm HOH. It seems that if I tell them I'm deaf, they don't talk with me. (This is not a scientific study, though.)
Sometimes at school when I'm walking in the hallway, some people will start saying something to me as we pass. So I tell them I'm hoh or deaf and to please repeat. I seem to get further with them if I say hoh, rather than deaf.
Maybe the fact that I am speaking throws them off. *shrugs*
As far as the deaf community goes, so far I have found acceptance, except that a couple people seemed embarrassed when I gave a waitress my order, verbally. Is it a social faux pas to use voice around other deaf people, somehow?
I know that I can't go without hearing aids.... I don't dare try to get by in the hearing world without my hearing aids. I wouldn't hear much at all.
I get embarrassed sometimes when a hearie friend(s) order foods to the waitress/waiter for me instead I can do the order on my own without any hearie's help. >=[
I get embarrassed sometimes when a hearie friend(s) order foods to the waitress/waiter for me instead I can do the order on my own without any hearie's help. >=[
The reason I ask, I introduced myself at a deaf night out, and told him I was HoH. He asked Hoh, or deaf? I reaffirmed HoH, looking a bit puzzled. I did just tell him HoH...
I don't have any problems with being deaf, if I ever get that far. But I can still "pass myself off" as a hearie. I go without my HAs most of the time, except in social situations. I don't wear them at home much - and I do most errands without them as well (although it may get tricky if I really need to talk to someone).
I just wasn't sure where the line in the sand is... because I know even some people who are deaf can hear some sounds. I always assumed deaf was absolutely no sound at all.