Coming Out-but NOT what you think!...


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
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I got this video from one my closest friend's blog..

Heh, I like it.

But I wonder those who aren't familiar with deaf people and their culture will get it?
Heh, I like it.

But I wonder those who aren't familiar with deaf people and their culture will get it?

Unfortunally, I'm not that fimilar with culture and would like to learn. Would you mind explaining why you asked that? I thought the video was good. It does show that family sometimes are in denial when a person is deaf.
Because I wanted to share it with other people. But those people I wanted to share with does not know anything about deaf people.

Do most people are aware that some family are in denial about having a deaf child? I don't know.

I wasn't sure if it's funny enough to share with people who aren't familiar with something like that.

Also if you have read some of those comments on the youtube, you would see some people not getting it. I want to know why.

So I am trying to weight the options.
That was good! I loved it. Its so true that many families are in denial that their child may be different in the sense that they are deaf. Everyone wants a 'normal' child and its sad to think that a parent really would be in denial that long about it. (I know its rare, but I would not doubt it if it happened).

This is a good video. Thanks for sharing with us!
That was awesome and so funny with the dad at the end. I laughed out loud. Kinda reminded me of that day I told my mom I was going to Gallaudet and she was like "Why?" as if she didnt understand why I wanted to go to a Deaf college and learn ASL. She said, "You have always done fine with no signing and using your speech skills." I explained over and over again what it meant to me to go...finally 2 years later, she saw how happier I was and accepted that I wanted to be part of the Deaf world.

Very good video...probably one of the best I have seen.

Thanks for sharing, Angel. :)
Angel, thanks for sharing. I thought the ending was funny.
LOL, I agree the ending was funny.. I'm glad you guys enjoyed this video as much as I did.

Welcome :) ...
Yea.. I've seen those..
Pretty impressive that... Hearing parent have to accept their true identity!
That was interesting - a little long -but interesting nonetheless. I've lost count on how many times I've seen parents say to their DEAF child, "You're not really deaf - just have a little trouble hearing." Some parents seem to feel that as long as they sweep deafness under the rug, things can be seen as "normal" - and that will help shelter the child. Whenever I sign in public in my father's presence, he usually apologizes to someone who might be watching by saying something like, "She thinks she's deaf..." :pissed:
Whenever I sign in public in my father's presence, he usually apologizes to someone who might be watching by saying something like, "She thinks she's deaf..." :pissed:

No wonder you get pissed! :eek3:
You should apologise to people around your dad and say "Sorry, he doesn't know I'm deaf' or something smart alecky.

Angel, thanks for putting the video up. I saw parts of it esp the end and it was great :)
Now that was a great video! Misleading, especially the under the covers thing, the magazine, the video. Cool!

But, at the same time, my mom tried to get information for me to learn asl when I was first diagnosed and she worked for the Minneapolis Public Schools and couldn't find a thing or anyone who knew anything. However, she wanted me to attend the deaf residential school in Faribault, MN, but my dad was against it because it "cost money" for his precious deer hunting, of which we didn't even have our own camper. It was about a year ago that I told him that if I had gone to the residential school, the school district we lived in would have to provide transportation to and from there and the state would cover the tab. The only thing he had to pay was spending money for me, as I would be home on the weekends.
:lol: good video!!!

This is BSL (British Sign Language). I know their sign language because I am myself British.
Wow! That is very interesting. I never knew that a parent does not know about his deafness all those years that he was growing up. And it is funny that a parent like Dad already know BSL sign language. Jack's mother was very surprise. Boy, his mother thought her son would outgrow his deafness or lack of hearing. She is close minded to everything he was acting all those years. His mother is showing a self denial and don't want to believe that Jack is deaf. That is shocking. I don't know how long he had been deaf, like since he was born or became deaf when he was a child or teenager or adult? I never thought that parents would shut everything off from a deaf child or any disability child. They don't want to accept their disabilities. Thank you for sending this video. Very, very interesting. :sadwave:
That was interesting - a little long -but interesting nonetheless. I've lost count on how many times I've seen parents say to their DEAF child, "You're not really deaf - just have a little trouble hearing." Some parents seem to feel that as long as they sweep deafness under the rug, things can be seen as "normal" - and that will help shelter the child. Whenever I sign in public in my father's presence, he usually apologizes to someone who might be watching by saying something like, "She thinks she's deaf..." :pissed:

I am sorry that you had to go through just like in the video. It seems like your Dad was embarassed and try to sweep under the rug by making excuses to the hearing people. I could understand your being pissed off at your Dad, when he does not understand your deafness and not be able accept your deafness. Again, that is very interesting. How can hearing parents be so close minded? :sadwave:
Thank you Angel for such an interesting video! :ty: