I have 3 yr old brown turquoise tabby, Midnight and she's so annoying that when I climb downstair or upstair, she was following ahead of me and cut right in front of me halfway on the stair standing in the middle of my path!!!!

. I nearly stepped on her and I had to avoid her quickly before I squash her. It's her ways of getting attention. If I were running up or down stair, my cat cuts me off very fast which is scary cuz I wouldn't have time to avoid stepping on her or I would tumble and crash to the floor cuz of damn cat!!!

Sometime cats cut off owner's path just because it's food or water was out or time to change litter. Her food, water is full and litter been cleaned so it's just her attention. I had similiar problem with my former cat that did same thing too. I don't like the idea of cat suddenly cut in front of owner's path as were if it want to commit suicide by being stepped on.
My cat have strange personalty that she is kinda attached to kitchen 1/2 bathroom toliet, If the door was closed unoccupied, she'll meow to beg me to open the door to get in. She sits on top of toliet or sit beside of it. When she was in bathroom, she was meowing at me begging me to open the toliet cover so she can sit and watch or observe the toliet bowl and even wanted me to flush the toliet so she can watch the action with ears full on. My wife told me when I was in bathroom, my cat meows and stretched and scratch the door begging to get in the bathroom.
And when she get spooked or become wild, she pouf her tail. She does that often and it was funny.
When weather is cold, my cat sleeps on blanket, chair cushion, or vinyl leather dining bench. When furnace kicks on and running (she hears them), she got up and rushed to floor duct and lay down to keep herself warm as long as it's running.