This hearing woman says that mental illness is a Myth - ASL video


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May 28, 2006
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[ame=]YouTube - SIGN LANGUAGE Mental Illness is a Modern Myth ASL VIDEO[/ame]

This hearing woman is saying that mental illness is a myth.

I watched this video TWICE, and I am not understanding most of what this woman is saying. Her signing style is confusing the hell out of me. I read the "info" that she posted on the right side of the screen next to the video. Here is what it says:

"Mental - illness is a myth - all of us are "mentally ill" according to the DSM. People with schizophrenia, bi-polar, etc. are what i would call "sensitives" or "psychics" they absorb more information than the average person is able to. The first group home for the "mentally-ill" that I worked in had a deaf member who could quite literally hear radio stations in her head. She was born deaf. Had never "heard" a thing...Stop the stigma and get educated. Ask for captioning on this issue - search youtube and make a polite request. I will work on captioning my other videos as well. Much love, your hearing friend, colleen"

Seriously, WTF?

Jillio - what are your thoughts on this? And can you understand what she is saying in the video?
Ummmm yeah. LOL @ her and her gross misunderstanding and twisting of mental illness *face palm*
After years of working with children who are language delayed and residents in group homes, I was able to figure out her signing seems she believes that everyone is different and what others go thru is not neccessarily mental illness..just that's who they are. She believes that mental illness is a way to get attention.

However, despite getting the gist of her signing style, I dont understand the point she is trying to make. Is she saying that mental illness is a myth for attention?
:roll: since i have bipolar and ptsd, i guess i'm an attention whore. :laugh2:

now i'm going to gracefully bow out of this thread so that i don't rapid cycle because what this woman said absolutely disgusts me. :barf:
before i leave this thread, i have to say one more thing: "stop the stigma and get educated?" :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
After years of working with children who are language delayed and residents in group homes, I was able to figure out her signing seems she believes that everyone is different and what others go thru is not neccessarily mental illness..just that's who they are. She believes that mental illness is a way to get attention.

However, despite getting the gist of her signing style, I dont understand the point she is trying to make. Is she saying that mental illness is a myth for attention?

That pisses me off.

Mental illness as a way to get attention? :mad2:

I have taken care of someone with a true mental illness and I have known people with true mental illnesses, and they are not doing it to get attention. A true mental illness is a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain, and these people with the mental illness require medication to regulate the chemical imbalance in the brain so that they can function.

Take the example of that girl that I have taken into my home for a few days and taken care of. She has both Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder, which are sometimes co-morbid. I've talked about her in another thread. She could NOT function. She was SEVERELY mentally ill. Even in the group home she was in before she was placed with me temporarily, she could NOT function. Then while she was placed with me, she ended up attempting/committing suicide, and ended up in the state hospital for 6 month. When I went to visit her at the state hospital, I saw a HUGE change in her. She was happier, very stable, level, and she was able to function. Huge difference from when I was taking care of her temporarily. Know why? When she was at the old group home, she was not taking her medication regularly like she was supposed to. No one was making her take her medication at the group home, all they did was provide them, but they never make the residents take them. She was only with me for a few days, not enough time for the medication that she was supposed to be on to have a major effect on her. She could not think rationally, she was suicidal, she had mood swings and manic/depression cycles, and she could not function on her own. But while in the state hospital, they made her take her medication regularly on a schedule, and as a result, her chemical imbalance in her brain was able to be regulated, and as a result she was able to function, she was able to think rationally, she was happier, stable, and more level. So, therefore, mental illnesses are NOT a myth and is NOT a way to get attention.

If someone was actually using a mental illness to get attention, it would mean that they were faking it, and the psychiatrist would have caught it eventually, and those people who are faking it would obviously be able to function in life, and therefore not have to live in a group home, and obviously be able to function without medication.

These with a true mental illness cannot function without a lot of psychiatric treatment and medications. They cannot help being mentally ill. Even if they tried, without medication, they cannot help it. They must take medication, they must go to therapy and treatment, and they sometimes require hospitalization. From what I have seen in this girl and in other people, being mentally ill is NOT fun, so why would someone want to use mental illnesses as a way to get attention (with the exception of BPD, which is a personality disorder, not a brain imbalance disorder)? Bipolar and Schizophrenia and other major mental illnesses are not something that one would wish upon their own worst enemy.

So, the woman in the video is wrong. If she thinks that the patients/residents in the group home she works in or was working in are using mental illnesses as a way to get attention, then she definitely does not belong in a job like this. :nono: She should resign from her position at the group home (if she is still working there) and find a job outside the mental health field.

i couldn't agree with you more. if someone wants to have my bipolar or ptsd, they are more than welcome to have it.

i couldn't agree with you more. if someone wants to have my bipolar or ptsd, they are more than welcome to have it.

does your social security income increases after you have a bipolar or ptsd or cts?
does your social security income increases after you have a bipolar or ptsd or cts?

nope. i only receive social security due to my blindness. if i didn't receive it for that reason, i could receive payments for one of the other conditions you mentioned. for example, bipolar only or ptsd only.
does your social security income increases after you have a bipolar or ptsd or cts?

no. any person who have disability then SSA automatically approves the case. It won't increase any $$ if there are more than one disability.
if truth be told, i wish i could receive higher social security payments because of my blindness, deafness, bipolar, ptsd and cts. it sure would help with some of the expenses i have related to each of them. (for example, transportation costs to attend weekly therapy and psychiatric appointments which amount to $40 cab fare round trip or special kitchen utensils for my cts.)
nope. i only receive social security due to my blindness. if i didn't receive it for that reason, i could receive payments for one of the other conditions you mentioned. for example, bipolar only or ptsd only.
Blind people get free stamps from PO.
Blind people get free stamps from PO.

if you mean we receive braille magazines and other materials for the blind mailed free of postage (noted as "free matter for the blind and physically handicapped"), that's correct, but we do not receive free postage stamps. i've been totally blind for 38 years and have never received free postage stamps from the post office.
I can't believe the lady. Some mental illness can be caused by underlying medical problems. For example, my depression that was quite severe when I was 19. It turned out that I had low thyroid problems and that it was what caused my depression. As long as I take levothyroxine, my depression won't come back. My niece Laura had depression for much the same reason - low thyroid.