Newbies: Quick FAQs


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Premium Member
May 11, 2007
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Wirelessly posted

Hello newbies! :welcome:

Do you feel you really need a help? Feel so lost and so clueless? No problem! We bring "Quick FAQs" to you, so you will know what to do in no time! :cool2:

Which is (any place) I should to go? (Mobile View)

It is very fantastic tutorial thread for new members. This thread will help you how to find a place you want to go, how to post a comment, and much more. It is more like one step by one step. :D

How do I use AllDeaf Forum? (Mobile View)

You're always more than welcome to ask a question about HTML codes, upload images, change an avatar/icon, and others. They will be glad to help you! :)

Where is the FAQ? (Mobile View)

It is a full of informative thread that would answer any one of your questions. It is high recommended for newbies! :thumb:

That is all, folks! Now, have fun and enjoy! :wave:
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Huge site! How many hours do you think a person spends on the site in a day on average?
Thanks :hmm:
I wonder that too. Also I want to know how long it takes for a thread to be posted. ...I'm still waiting to see lol

It will be much easier for you just to go to this thread I have posted. All the people who might want to practice with you are waiting there. :wave:

We write like an advertising team. :lol:

Next one up should sell her Pepto Bismol!

I am currently learning ASL but finding it difficult to remember all the signs because the class is only once a week. I've been searching for some people to practice with in my region but have had no luck then I stumbled upon this site. I had never even thought about using Skype to practice with people, good idea :) I would love to make some new friends from around the world and practice ASL. My screen name is skater-4life anyone willing to practice ASL with me feel free to add me and send me a message :)
HI finally figured out how to get into this site whoo took me some real trying to get into this site . looking forward to learn from everyone :) Roalal
my intro: Anne in Canada

Hi everyone;

I'm Anne, living in Canada, hearing.

I'm a teacher and medical researcher who's always been interested in the Deaf culture/community and want to learn more. I'm starting to learn ASL. I've given lectures about the ethics of cochlear implants and I understand well (I think) the objections of the Deaf community (I feel the same as well).

I'm hoping to be able to teach in a school for the Deaf in the somewhat near future - need to get my ASL much better first though.

Thank you for letting me learn more through this chat.

Every time I post it never shows up why is that? It says I need to wait for a mod to approve my message but I still don't see any of my replies from yesterday can someone help me?

New here on and new at learning ASL... Hoping to meet new people, and whom I can relate too.
Hello everyone, I do asl interpretive worship music. I am a ministry student with Teen Challenge and am still learning asl. I fell in love with asl while watching song interpretation and the way it can used to express emotion and passion.
A little advice to newbies posting an intro. Use a more interesting/original title than "I'm a Newbie". I'm more apt to read those that don't say that.
^^^Um, if it's a pen pal - how would deaf make a difference? Deaf and hearie write the same.