Hi I'm Crissy Hadler
Welcome to my web site, I'm Crissy Hadler and I'm hearing impaired. I feel my new concept will aid awareness for ...
"The Un-seen Silent Disability" I want to raise awareness of the difficulties, restrictions and the discriminations, people like myself are living with every single day.
You may or may not know that a butterfly has no ears and for this reason is the international symbol for the hearing impaired. My designs of the butterfly wrapped in ribbons also symbolises the restrictions and difficulties that the hearing impaired live with on a day to day basis.
My concept, I feel will help build awareness among the unimpaired public and enable people to become more "hearing impaired" friendly.
I am currently seeking sponsorship for un-tye-me From all companies near and far. With the help of sponsorship we can make the un-tye-me trademark a recognised symbol for the hearing impaired.
Please take the time to realise the plight many "hearing impaired" people like myself are faced with on a daily basis, making the quality of life less than satisfactory. We are often faced with restrictions, discriminations and are just treated unfairly.
I hope that you will seriously consider sponsoring me. My recent launch of the trademark un-tye-me met with people interested in buying a product displaying the un-tye-me trademark, so all I need now is YOU!