- Joined
- Nov 7, 2005
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First of all, AllDeaf would like to make a warm welcome to those who are interested in learning American Sign Language (ASL), Deaf Culture, Interpreting Students or anything else that is affiliated to the Deaf Community.
There are some things that I want to bring in light of this before you guys consider making a questionnaires/surveys on this forum.
As you know, We oftenly see a lot of these questionnaires/surveys through out the year. A lot of times, we see these newly registered members that signs up to post these questionnaires and then when the questions are answered, they usually leave.
Some of the times they make such posts that are for their homework assignments. Please do not expect to come in here to find quick answers just because it is for your homework. If it is for your homework assignment; You are expected to search the answers for yourself because there are more than plenty of available information/resources on this site in a lot of different forums.
The goal of this is to make a purpose to reduce the needs of pooling these general examples of answered questions for these guys are available, we have a general answer, it prevents unneeded user registrations and lessens "overall posts" even though it might not be that much.
These are the varieties of such common questions we would see;
Secondly, If there's nothing that has been mentioned on this forum that has been said to ask questions that hasn't been asked; Please do so. Just remember, There are a lot of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) that has already been here over and over from time to time on this forum. These questions has been answered numerous of times.
Now with that being said - If there's anything else that needs to be added on this; Please do so and with respect as always.
Thank You.
P.S. -- I also would strongly suggest for you guys to look and check out various threads that relates to your interests on such forums as -- Our World, Our Culture Forum, Sign Language & Oralism Forum, Deaf Education Forum and Captioning & Sign Language Interpreter Forum to get the answers from there.
There are some things that I want to bring in light of this before you guys consider making a questionnaires/surveys on this forum.
As you know, We oftenly see a lot of these questionnaires/surveys through out the year. A lot of times, we see these newly registered members that signs up to post these questionnaires and then when the questions are answered, they usually leave.
Some of the times they make such posts that are for their homework assignments. Please do not expect to come in here to find quick answers just because it is for your homework. If it is for your homework assignment; You are expected to search the answers for yourself because there are more than plenty of available information/resources on this site in a lot of different forums.
The goal of this is to make a purpose to reduce the needs of pooling these general examples of answered questions for these guys are available, we have a general answer, it prevents unneeded user registrations and lessens "overall posts" even though it might not be that much.
These are the varieties of such common questions we would see;
While we understand this is for you guys to come on this forum to search for the answers that you need for whatever reason it is, This is not to say that we are pushing you guys away. That isn't the intention as it seem to be. You guys are more than welcome to come on this forum to inter react with other members and to find what you're looking for; but in overall; I ask that all of you guys need to take this in consideration to see what really underlines beneath of all how this information can be easily obtained if you were to be reputable to make the search on your own.Is any member of your family deaf?
Where you born deaf?
What does being deaf mean to you?
What do you prefer to use a TTY/ttd, relay operator, videophone or other? Why?
What are our educational backgrounds?
What school do you/did you go to?
Why do you prefer to use that particular method of communication?
Secondly, If there's nothing that has been mentioned on this forum that has been said to ask questions that hasn't been asked; Please do so. Just remember, There are a lot of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) that has already been here over and over from time to time on this forum. These questions has been answered numerous of times.
Now with that being said - If there's anything else that needs to be added on this; Please do so and with respect as always.
Thank You.

P.S. -- I also would strongly suggest for you guys to look and check out various threads that relates to your interests on such forums as -- Our World, Our Culture Forum, Sign Language & Oralism Forum, Deaf Education Forum and Captioning & Sign Language Interpreter Forum to get the answers from there.