A Cure

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Apr 26, 2008
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So, since we all agree that hearing aids and cochlear implants are NOT a cure for hearing loss, what would be?

Yes, nothing that exsists now is a cure, but theoretically, what would be defined as a cure in your eyes?

Does it just have to provide functionality as a hearing person? Perfect hearing? Take away the hearing loss? Restore whatever caused the loss? Or does it just have to provide hearing all the time? From birth?

What would qualify as a cure for hearing loss in your eyes?
Wirelessly posted

Well, to me, cure heals/fixes something 100%... which means any deaf child can become a fully hearing child as normal one.
Yes, a cure would not be hearing aids/CIs. Yes, there are kids who have performed quite well in the booth. That said the booth is not real life. Even unilateral dhh kids have diffculty in crowded or difficult listening situtions.
Cure would mean you wouldn't need any assistive devices whatsoever at ALL.
There will come a time that they will be able to genetically change an embryo so that it no longer has Connexion 26, and then the child will be born hearing. Or, in the future they will be able to transplant or regrow the cilia in the cochlea, that would turn a person from deaf to hearing. These things will eventually happen, even if it is not in our life time. So, no, I was not talking about a "magic pill" but instead actual technological futures.
They could also do genetically screening for it, CVS testing is a consideration. but I rather if they implant their child than abortion.

I already know a few who refuse to have any children out of fear of having deaf children due to gene, and they are from my own family.

But it their choice.
Well, if deaf children are cured, then what is the point of ASL? In future, ASL is probably no longer official language. It is better to give ASL to normal hearing toddlers for communication purposes, or if better, just get ruin of "unnatural" ASL for real.

If they are cured, then will they interest in those deaf stuff? Will parents allow their kids to learn about the Deaf community? ASL tales, the history of Deaf community, deaf jokes, and another deaf-related things are probably meaningless and forget within few or more generations later.

If they are cured, then what is the point of Deaf schools? It is more likely no more Deaf schools. They just will go to normal schools instead.

If they are cured, the Deaf Culture and Deaf Community will die out generations later, which means, probably, more inequality for older Deaf generations later.

Of course, all of those actions are not concern to you anyway as you said the dying Deaf culture doesn't matter to you. :ugh3:
A cure would be the end of mistreatment of deaf people by hearing society.
Well, if deaf children are cured, then what is the point of ASL? In future, ASL is probably no longer official language. It is better to give ASL to normal hearing toddlers for communication purposes, or if better, just get ruin of "unnatural" ASL for real.

If they are cured, then will they interest in those deaf interests? Will parents allow their kids to learn about the Deaf community? ASL tales, the history of Deaf community, deaf jokes, and another deaf-related things are probably meaningless and forget within few or more generations later.

If they are cured, then what is the point of Deaf schools? It is more likely no more Deaf schools. They just will go to normal schools instead.

If they are cured, the Deaf Culture and Deaf Community will die out generations later, which means, probably, more inequality for older Deaf generations later.

Of course, all of those actions are not concern to you anyway as you said the dying Deaf culture doesn't matter to you. :ugh3:

On the other hand, if the market is less saturated with Deaf people, they'll become more valuable, my daughter will be like a precious stone. :hmm:
they probably tell your daughter that she ought to take stem cell therapy and she probably go for it too. but you love your daughter no matter what.
On the other hand, if the market is less saturated with Deaf people, they'll become more valuable, my daughter will be like a precious stone. :hmm:

Who knows? I don't care anymore since being normal is more important than anything anyway.
they probably tell your daughter that she ought to take stem cell therapy and she probably go for it too. but you love your daughter no matter what.

It used to be that we had to worry about our children drinking at parties, smoking something or other. Next thing you know we'll be getting calls to come pick up our preteen at the local stem cell clinic and listening to the same old "but mom, everyone does a little stem cell therapy these days -- you are sooo out of touch!" from the back seat.
Well, the word, "normal", have more meanings. But if it is about healthy and normal people, then my define would say:

- No disability; all five senses, not one missing of any sense.
- Spoken language is the most common in worldwide.
- Healthy, of course.
- Have a normal life as a typical human (yes, I know there are exceptions for harsh and cruel situations).

That is why the dictionary said about disability:

[dis-uh-bil-i-tee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ties for 2.
1. lack of adequate power, strength, or physical or mental ability; incapacity.

2. a physical or mental handicap, esp. one that prevents a person from living a full, normal life or from holding a gainful job.

3. anything that disables or puts one at a disadvantage: His mere six-foot height will be a disability in professional basketball.

4. the state or condition of being disabled.

5. legal incapacity; legal disqualification.

6. disability insurance.

That is how I view. :dunno:
Let's cross that bridge when we get to it...:P
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