hmm, i have a cochlear implant myself....i became deaf at 6 monthz old, i got the ci at 12 yearz old....before the ci, i used hearing aidz which rarely worked for me, and i never knew sign language my parentz never wanted me to learn
i do feel that a cochlear implant is the best way to go....i feel that i have the best of both worldz, it'z better than being "completely" deaf and it'z better than being hearing....with the ci, i can hear thingz so much easier, , i was finally able to listen to music, and found it easier to understand what people say....but sometimez i hear too much and it getz annoying, for some reason babies crying and birdz chrip[ing give me such a headache...also, if a person comez along and is very annoying, i can just turn my hearing aidz off, i sleep without hearing anything so noises can't wake me up, i have most of my deaf qualities and more of my hearing qualities
keep in mind, having a cochlear implant does not cure your simply helpz you hear....hearing aidz just raise the volume for you, ci actually helpz you to hear thingz around you....i've never given up my deaf pride, and i never will
i only wish i could've learned sign language as i was growing up....a few of my friendz want me to learn sign language, and i am currently attending asl in my college (for my foreign language requirement) but because i am now 19 yearz old, and i'm a busy guy, i have no time and patience to learn a new language
it was funny though, once a deaf person was really discriminating against me for having a cochlear implant....made me feel really bad so i put on my headphonez and i was about to walk away....then she started talkin about how she can't listen to music and she hatez herself for that.....i couldn't help but think if she hatez me so much for havin this, and she feelz so deeply that i should've "stayed deaf" as she put it, then why is she complaining herself
a lot of deaf people complain about being deaf yet they're against cochlear implantz....i just don't understand it, it seemz like an oxymoron
while i agree with mosholder that it helpz a lerge percentage, you came about that wrong.....i think your forgetting about your deaf pride a little bit, it'z great that you have a ci, and it'z great that your happy, but that don't make you better than anyone, that don't make you any less deaf......don't forget that
also, when you said just give it a chance....yes, it'z true that if you get a ci, the worse that can happen is your hearing will remain the same, even though that'z most often not the case....however, keep in mind that it'z quite a big process....your going for surgery, your actually getting your head cut open....while i felt absolutely no pain before, or after (i was able to go home the very next day) just the idea of surgery can be too much for some people.....also, you have to go for therapy for about 4 or 5 monthz to help improve your hearing and your ability to adjust to the'z not like you'll start hearing overnight you need to train yourself...that can be time consuming and if you don't have insurance to cover all of this, this can be extremely expensive.
overall, i do think having a ci changed my life altogether, and for the better, i'm glad that i got this that'z my opinion