Grendel’s Kitchen oo, ah, ee, sh, s, m
This is her audiogram showing an 80-95db HL. Im a little surprised her parents opted to give her bilateral CIs. My hearing loss was similiar to hers when I was little and I did great with HA technology of the early 1980s! FDA requires a 90db+ loss, her's is less than that in several frequencies.
Grendel’s Kitchen ABR under general anesthesia
She refers to CI as "this bionic brain implant" and "brain surgery" but a CI doesn't touch the brain whatsoever.
She also says: "although 95% of children in Li-Li’s situation receive no benefit, 5% do pick up some environment sounds like alarms, jet engines, but no vocals"
Where did she get that 95%? A 90db HL can very easily be aided as high as 20db(in 1998, my 100db HL was aided to 35db) and give you access to all the environmental sounds a CI can.(I could hear even the highs back then) Speech won't be as clear as the average CI but there very likley will be some ability to understand speech(like I did and still do) and combined with lipreading, one can score over 80%.
Children’s Hospital Cochlear Implant Evaluation 8.9.07 Li-Li’s Language Log
Since when is aiding a 90db HL to 40-50db considered "appropriate amplification" especially when she has only awareness to loud environmental sounds? I mentioned before how much benefit HAs gave me and even today I still get way more benefit than she does. I wish more gain was tried on her HAs. My audiologists over the years generally gave me near maximum gains and this is what let me hear at 25-35db in most frequencies. Back when I had analog HAs, the volume dial was simply cranked as high without feedback. This put me well into the speech banana.
This is her audiogram showing an 80-95db HL. Im a little surprised her parents opted to give her bilateral CIs. My hearing loss was similiar to hers when I was little and I did great with HA technology of the early 1980s! FDA requires a 90db+ loss, her's is less than that in several frequencies.
Grendel’s Kitchen ABR under general anesthesia
She refers to CI as "this bionic brain implant" and "brain surgery" but a CI doesn't touch the brain whatsoever.
She also says: "although 95% of children in Li-Li’s situation receive no benefit, 5% do pick up some environment sounds like alarms, jet engines, but no vocals"
Where did she get that 95%? A 90db HL can very easily be aided as high as 20db(in 1998, my 100db HL was aided to 35db) and give you access to all the environmental sounds a CI can.(I could hear even the highs back then) Speech won't be as clear as the average CI but there very likley will be some ability to understand speech(like I did and still do) and combined with lipreading, one can score over 80%.
Children’s Hospital Cochlear Implant Evaluation 8.9.07 Li-Li’s Language Log
Since when is aiding a 90db HL to 40-50db considered "appropriate amplification" especially when she has only awareness to loud environmental sounds? I mentioned before how much benefit HAs gave me and even today I still get way more benefit than she does. I wish more gain was tried on her HAs. My audiologists over the years generally gave me near maximum gains and this is what let me hear at 25-35db in most frequencies. Back when I had analog HAs, the volume dial was simply cranked as high without feedback. This put me well into the speech banana.