That article is 10 years old. Today we have stem cells that can repair organs and cure many diseases.
You never saw my reply to you here:
No we don't!!!!! Show me ANY disease that has been cured using stem cells!
I think he was trying to be funny. I really hope he has a realistic outlook on stem cell research and what it will take to make it an option for treating hearing loss.
I've been thinking about the stem cell thing and whats to say that just because I have a CI now, doesn't mean I can't get stem cells later when they are proven to work. By then, when they know how to make the cochlea hair cells to grow in the right place, size and shape, they will have also know how to repair the damage done by the electrode aray of my current implant. How I look at it is in maybe 15-20 years, I might give it a try if others have had good success.
BTW, how are they going to get the hair cells inside the cochlea? Cut a hole right? Well, I already have a hole in mine that is currently being used for the electrodes. This is a win win right? Plus, I am using my auditory nerves every day which could allow me to recover quicker if Stem Cells become an option.
I realistically expect at least 20db improvement. Phi4sius know someone who improved 25db. Hope Phi4sius can provide his "before" and "after" audiograms!
This is why ive decided to wait 5 years for stem cells instead of getting a CI now and having to wait 15-20 years. There's many other reasons for my choice.
For you, they would have to remove the CI so yea they can insert the stem cells directly in the cochlea base opening. For me, stem cells will be injected into my arm and some will migrate upwards like it did to this guy who got 25db improvement. Ill take the safe route and 25db improvmement over risky surgery to implant the stem cells that might give me 50db improvmement if im lucky or end up losing it all among other complications. Stem cells should repair the auditory nerves too!
No we don't!!!!! Show me ANY disease that has been cured using stem cells!
aprox 2007 "I serve on UCI's Stem Cell PAC. Bone marrow blastocysts best choice for hair cell regeneration. A lot of these 'well versed' doctors are not part of stem cell research centers and they wont even mention were hardly 'far' from trying this on humans already. In fact we have servicemen from Iraq regaining their hearing as quickly as 45 days from treatment.
Sighs........goes back to bed.
Soars got the point.... there is no living human with a name broadcasting the news talking about their cure....
Faire jour is right about blindness... read properly...
Few questions.... how do we obtain stem that is suitable for that person ??
Would it mean waiting lists?? Bit like transplant list??
WILL BE, not has been. BIG difference.
Might, should, hope, expect.....That is all a maybe, when we HAVE the ability to improve hearing by 100 db TODAY! I just don't get it...
Sighs........goes back to bed.
Soars got the point.... there is no living human with a name broadcasting the news talking about their cure....
Clinical trials for blindness starts in 2011. I expect to see adult clinical trials for deafness in 2011 as well.
Show me anything that can improve unaided/aided hearing by 100db. Nothing can improve hearing by 100db! The best HAs offer a gain of 75-80db max! I don't expect stem cells to improve my hearing 100db, try 20-40db.
If they have announeced a clinical trial for blindness next year, and there is one planned for deafness as well, why is there NO information about it out there except you spouting theories???
A CI can improve a 120 db loss up to 20 db. That is a gain of 100db.
That's rather misleading since those gains are along specific areas where the electrodes excite the nerves and that's with like 24 electrodes versus thousands and thousands of hearing nerves to be excited. It's not a 100 db gain across all levels of frequency inside the ear. Which is why listening to music is such a problem. Scientists continue to try and increase the number of electrodes. I believe they're working on a 240 electrode array, correct me if the number is higher elsewhere.
What stem cells would do as a goal is to restore ALL of the nerves that are damaged in the cochlea.