Someone help me out here okay.. I don't know how I feel about CI's for others but personally I will never have one (not a canidate for one anyway which is probably best) I just REALLY REALLY hate the the impression that CI's give to the hearin commmunity about Deaf/HH....It gives the impression that with some technology and a little care a kid can be almost norma.
ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGG..which means one or two things.. I am abnormal and not capable because technology hasn't quite found a way to make me hearing... or all Deaf have to be in specialized schools and not around normal people because they are different.. neither attitudes sit well with me.. and I want to know why this woman who has no idea about Deaf culture or CI's is assigned to a child with a CI...
So you that have grown up with CI's...by your parent's choice.. Does it make you feel weird to be "almost normal" or "almost hearing." do people blow off the CI and accept you without comment or is it like being HH where it will always be an issue somewhere...
feed back desired..