CI Moments


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Mar 21, 2006
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I was thinking - and Deafmama's post about her CI moment spurred me into action - I think we need a discussion topic here (maybe one of the mods would sticky it?) where we all can post our CI moments - sometimes something neat will happen to us during our days/weeks but its so small it doesn't warrant an entire new topic on its own - kind of like the one I shared on Deafmama's post about hearing my antivirus notify me of an update through the speakers of my computer - even something that simple can bring a smile to your face when you realize that "I actually HEARD that!!!" I'd never start a new topic about that itself, but I'd definitely post about it on a topic dedicated to the CI moments we have.

With so many people here with CI's, getting CI's and having children with CI's, I think its time we had a topic going where we can share the good moments we have experienced with each other!!! Lets keep this one positive...With all the negativity we see around here sometimes, it would be nice to have a "feel good" subject to visit and re-visit!! :h5:

I think that's a great idea! :)

How about if I start off with a few CI moments I had last week?

1. I'm taking private voice lessons (I've been taking them for the past 2 1/2 years) and was able to learn the melody and lyrics of a difficult vocal piece by listening. Even though I could do this with one CI, it's much easier with two. I've also found that it's easier to judge my intonation and pitch with two CIs compared to one. Soon my instructor and I will be working on a vocal piece in Italian. I can't wait! :) I'm also planning to take private lessons in piano and violin this fall. It should be exciting! :)

2. I'm currently going through my entire music collection (500+ CDs, 300+ cassettes and 100+ LPs/45s). For the first time in 11 years, I could *really* hear and enjoy many of my favorite songs. :) In some cases, what I heard literally brought tears to my eyes.

3. I continue to enjoy and marvel at the beautiful sounds of birds singing. There are several parkways near my home and in one particular area, there are always several birds chirping at once. I always love to stop here during my walk and listen for several minutes. One day, a neighbor came outside to ask if I was lost at which time I smiled and told her about my CIs. She asked several questions about my CIs and told me although she heard of CIs, she never met anyone who had one. :)
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Alex - thank you for stickying this topic!

I hope more people will share their CI moments!!!
everyday i enjoy listen to sparrows singing, tweeting, outside it just gives me relaxing when i live out of metro area where there's no traffic noise.. but sometimes the train noise bothers me.

have been implanted for over 2 years.. and still learning
A recent CI moment was when I over heard a phone converstation from about 20 feet away. I could hear the person speaking into the phone and even understand what she was saying.

I used to say that if I had normal hearing, I'd eavedrop on every converastion. I decided to tune her out to give her some privacy. I should note here that my hearing isn't normal just a lot better than it was in the past.
I was thinking - and Deafmama's post about her CI moment spurred me into action - I think we need a discussion topic here (maybe one of the mods would sticky it?) where we all can post our CI moments - sometimes something neat will happen to us during our days/weeks but its so small it doesn't warrant an entire new topic on its own - kind of like the one I shared on Deafmama's post about hearing my antivirus notify me of an update through the speakers of my computer - even something that simple can bring a smile to your face when you realize that "I actually HEARD that!!!" I'd never start a new topic about that itself, but I'd definitely post about it on a topic dedicated to the CI moments we have.

With so many people here with CI's, getting CI's and having children with CI's, I think its time we had a topic going where we can share the good moments we have experienced with each other!!! Lets keep this one positive...With all the negativity we see around here sometimes, it would be nice to have a "feel good" subject to visit and re-visit!! :h5:

My son was implanted at the age of 3. He was a late starter. He didn't really start talking until 5 and hasn't stop since.
Once when he was 8 years he was talking and talking and I just wanted quiet. So I told please could you just please be quiet for 5 minutes. He turned around said no mommey. Remember you wanted me talk you work really hard for me talk and now I have too much to tell you so I am sorry cannot be quiet remember it is what you want and want I am giving you
Alex - thank you for stickying this topic!

I hope more people will share their CI moments!!!

My daughter has always worn a hearing aide on one side and then gor implant on the other side when she was 10. One day about 2 months after being turn on she was standing at the door. She said mom what is that noise. I look and saw the birds in tree. I pointed to her and told her it is birds. She WOW mom I never heard them with me hearing aids.
Another time we are at the beach. We live California we are sun worshippers. After getting her implant, we are at beach, she said was is tha noise. I told her it was the waves. She said Oh My God that sounds so cool mom
Plus, another good reason to have this thread - is for those of us that keeps a blog about our CI journey. Maybe one day we're so busy that we just didn't blog about it and could easily come here and post those CI moments we want to share. We could look back later and see what we wrote eariler and add that to our own blogs. So this is exactly why I'm all for this thread!!! :)
Since I had the implant and I've been listening to some sounds. One is very annoying is HEATER! OMG! It drive me nut! LOL! Now I got used to it.

I love the sound of birds singing! So cute! And the crow or sea gulls are so mean and so loud! When I was babysitting, I can hear the birds from inside the house! :eek3: I was like WHOA! I am not sure what kind of birds...or it could be a squirrels. I am not sure which one that made so much noises!

Last night we went to see the fireworks...I took CI with me. It was AWESOME sound! I loved it! I smiled most of the time! The loud noise from the fireworks didn't bother me at all! I loved the sound of it!

And I love to hear the puppies whine or so soft bark! Too cute! I'll miss them when they go to a new home in few weeks!

I am not sure what else. There are too many but I didn't write it down which I should have ha!

I noticed something...when I get sick, I refused wear CI till I feel better, then go back on CI. Does it happen to you?
Since I had the implant and I've been listening to some sounds. One is very annoying is HEATER! OMG! It drive me nut! LOL! Now I got used to it.

I love the sound of birds singing! So cute! And the crow or sea gulls are so mean and so loud! When I was babysitting, I can hear the birds from inside the house! :eek3: I was like WHOA! I am not sure what kind of birds...or it could be a squirrels. I am not sure which one that made so much noises!

Last night we went to see the fireworks...I took CI with me. It was AWESOME sound! I loved it! I smiled most of the time! The loud noise from the fireworks didn't bother me at all! I loved the sound of it!

And I love to hear the puppies whine or so soft bark! Too cute! I'll miss them when they go to a new home in few weeks!

I am not sure what else. There are too many but I didn't write it down which I should have ha!

I noticed something...when I get sick, I refused wear CI till I feel better, then go back on CI. Does it happen to you?

I do that all the time... when I am sick I don't wear my CI. I wasn't in mood to hear anything.. So you are not the only one who does that.


Last Saturday I went to the park to see a friend that I haven't seen for 3 years since he was in a navy in Japan.. Well.. I could understand him when we had a lot of converstation...I didn't once say 'what?' He even told me my voice is getting a lot better. B4 when I didnt had CI, I couldn't understand him that much.. Just a little bit..
So that's one of my Ci moment.
I go back for more mapping on July 17th... I need some more louder sounds hehe.
jackiesolorzano: That's so cool that your daughter was able to hear the birds & waves!!! Awesome!
Tear-jerking type CI moment happened today - my 1 1/2 year old niece came up behind me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and said "Auntie Neece I love you." Its amazing how hearing something like that can totally make your day!!!!
That's a moment to frame....

I updated Lotte's blog today, and finally put some video on it.
Some "CI-moments" of Lotte... A bit old, but they are great.

There's video of her singing the same song (actually, 2 different songs), one after 13, and after 15 months with CI

Go here

I had a CI moment today. I was able to make out a few words in a song on the radio that I was listening today. I'm also starting to be able to know which company is adveristing which products on the radio.
I had a CI moment today. I was able to make out a few words in a song on the radio that I was listening today. I'm also starting to be able to know which company is adveristing which products on the radio.

I guess commercials can be really valuable to you. Message is repeated frequently so there's lots of opportunity to learn....
Ha ha, I'm prolly the only person in the USA who actually listens to commericals just so I can make out words.
Ashley had a moment last week. She has started to repeat a few sounds. When she hears the duck go quack quack she will say back ah ah ah. She will growl too sometimes. It is so cute. We are getting there. We go tomorrow to talk about going bilateral. Congrats to everyone on their moments.
Ha ha, I'm prolly the only person in the USA who actually listens to commericals just so I can make out words.

That's cool; tell me something.....if you know...when the radio show switches over to a commercial, is the volume increased without you doing anything?