The federal government does not recognize these unions, and under the U.S. Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA), other U.S. states are not obliged to recognize them.
Personally, I don't see that the GLTB community will have achieved equal social status until marraige is redifined to inlcude all unions that are entered into, no matter of gender. But I would applaud country wide granting of rights to civil union as the first step in that process.
In Canada, same sex marriages are recognised.
Did you know that if you entered in to a civil union, your partner is dying in a hospital room, you would not be granted the same rights as a husband/wife. The rights goes back to the partner's parents.
This is where I disagree with. Gender/sexuality should not play a role in marriage and the government has no right to interfere in this as well.
I chose other. I support gay marriage right now, but I think the best option would be to remove the word "marriage" from any government-related institutions or laws. It just confuses people and makes them believe that there is any relationship between a government-issued "marriage" certificate, and a religious (or not) "marriage" ceremony. There isn't. The "marriage" that we're fighting for right now is nothing more than a piece of paper. Call it what it is, a "civil" "union" of two people. The problem right now is that civil unions were just invented a few years ago, and have no real basis in anything. They're only recognized at the state level, and they have no legal precedents attached to them yet, making them hard to deal with. If the government isn't willing to eliminate the word "marriage" from it's vocabulary, then I say marriages for all!
A woman after my own heart!
Jillio and I been arguing the same thing for a long time and there are still people that "don't get it!"
Well I'm glad to hear it!
(The most annoying thing I ever saw was a letter to the editor in my hometown where someone was arguing against gay marriage and their argument was that "it's not like a driver's license". I just thought, "really? it's the exact same thing!!!"
Personally, I don't see that the GLTB community will have achieved equal social status until marraige is redifined to inlcude all unions that are entered into, no matter of gender. But I would applaud country wide granting of rights to civil union as the first step in that process.
I would like to see civil unions carry the same rights as marriage but would like to see marriage reserved for a man and a woman. We need a distinction in terminology I feel. But I am not hardcore against it.
My answer No! I prefer one man and one woman marriage over Gay marriage. No offend to whoever are gay marriage. That's my feel want to be marry with man not woman.