Potentially harmful fluoride levels found in some instant teas


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Apr 3, 2004
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Instant tea, one of the most popular drinks in the United States, may be a source of harmful levels of fluoride, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis report. The researchers found that some regular strength preparations contain as much as 6.5 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride, well over the 4 ppm maximum allowed in drinking water by the Environmental Protection Agency and 2.4 ppm permitted in bottled water and beverages by the Food and Drug Administration.

The discovery stemmed from the diagnostic investigation of a middle-aged woman suffering from spine pain attributed to hyper-dense bones. Testing for the cause of her symptoms revealed the patient had high levels of fluoride in her urine. She then disclosed a high consumption of iced tea—claiming to drink one to two gallons of double-strength instant tea throughout the day—which led the researchers to test for fluoride content in several brands of instant tea available on grocery store shelves.

Each of the teas was tested as a regular-strength preparation in fluoride-free water, and each contained fluoride, with amounts ranging from 1.0 to 6.5 parts per million. The study is reported in the January issue of The American Journal of Medicine.

"The tea plant is known to accumulate fluoride from the soil and water. Our study points to the need for further investigation of the fluoride content of teas," says Michael Whyte, M.D., professor of medicine, pediatrics and genetics. "We don't know how much variation there is from brand to brand and year to year."

In many communities in the United States, fluoride is added to drinking water to help prevent tooth decay. However, the Public Health Service indicates that the fluoride concentration should not exceed 1.2 ppm.

Physicians have been aware that ingestion of high levels of fluoride cause bone-forming cells to lay down extra skeletal tissue, increasing bone density but also bone brittleness. The resulting disease, called skeletal fluorosis, can manifest in bone pain, calcification of ligaments, bone spurs, fused vertebrae and difficulty in moving joints.

"When fluoride gets into your bones, it stays there for years, and there is no established treatment for skeletal fluorosis," Whyte says. "No one knows if you can fully recover from it."

Americans are exposed to fluoride not only through fluoridated water but increasingly through fluoridated toothpastes and other dental preparations. Pesticides, Teflon®-coated cookware, chewing tobacco, some wines and certain sparkling mineral waters are more unusual sources of excess exposure. Until now, instant tea had not been recognized as a significant source of fluoride.

According to Whyte, the findings could aid in the diagnosis and treatment of patients who have achiness in their bones. In the future, doctors should ask such patients about their tea consumption.

Source: http://mednews.wustl.edu/news/page/normal/4607.html

More about this: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=534&e=4&u=/ap/20050126/ap_on_he_me/tea_fluoride

Good book to pick up and read: The Fluoride Deception (I recommend this book because fluoride does affect your children and your health much more than you think...)

Good review for that book from amazon:

With the futile search for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction some Americans may just now be realizing that our government lies to us. The Fluoride Deception documents a cover-up perpetrated by a military-industrial-government complex starting in the 1930's and extending to the present day. Any person involved in the issue of fluoridation will want this excellent compendium of the history and science. The author has uncovered previously secret documents which reveal that fluoridation promotion is in the same league with "cigarette science" when it comes to distortion of science and public opinion.
After documenting all the scientific evidence for why fluoridation is a bad idea, a common response has been: "If it's so obviously bad, why do my dentist, the Surgeon General, and my toothpaste company all say it is so wonderful?" Bryson's book gives the answer. A powerful group of industries have worked behind the scenes to sell the idea of fluoridation. Their public relations campaign has been one of the most successful in history.

I long took for granted that fluoride was the reason I had much better teeth than my parents. I grew up with Crest toothpaste commercials repeating their "Look mom, no cavities!" message into my young impressionable mind ad nauseum. But not too long ago I found that rates of cavities have dropped precipitously in all industrial countries of the world over the past 50 years and most of these countries do not fluoridate their water. Countries with detailed public health records reveal the decline started before fluoride was ever added to toothpaste or water.

Bryson has uncovered secret government and industry documents showing that the aluminum, steel, atomic weapons, phosphate fertilizer, and other industries all have been aware for more than 50 years that one of the most serious and costly pollutants these industries release is airborne fluorides. The cold war obsession with building ever more nuclear weapons to win the "arms race" cemented cooperation between government and industry to promote fluoridation. The US Public Health Service during the 1940s was still a division of the Department of Commerce and its head was a top attorney for Alcoa. Bryson found meetings and letters between the military, Public Health Service, and industry where the idea of putting a shiny public relations image on fluoride by adding it to water first surfaced.

With today's increasing revelations about drug industry manipulation of science and government campaigns of deception, maybe the time is ripe for Bryson's book. Some people won't be willing to believe that their own dentist may have been duped. They won't feel comfortable reading this book. But for everyone curious enough to glimpse into the dark side of science manipulated for profit, this book is for them.

For environmentalists this book is as essential reading as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.

For dentists and public health officials ... gather up your courage and read this book.

By Follow the Money (Massachusetts USA).
Interesting, I didn't know that you created a thread until I found your thread thru google for link at other thread today... :eek3:
Glad to see this

Glad to see a doctor pursing the truth instead of only
injesting the propaganda sent out by the AMA and the

I have been researching alternative therapies for over
10 years if you have any questions just ask.
Hmmmm....the woman admitted to drinking 1-2 gallons of double strength tea daily. That would be the equivilent of 2-4 gallons. Kind of excessive, don't you think? Anything in excess can be harmful. I wonder if there was valid reason that she didn't follow the directions when mixing the tea, and felt that it was okay to use twice as much?
We don't have fluoridation of drinking water here in Germany. They are strict forbidden.

Fluoride are add in kind of salt and brushpastes.

The article is tellin' the truth. I am aware of fluoride is bad news. It may harm to people's health overall.

I learned about this several years ago. Just like I said in another thread that our country is murdered by our government. It's what the government put " poison " in for all American citizens to consume. The American citizens are not aware of it unless, someone tell them about it. They have 2 choices : Believe him/or her who warns about it or government.

Not only just that fluoride is bad for everyone... but, obesity, too. I've seen " obesity " is growin' at alarmin' rate. Epidemic : Diabetes & high blood pressure.
Cobalt is another baddy!

Flouride is toxic for alot of reasons. But here is one you
may not know.


More than 50 years ago the FDA banned Cobalt for use as
a food coloring. The reason was that it was found to
damage the heart!

In Scottland (if I remember correctly) in a small town
all of a sudden several men dropped dead from the
same kinds of heart attack. It was traced back to
a pub that was adding Cobalt to the beer to make
the frothy heads stay longer in the glass.

But what color is your mouth wash? Your toothpaste?
How about candy you give your children to eat?

The law says it can not be added to food. But it can
be added to an ingrediant that is not classified as a
food. Mouth wash is not a food. Sneaky!

I never eat or drink, or use anything with FDA Blue
color. Even in shampoo it can be absorbed through
Flouride is toxic for alot of reasons. But here is one you
may not know.


More than 50 years ago the FDA banned Cobalt for use as
a food coloring. The reason was that it was found to
damage the heart!

In Scottland (if I remember correctly) in a small town
all of a sudden several men dropped dead from the
same kinds of heart attack. It was traced back to
a pub that was adding Cobalt to the beer to make
the frothy heads stay longer in the glass.

But what color is your mouth wash? Your toothpaste?
How about candy you give your children to eat?

The law says it can not be added to food. But it can
be added to an ingrediant that is not classified as a
food. Mouth wash is not a food. Sneaky!

I never eat or drink, or use anything with FDA Blue
color. Even in shampoo it can be absorbed through

Do you have a link for it ? I would like to read. :)
I wonder why our country ( USA ) is bein' poisoned by the government ? I know the fluoride is toxic and bad for people's health - why is it necessary to have fluoride ?

I believe the vaccinate shots are toxic, too. :ugh:
another link

Food Dyes: Some Health Effects

However I did find that it is the "cobalt salts" that are the most
harmful. The above list gives information on toxic effects of
all artificial colors. Cobalt is a necessary mineral and without
it we can become anemic, however as with many things when
the chemists get ahold of it and begin to tinker, well, odd
things can happen.

With all the things one has to avoid you would think I
could lose weignt!:fingersx:

Here is another link

Cobalt (UK PID)
say no to some vacinations

My last 3 children have not had any vacinations and intrestingly
enough they are the ones of the 7 that have no serious
health problems.

If you feel you must get your child vacinated at least find
a doctor who can order the kind that does not contain
mercury and antifreeze. Yes the same stuff that your pets
can lick up off the garage floor and die from is what is put
in your childs vacinations. No level of these chemicals is
safe no matter what the FDA says!

Vaccine Ingredients
I am very aware of vaccinations that are poisonous. I have a link that tells everythin' about vaccinate shots. It is in my other computer that I bookmarked a link. I will change my computer to my other computer to get a link from the bookmark and pasted it here. :)

Thanks for the links. I hope some ADers will read this.
MomInLaw Quotes

everything is bad for us, period. :eek3:

My mother inlaw says, "Its a great life if you don't weaken!" I love that
woman. She also says, "Live Fast, Die Hard, and leave a good looking corps!":eek3::giggle:
I am very aware of vaccinations that are poisonous. I have a link that tells everythin' about vaccinate shots. It is in my other computer that I bookmarked a link. I will change my computer to my other computer to get a link from the bookmark and pasted it here. :)

Thanks for the links. I hope some ADers will read this.

Ok, I just hooked up my old computer and got a link from my computer's bookmarks. Here's a link :

Vaccination Liberation Home Page

Enjoy readin' ! :)