Your future...from a toilet. Ketchup please!


New Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Watch it from beginning to end.....and be sure to flush your toilet, too, when you're done.

But still - not for me. I am so ready to give up on all meat.
Think about it. This whole idea is completely recyclable. You eat. You poop. They collect it. Turn it into meat. You eat your own poop/meat. Repeat the cycle. An endless personal food supply?

Now, how does the kitty litter work in this situation?

Think about it. This whole idea is completely recyclable. You eat. You poop. They collect it. Turn it into meat. You eat your own poop/meat. Repeat the cycle. An endless personal food supply?

Now, how does the kitty litter work in this situation?


Not as endless as you make it out to be.
Think of it as the Donner Party...only don't get to eat your friends.
You have got to be kidding. Disgusting. I am declaring a NR on this! :barf:
It can if you knew it was recycled :giggle:

You'd be surprised how much better you feel just by eating more greens and veggies and cutting out meat. More energized.

I was eating lots of meat and proteins. I still had my 6 to 7 hours of sleep every day. Believe me, I worked out for 27 years loaded with energy flipping 400, 600 and 800lb tires and hitting the gym. Now, I hike. Beef jerky, P-jelly sandwiches and GORP. And still get to see the sights.