What did you learn today?

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posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
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We all learn something new on a daily basis.. What did you learn today?
I learned about ASL classifiers in class today.
Didn't learn enough so I'll come back tomorrow. :lol:
I am trying to re-learn how to write a essay.

Gods this is FUCKING hard!!!!
I learned that ANY footlong Sub at the Subway is better than slaving all evening in the kitchen cooking, and my boys like Subway better....
I learned that bachelor degree requirements are not in effect for my certification yet. :)
Julie, check out: owl.english.purdue.edu for lots and lots of writing tips. LMK if you need some extra help.

As for me? today I learned that I really dislike being called "hearing impaired."
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 1.1; en-us; dream) AppleWebKit/525.10+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.4 Mobile Safari/523.12.2)

I learned about forgiveness and friendship smile
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I learned that "deaf services" will still make you jump through hoops
UGH, I have to write an International Relations essay. Why can't these professors just give tests like normal people? I swear, when does any normal people ask for anything in essay form outside of college?

I learned that I understand IR but I hate writing stupid essays!!

Well, outside of college, you probably won't be writing a whole lot of essays per se, but you will always write, whether its in email to friends or writing a report for your boss. Writing is just a fact of life. Essays should, ideally, train you to express your thoughts in a written medium. You're not exactly just "writing an essay" but trying to show the professor how well you understand the subject matter. Command of language is the key to writing a good essay or, really, conveying any information effectively through writing. There are a lot of top business exec. people who got their degrees in English. They rose to the top not through their knowledge of stocks or financial principles, but because they had a rhetorical edge over their colleagues as a result of writing so many analytical essays in college.

I know essays aren't fun, believe me. I'm one of those meanies who assigns them, but I always know who the smart people are in class after reading just one of their essays.
UGH, I have to write an International Relations essay. Why can't these professors just give tests like normal people? I swear, when does any normal people ask for anything in essay form outside of college?

I learned that I understand IR but I hate writing stupid essays!!
A multiple choice test? Too easy and doesn't show that you really understand the subject.
A multiple choice test? Too easy and doesn't show that you really understand the subject.

yes I admit that most multiple choice tests are too easy. But that isn't always true. I have also taken tests where I had to write out my answer. But even then that is not a formal essay.
a French word which has two meanings that I didn't know of... one being masculine and the other feminine.... I knew they existed, thought it meant the same. The dictionary taught me differently today, though they are both pretty similar...

Does that make sense? :giggle:
I learned how to say many new words in asl that I didn't know and I learned that it is okay to spell words that I don't know.
what did you learn today, PFH?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) 320x320; XV6900; Window Mobile 6.1 Professional;)

Relationships really matter regardless of the severity of circumstances

...and dogs WILL find a way to outsmart you! :shock:
i learn that pfh created the thread called "what did you learn today?".
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