AllDeaf Forum Etiquette


Active Member
Oct 5, 2008
Reaction score
Let me first say this is addressed to everyone who participates in the AD forum. However not every statement is directed at each of you. I posted this on TD's forum as well and I think it just helps as a little reminder the things that are alright and not alright. I have received pm's and emails about certain subjects, things people do in the forum and I am thinking that this might clear this up a little for some people. So with that being said, take this as something that will help this site to be better for many many years to come.



Be civil. No personal attacks. Do not feel compelled to defend your honor in public. Posts containing personal attacks may be removed and you may get an email from any of the moderators, it is possible to have conversations where you do not lash out on each other :)

Stay on topic. The AD forum is a busy place and it is very easy to get side tracked in a conversation, so please pay attention to the topic of your messages, and check that it still relates to the charter of the forum to which you are posting. Please take Off-topic discussions to email or IM or VP. This is probably the biggest complaint I get from people on this site.

Be kind to newcomers. Newcomers may be annoying. They ask the wrong questions, including ones that seem obvious (or whose answers seem easy to find). But lots of valued contributors started out this way, and treating newcomers kindly makes them more likely to turn into the valuable community members we all know and love (and cut some slack when they mess up). So while you don't have to humor them or suffer them gladly, and it's fine to point out when they make mistakes, point newcomers in the right direction in addition to turning them away from the wrong ones, and be kind to them in the process of correcting their transgressions.

Let sleeping dogs lie. It's tempting to revisit controversial decisions you disagree with, but it's rarely productive to do so, since it almost always results in the same heated, lengthy, and time/energy draining discussions leading to the same conclusion that was reached in the last round. Therefore, for issues already raised, discussed, and decided upon, reopen the discussion only if you have significant new information that would reasonably prompt reconsideration of the original decision.

Ignore spammers/scammers. Spam is all over the net and so are scammers. Nobody likes it. However, it is hard to avoid. Despite our best efforts, you will occasionally see spam and most certainly will see a scammer on AD. Please just ignore them and their emails and report them to myself, or any of the other mods (you all do a great job of this btw.) Complaining about spam in public increases noise, but not signal. It may make you feel better, but it doesn't help.

Trim your follow-ups. Do not quote the entire content of the message to which you are replying. Include only as much as is necessary for context. Remember that if someone wants to read the original message, they can; it is easily accessible. A good rule of thumb is, don't include more quoted text than new text. There is always a need for some trimming - either a salutation, a signature, some blank lines or whatever. If you are doing no trimming whatsoever of the quoted text, then you aren't trimming enough.

Leave grudges alone. It is very common here on AD where I see members who have issues from the past with another member or even in the present time. The cool thing about being online is YOU CAN IGNORE them. If you do not like something that someone is posting its easy, don't read it or reply. If you do not like someone do not make it known to the whole site. Leave it alone and the person you have issues with.

Thanks everyone and I hope this clears up some things for people. So if you say "I WAS NEVER TOLD THAT!" well now you have been lol :giggle:
I've been a follower of such pledges for quite some time. This is the most basic of basic forum etiquette, not just AD but everywhere across the boards.
I've been a follower of such pledges for quite some time. This is the most basic of basic forum etiquette, not just AD but everywhere across the board.

Odd how some people have issues following such a basic outline sometimes though, lol :)
Etiquette - the AD version

Etiquette - the condensed version

Today, we are going to take a stroll around the neighborhood..
If you want a shortened version of this post, cliff notes that cover it, just go back up to candybrowneye's post, it's short enough for you to follow. However if you want the AD version which has more details without the "exact details", you can continue here.

"Little by little we human beings are confronted with situations that give us more and more clues that we aren't perfect."
- The one and only Mr. Fred Rogers (Of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood) ;)

Not everyone is perfect. We all have heard that. If you were perfect you probably wouldn't even be on this board, you'd be put into a cryogenic lab somewhere frozen for the research of some scientists to use your perfected genes and DNA structures for the rest of the world.

Friends and kids, come gather 'round because it's time for another storytale. Our topic today revolves around people. You, me, the guy standing over there, the lurker on floor 51 apartment reading right now, Missus what's-her-name heating up a pizza in the microwave and will come sit back to post in the "Does AD make you hungry?" topic, and the old guy reading up on medicare/medicaid.

I'm aware this will look like a giant wall'o'text, so I've done the favor of breaking it down by topic.

A lot of old ADers are gone... Have you ever stopped to think why? No, I'm not talking about those that post under 100, I'm talking those who post over the thousands.

Let's get started.

Arguing over a general issues, disagreements, language differences:
“I argue very well. Ask any of my remaining friends. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me.
- Dave Barry, comedian

  • Arguments are bound to exist. That's what keeps any forum alive. General opinions and corrections aren't my concern here - read on.
  • The type of argument I'm referring to here are attacking arguments that don't follow the original post or opinion. You'll know the difference when you understand that the momentum of the swing shifts onto other "errs" that the user has done in the past or is guilty of doing so. If you can't focus on the current issue at bay, try to avoid using fallacies, hominems, or personal threats to have it your way. You may feel you have the upper hand against your opponent, but to some others it puts you in the spotlight for questioning "Whoa, check this person out. I better tippytoe around them for my own good"
  • Everyone on the internet generally wants to "have it their own way", not your way. Don't push someone if they don't want to go in that direction. It's also dubbed "thought rape" in the idea that you go against their will.
  • If you have a personal problem with that particular member, see if you can resolve it in PM. If you're trying to gain some kind of respect or become a dominating power figure publicly, it would be recommended advice to you to avoid doing that, because there isn't much to gain from it.
  • Respect on the internet is often short term, and it is rare to find true loyalty among people. If you do discover to find a friend like that, you should consider yourself lucky. Possibly over half the net or a good majority of people are just here for passing their time, not look around to get corrected.
  • Did you know that even though you don't agree about what Bush or Obama, or what your ex-roomie did, or if your divorce was right or not, you can still find agreements in other posts? I've seen it countless times that you guys have found agreements in other means. Why did a particular thing have to be worth more than the other, if it's not so controversial?
  • Remember, if you want someone to talk to, unless you're a lurker like me or others, you need to give others a little legroom to explain and just silently understand the fact that they don't think as far as you do.
  • Language and country difference: Different countries have different forms of understanding grammar, idioms and phrases. Please don't rant on another's inability to comprehend. Atleast they're speaking in English, would you want to try speaking in their language for a change?

Prospective Newcomers and Retirees
“Gratitude preserves old friendships, and procures new.”
- Unknown

Do you like getting to know new people? Going for a new experience? Or do you prefer only talking to the same buddies over and over?

  • If it's possible, that there's a little fishy thing about someone, try avoiding spoiling the details for everyone. If you have a really good friend you are dying to tell them about the thing you're about to say about that poster,take it to PM to inform your them of what you think.
  • Others will eventually find out soon enough for themselves without your assistance; people's true colors will always show eventually one time or another. It's the way the world revolves.
  • People have hidden agendas for leaving.
  • Some do for personal other reasons, and if they didn't tell you then "you weren't apart of the solution, you were part of the preciptate."™
  • Others are gone for administrative reasons, unless you understand the risks you are taking, stay out the yellow tape.
  • Let's try to avoid bashing on a newcomer on the face unless you're absolutely sure they're here to cause trouble. Some people just don't have the level of thinking that Socrates and Plato have, yeah? When we say the word "The World", or "America", we assume everyone, not just a majority and exclude the rest, I'm sure.
  • "Thick Skin" - Would you really want to have just thick skinned people around to talk to? How on earth could you come to an agreement with another "thick skinner" if you both don't see eye to eye? Agreeing to disagree doesn't work here after you reach a certain vertex of that argument, obviously.

Cyber information infrastructure warfare & "guerilla factions" + mobilization units
"The guerrilla fighter needs full help from the people of the area. This is an indispensable condition."
- Ernesto Che Guevara

What I've been noticing is that we have bands of individuals who will stand up and represent another in that group "for the honor" of preserving their namesakes. This doesn't pertain to trolling topics where a troll stands up against the AD calvary, but much rather on-topic issues where something like for say the atheists pop out and call out on the Christians and Catholics, or vice versa. That is what I am referring to as "Guerrila warfare".
  • Unless someone has slandered the name of another, banding up and ganging on others actually doesn't make them look that bad. Actually, it makes you visible to everyone else to see where you stand.
  • It is then easy to discover who's who, who do they follow, if it is even worth posting or reading their ideas.
  • Your ideas are not genuine when you post in the support of banded groups. - Famous words of the internet: "It's not the quantity of the post that counts, it's the quality that counts."
  • It's just like an angry lynch mob. People are together as one, not separate individuals.
  • Be your own man. You don't need support of others to help you explain your point. You're perfectly capable of doing it yourself. If you need another to do it for you, you might as well try not to post..

Medical and mental health issues, suggestions and debates
“You must always be puzzled by mental illness. The thing I would dread most, if I became mentally ill, would be your adopting a common sense attitude; that you could take it for granted that I was deluded.”
- Ludwig Wittgenstein

Health and mental issues generally plague all of us. But not all of us experience the same issues as another does.

  • Some don't want to hear of other's metal and health problems out of respect, personalities, or various reasons.
  • Remember that when you post about a health issue pertaining to yourself that is seeking advice, that's always considered genuine.
  • But if done for the point of just trying to receive unconditional sympathy over and over, it degrades and wards away the "forum spirit".
  • It would be advised that for broad topics, avoid getting into health issues pertaining to yourself, because what if some people don't want to reply out of respect?
  • Face it, some people don't really want to listen to how another will cope, or don't care how they will do so. "This isn't a soap box for your health problems." That's just how the world works.
  • This applies to the lounge topic as well, think of a room where a bunch of AD'ers are sitting on sofas talking and signing with each other. Stop and think for a second, would they really want to hear that you have macular nerve degeneration inside your head?

Religious Scriptures
"For I tesify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
- Revelations 22:18-19
(This is for the religious people. The guy above will do his own job for those who don't believe, try avoid to taking too much of the matter into your own hands.)

Ok, really hot criteria. Making this really simple:
  • If you don't want to see religious text or scriptures across the board, please refrain from directly making a statement or opinion about them unless you are fully capable of understanding what you are saying. There is a saying that goes, look both ways before you cross the road.
  • If you really have that much issues against the religion and bible, why not go argue to the church organizations that produce them? Arguing against a servant of the guy above who isn't apart of the biblical production process, isn't going to change anything, really.
  • As for those who speak of religion and continue to "preach it", don't worry about it. A moderator will take care of the posts or topics that dig deep into it. It's not your concern.
  • Religion forum was closed TWICE by the administration. How come? Gets heated quickly. There will be people who don't want to agree. With all the other bickering over other issues, do you really think the religion forum should open now?
Here are a few known ones to get you started, if you are on the road to correcting incorrectness in the bible:
Living Stream Ministry - Publisher of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee
Communion with God Ministries: Free Christian Books, Hearing God's Voice, Dream Interpretation, Parenting, Five-Fold Ministry, Counseling, Wealth, etc.
Desiring God :: God-centered resources from the ministry of John Piper

Private Messages
"Help keep alldeaf free by making a donation."
- Some higher upper guy

Some of you may decide to say, Oh, I have no ROOM for PM, I only can hold this, this and that?
Well, if you like AD that much that you're getting your free stay's worth, why not consider to donate a few bucks to upgrade your PM box to 1000? Not only that, you're helping out the administrator in paying fees for the dedicated website hosting.
If you're also getting popular: Don't you think it's time you expand your workspace a little more?

If you are over 3,000 posts or something along to that count, it is most certain you've gotten a good share of your free stay here, why not show your AD patriotism by giving back? You'll get a good bonus with the VIP option! :)

• The link to donate to AD is here:

Remember, AD's free, but think of all the content that is on here. It's completely available without public restriction, aside from other people's PM boxes. Don'tcha think whatever computer that is holding all the information, is a bit packed up? Helping them [the admins] out in any form would be nice!

Epilogue and further comments
If feel you still have a general problem with the authority decisions, you can refer to my other post, here, which will get attention of all the moderators:

This space is also reserved for any future edits or addendum to-be or to-do's.
I will be the first to admit. I am guilty of some of those things.

Thanks for the heads up.
I find it a little...........contradictory.

And that is all I am going to say. :)
Etiquette - the condensed version

Religious Scriptures
"For I tesify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
- Revelations 22:18-19
(This is for the religious people. The guy above will do his own job for those who don't believe, try avoid to taking too much of the matter into your own hands.)

Ok, really hot criteria. Making this really simple:
  • If you don't want to see religious text or scriptures across the board, please refrain from directly making a statement or opinion about them unless you are fully capable of understanding what you are saying. There is a saying that goes, look both ways before you cross the road.
  • If you really have that much issues against the religion and bible, why not go argue to the church organizations that produce them? Arguing against a servant of the guy above who isn't apart of the biblical production process, isn't going to change anything, really.
  • As for those who speak of religion and continue to "preach it", don't worry about it. A moderator will take care of the posts or topics that dig deep into it. It's not your concern.
  • Religion forum was closed TWICE by the administration. How come? Gets heated quickly. There will be people who don't want to agree. With all the other bickering over other issues, do you really think the religion forum should open now?
Here are a few known ones to get you started, if you are on the road to correcting incorrectness in the bible:
Living Stream Ministry - Publisher of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee
Communion with God Ministries: Free Christian Books, Hearing God's Voice, Dream Interpretation, Parenting, Five-Fold Ministry, Counseling, Wealth, etc.
Desiring God :: God-centered resources from the ministry of John Piper

Followed your direction for cutting down quotes, CBE, but looks like you will need to lock your own thread due to religious posting. :(
Lot of good information here, thanks. I have tried to abide by these sorts of rules as well. I don't always succeed, but I try. :)
quick question... CBE.

If for instances, Two people get into a debate. Will they be allowed to debate it out?

Or do we just have to automatically agree to disagree??

Because it does seem like a lot of people on AD get upset when a person does not agree with their way of thinking.

A lot of times it is posting what they feel. It is not directly towards the opposing poster.
quick question... CBE.

If for instances, Two people get into a debate. Will they be allowed to debate it out?

Or do we just have to automatically agree to disagree??

Because it does seem like a lot of people on AD get upset when a person does not agree with their way of thinking.

A lot of times it is posting what they feel. It is not directly towards the opposing poster.

And that becomes a problem as they are "personalizing" the debate. Anytime I debate with individuals on AD--I keep the "feelings" out of it.
quick question... CBE.

If for instances, Two people get into a debate. Will they be allowed to debate it out?

Or do we just have to automatically agree to disagree??

Because it does seem like a lot of people on AD get upset when a person does not agree with their way of thinking.

A lot of times it is posting what they feel. It is not directly towards the opposing poster.

Good question, Bablyblue. The only way we learn and broaden our horizons is through being exposed to that which is different. If my students have an opposite view from me, I only ask that they support it logically and with evidence. If they can do so, I concede that their point is valid. However, I also ask the same from them. It is called a learning experience.
And that becomes a problem as they are "personalizing" the debate. Anytime I debate with individuals on AD--I keep the "feelings" out of it.

Let me rephrase "posting how they feel" I meant by the Issue... not the opposing party.
What about hammering the person with the opposing views with questions even it gets them upset?
Good question, Bablyblue. The only way we learn and broaden our horizons is through being exposed to that which is different. If my students have an opposite view from me, I only ask that they support it logically and with evidence. If they can do so, I concede that their point is valid. However, I also ask the same from them. It is called a learning experience.

Well said.
Stop and think for a second, would they really want to hear that you have macular nerve degeneration inside your head?

Please don't tell me this is actually written in the official AD guidelines???