From the first of november ...

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Nov 20, 2006
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...some of you may or may not remember, that I have created a thread in regards of my llifestyle and what has been happening. The big JClarke, who has been around for two years, is retiring from AD.

Yes, you heard it, Jacob's retiting from AD, but it is not for the reason becuase I would be bad person, sometimes I think I am, sometimes I am not. But I have a huge commitments outside AD and such. Which sometimes distracts me to AD, I know I have made great friends, but unfortunately, from 2009, I have a job and university I have to study, which will be more than I would get to what I am at the community college.

I would like to thank you for having me here, I have made good, bad and netrual posts around the forum and such.

If anyone intends to offer me to help moderating the forum, I have to turn it down, I'm sorry. I know I have contributed much to you all AD'ers.

But I am always nearby the AIM, if you want a chat or two though.

Its time for me to go.

...Jclarke over and out, from 1st November 2008
You'll be back, I know it. If you don't return, then I'll know. ;)
It'll be sad to see you go...

I bet Jake will be back before Xmas or NYE ;D
Yeah, you'll be back before you know it.
I think you'll be back if not good luck.
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I know you can´t live without us... :P

Important to consider your time... come to visit AD when you have spare time...
If Jacob doesn't come back soon, I am sending David over there to make him to come on AllDeaf. :P :)

Jacob, come back whenever you get the chance. You know you will be greatly missed by many including me.
I'll make sure Kevin Rudd makes a new law:

"Jacob N Clarke must visit AllDeaf on a regular basis. If he fails to obey this law, he will be facing virtual imprisonment for a period of 500 years."
Hit a rut? It's only temporary - throw some dirt on it and move on. You'll definitely find some chump time to throw in a message or two. Hell, I'm not always here, but I manage to make time to annoy others on this forum! LOL You'll be back!
It is sad to see you go. I understand your commitments, and I do wish you well..:) But, I still hope you will stop by. You will be missed.
You'll be back. :)
I hope that you would be back some days if you have free time.
Jacob, good luck with your future whenever you have a chance to grab the golden opportunities. Dont stop and keep going on. Whenever you feel ready to return to AD, you will be still always welcome to return, Jacob. Of course, i'll miss you in here for being a fella who enjoys the conversations via this. Aye, i'll holla you in sometime :]

Im glad that you're my friend, Jacob. Thank you.

psst...i'll catch up with you :]
I admire your responsibility in attending to your priorities, but surely you will find a minute or two in the future to stop by and say "Hi." I wish you all the luck in your pursuits. I have truly enjoyed getting to know you.:wave:
I understand and good luck with your future. Come back and visit us sometime. :)

Take care and enjoy the adventure.
Good luck... Hope see you here sometimez :D
Aw, Jake... I sure will miss you. :(

Hope to see you around in the near future, if you are available to drop by and say a big hello! :)

Farewell :wave:
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