anybody hate the hearies in school?


New Member
Jul 29, 2008
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dont really want to make it a hearie bash thread but being more deaf proud now im realizing im starting to hate alot of hearies that are ignorant of deaf culture its high school all over again, where deaf and hoh of kids would be messed with just cuz there deaf or one kid (which I happened to be involved in the little scuffle hes a hearie sat next to a deaf girl in the cafeteria and started to berate her on the deafness (first of all your a moron she cant hear you) then what set me off was he took one of her aids off and started laughing so I did something really good but very very stupid I stabbed him in the back of the neck with a fork, felt good at the time but detention blew, another I hit with a chair... anyhoos what im trying to say is anyone else have similar experience in high school, middle school, bullying etc I know you did or moms, dads who knows there kid was bullied

and what can we do to stop it, even though bullying will persist no matter what happens I know jillio can come up with something :cool2:
damn Babyface... well you know that I don't condone such violence especially in your situation... even though I'm a staunch gun rights supporter (I said this because I know Jillio is going to harp on me with that :cool2:) but that's different. anyway I'm actually surprised that you actually ended up with detention instead of "assault with deadly weapon" since you stabbed his neck with a fork but I guess it's just a dull weak plastic fork.

Like Jillio always said - "using violence to stop the violence" isn't exactly a great way to deal with this bullshit. Further violence to defend yourself or to defend her will only encourages the bully to provoke you even more because it's entertainment for everybody and he takes pleasure on it. He wants everybody to laugh with him at your expense. Since violence and bullying are all he knows the best - you cannot win against him with the same thing. no matter what. You'll have to use a different tactic to beat him - which is... your smart wit - something that he doesn't have in his empty brain.

I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't use violence when I got picked on at school because of my HOH status. I win some, I lose some. But I won in the end for good without using any violence. Because of my wit, he was later shunned by the crowd whenever he picked on me because they thought it's not so funny anymore after all. so of course - there was no incentive for him to continue picking on me since nobody's laughing with him.

Doing this alone is pretty hard. very fucking hard especially at high school. This usually works better if you have a friend who is also friend with other friends - not just an exclusive friend only for you. I know high school is that superficial and it's how it is - no doubt. Being with a certain group/people matters. I don't know how you are at school in terms of "social status" but I'll just say it. Don't be viewed as an outcast, weirdo (or a white supremacist :cool2:), etc. Be likable and understanding. get involved in club or sport. Let them get to know you. Don't express your view strongly. Save it for college - they're more open minded.

I cannot give you some kind of instruction guide on "smart wit" but the best I can tell you is to try to use your wit to defuse the situation. Always laugh at HIS expense. For ie - the bully's making fun of you like this - "you homo fag!" and you go - "where were you yesterday? why didn't you come home?" and then of course he'd be :ugh: and leave you alone. Obviously - people would laugh at him. Well I hope that zing would works out like that - depending on the flow, right timing, body language, etc. :cool2:

More importantly - be likable for other people. It's small but it's a start. It'll grow into bigger thing pretty fast because your friend will introduce you to another friend and so on. Your tree branches will grow. I know it sounds superficial but hey - don't you think it's better to live your short high school life with pleasant memories instead of frustrations and fighting? In a good way - it's a good practice to socialize with various type of people before you go to college. Life in college is better. much better. people are real, intelligent, and open-minded.

painfully long post I know. i ramble like an old fart but i hope it helps :cool2:
Babyface, Have you even watch a movie "She's all that" Her real name is Rachael. Her brother Simon was hoh with HA. The 2 gangs boys were bully on Simon. The red hair pulled his hair from dick area and put on pizza to trick on Simon and Fred Jr busted on red hair boy. He dare to red hair and gang boys to eat his own pizza with hairs on topping to hollow it. Everyone laughed at them. Fred told them to learned their lesson and tell to his dude friend Simon apology and don't mess around with him again. It made me laugh. I love this movie. I have my own dvd. :)

Did you get into trouble for stab a folk to boy's neck and back? Tsk tsk on you!

Some hearing people are kind of mean in schools, but because they haven't been taught about how to care about people. It gets better when you get older. I know I couldn't handle school when I was younger, my mom ended up home schooling my sister and me to shelter me from that. In a way I am glad because I got to skip all the peer pressure and pressures from wearing hearing aids. For some reason, the other kids though because I had a disability (blessing in disguise) I am dumb.
My experience wasn't in a school. It was the neighborhood bully.

She was a black girl that literally got away with murder. She would help herself to anyone's toys, back talk to parents, etc. Parents would complain to her parents but they would do nothing.

Anyway I was outside playing when she came over. Next thing I know was that she was touching my hearing aids which is a big 'no-no' in the Deaf culture.

I said, "What are you doing? Don't touch them!"

She said, " I can touch anything I want!"

" No you can't."

"Yes I can!"

Well this went back and forth for 5 minutes of "Yes I can" , " No you can't"
With both of us yelling a little louder than the other. It was not until a neighbor who was not related to us that came over to ask us what was going on.

I explained my side and she explained her side with the neighbor telling us to go to our homes.

As we were departing, she said, "I can touch anything I want."

I turned and looked at her and said, "No you can't you Aunt Jemima!" :lol: (I know that was bad!)

It was years later that I accidentally bumped into her again. Guess what? She ended up having a deaf child.
My experience wasn't in a school. It was the neighborhood bully.

She was a black girl that literally got away with murder. She would help herself to anyone's toys, back talk to parents, etc. Parents would complain to her parents but they would do nothing.

Anyway I was outside playing when she came over. Next thing I know was that she was touching my hearing aids which is a big 'no-no' in the Deaf culture.

I said, "What are you doing? Don't touch them!"

She said, " I can touch anything I want!"

" No you can't."

"Yes I can!"

Well this went back and forth for 5 minutes of "Yes I can" , " No you can't"
With both of us yelling a little louder than the other. It was not until a neighbor who was not related to us that came over to ask us what was going on.

I explained my side and she explained her side with the neighbor telling us to go to our homes.

As we were departing, she said, "I can touch anything I want."

I turned and looked at her and said, "No you can't you Aunt Jemima!" :lol: (I know that was bad!)

It was years later that I accidentally bumped into her again. Guess what? She ended up having a deaf child.

Ah, poetic justice.

To Babyface:
As much as I can understand and empathize with your anger (and yes, anger over this situation is very justified), you can't use that anger to strike back in a violent way. It only makes you look bad, and gives the bully more reason to bully. The attitude is "See, I told you those deaf people were animals!"

If this person actually took this girl's hearing aid, he could have been charged in juvenile court with battery. Technically, any time another person touches you with the intent of intimidating, the charge of battery can be filed, whether they actually hit you or not.

Perhaps a better way to handle it would have been to take the young woman by the hand and excort her to the principal's office and report the incident. If the prinicpal was not willing to address the situation, and sometimes they aren't, unfortunately, demand that the police be called, and file a written report. Send a copy of the written report to the superintendent's office, and to the State Board of Education.

I admire your willingness to stand up for this girl when you saw her being treated this way. It shows that you have a good heart, and that you are not willing to accept injustice even when it doesn't directly affect you. Take those qualities and redirect them toward activities that will get results without putting yourself in the position of possibly having assault charges filed against you. Speak out. Write letters to the local newspaper about the incident. Approach the counselor about planning an assembly for students on disability awareness and bullying. Intervene in these situations when you see them, but do it in a way that does not cause trouble for you.

To Jiro:

You really need to stop obsessing over me.
i don't hate hearies in school
i just leave them alone as they leave me alone but i get along with them with no problems.
but i don't get along with a boy who is Deaf himself he hates me and i hate him as well scoffs guess he is jealous of me well too bad.
Primary School (grade 1-6) was the worst time of my life. I went to school hearing people, there are no other deaf kids on the island, just me by my bad self.I was the outcast, everyone picked on me, teased and mocked me about the way I talk. My speech wasn't soo good then. When kids talk to me the talk to me mockingly, it hurt my feeling and some days i would cry until I become pig skinned (5th & 6th grades) and was like "phuck U" . They find any reason to bother me, even if they were feeling bad about themselves.

The adults were very ignorant esp the teachers. I'm deaf, they thinking yelling and over exaggerating lip movements will help me understand better, lol, i was just thinking, "bey, these ppl look soo retarded". Yeah i had my own jokes by myself that will make me feel better (personal thearpy:)).

I went to a private all age school in junior high. The kids were snobs at first, then eventually some of them began to understand my situation and grew out of their childish ways. Same in senior high (public school), even tho they are used to me they get beside themselves to abuse me when they are feeling badly about themselves or simply want to show off:roll:.

I can't recall on my fingers & toes,how many fights i've been in trying to defend myself. I've got few scars, physical and emotional. The most memorable was in 11th grade...throwing a fellow classmate in the trash bin because all of sudden he decided to show off and call me a deaf bytch & pulled my hair!!
I got made fun of because I had to wear hearing aids and I talk funny. I had hated all hearies when I went to school,but I forgave them and went on with my life.
I went to school hearing people, there are no other deaf kids on the island, just me by my bad self

aint that the truth

to jillio yeah that might work, however he didnt mess with deaf kids anymore while I was around cuz he knew id come fist swinging anyhoos whose next
pinky- i never see the movie need to watch it the only hard of hearing/deaf film ive watched was children of a lesser god wonder if there are anymore films?
jiro-aunt jemima dang you now I want some pancakes with mrs buttersworth syrup
jillio again- we all obsess over you hehe :giggle:

violence sometimes does work example ww2

I guess what set me off was the unwrritten rule never ever ever can a hearie touch or even dare take off a deaf person hearing aid unless you mom or dad or doctor
See, this is why I am not a strong supporter of deaf children being mainstreamed as the only deaf kid at school.

I am a strong supporter of exposing all children to Deaf culture so they can feel better about themselves but unfortunately, most mainstreamed program staff are very uneducated about meeting deaf children's needs especially on the socio/emotional scale.

A boy almost broke my hand by slamming my locker door on it in middle school simply because I am deaf and depended on lip reading. I did nothing to provoke him..I was just getting my books between classes when he and a bunch of other kids ganged up on me. He started saying "CAN U REEEEEEAAADDDDD MMMMYYYY LIPPPPSSSS DEAF AND DUMMMMBBBBBBB BIIITTTCHHHHH"..I tried to take my mom's advice by ignoring him even though inside, I was feeling terrified and anxiety causing me to shake...he didnt like me ignoring him so he grabbed my hand with one of his hand and placed it iside of my locked and with his other hand, grabbed my locker door and proceeded to slam it on my hand several times while all the kids were laughing and screaming at me. I cried and cried and fell to the ground sobbing after they all left..

Guess what is the worst of it? I got a tardy mark for being late to my class.

See how wonderful being mainstreamed did for me? Apparently I am not alone according to other ADers and IRL, I have so many friends who suffered hell being mainstreamed.

And being mainstreamed is supposed to make us fit in the hearing world? What a crock of shit!
Lemme drop some knowledge on you. Historically speaking, Aunt Jemima has been a less than flattering image in the eyes of black women. I am black and i know for a fact that the picture you posted IS racially offensive. :thumbd:It doesn't bother ME too much, personally speaking, but there are plenty of other black people that would give you some choice words over that image if you know what i mean.:pissed: Oh, and just because the picture exists on the web, doesn't mean that it's cool to stick it here. If you disagree with me why stop there at posting Aunt Jemima? There's plenty of swastikas and KKK pics out there in cyberspace too. Go nuts.

Rant over.

Well said!!
to jillio yeah that might work, however he didnt mess with deaf kids anymore while I was around cuz he knew id come fist swinging anyhoos whose next

violence sometimes does work example ww2

Violence never works. You can not beat up whole world forever. Whoever follows that path comes to a moment they finaly collapse.

You do not have to believe it now. You will live and decide by yourself. But if one day you look back and wonder what went wrong, please remember our words.

Wish You Best
See, this is why I am not a strong supporter of deaf children being mainstreamed as the only deaf kid at school.

I am a strong supporter of exposing all children to Deaf culture so they can feel better about themselves but unfortunately, most mainstreamed program staff are very uneducated about meeting deaf children's needs especially on the socio/emotional scale.

A boy almost broke my hand by slamming my locker door on it in middle school simply because I am deaf and depended on lip reading. I did nothing to provoke him..I was just getting my books between classes when he and a bunch of other kids ganged up on me. He started saying "CAN U REEEEEEAAADDDDD MMMMYYYY LIPPPPSSSS DEAF AND DUMMMMBBBBBBB BIIITTTCHHHHH"..I tried to take my mom's advice by ignoring him even though inside, I was feeling terrified and anxiety causing me to shake...he didnt like me ignoring him so he grabbed my hand with one of his hand and placed it iside of my locked and with his other hand, grabbed my locker door and proceeded to slam it on my hand several times while all the kids were laughing and screaming at me. I cried and cried and fell to the ground sobbing after they all left..

Guess what is the worst of it? I got a tardy mark for being late to my class.

See how wonderful being mainstreamed did for me? Apparently I am not alone according to other ADers and IRL, I have so many friends who suffered hell being mainstreamed.

And being mainstreamed is supposed to make us fit in the hearing world? What a crock of shit!

Wow... :( :hug: a many. What importance is you have a wonderful family and your life get better now. :) That does matter.

At my ex elementary school (no, not in deaf school), I remembered when I stopped to use my voice because some kids made of fun at my voice whenever I tried to say something. If they don't make of fun at me, then I probably will have good speech skills...

Clearly, mainsteamed schools are not always the best optional.
Okay - basically, you just don't like deaf schools because of some jerks were around you at your ex school. I wouldn't force even YOU to shit out a watermelon no matter HOW moronic YOUR opinion was entitled on. That's fine, I understand that. You were really lucky because you just were doing fine at your old mainsteamed school. That's cool.
Believe it or not, I was bullied the way much more than yours. Yes, I was tolerated for EIGHT YEARS of deaf school, but will make me to hate deaf schools just because of that? To me, it's plainly silly.

All fault was the jerks/bullies, not deaf schools' fault.

I don't see why you should blame on your old deaf school and shrug off.
Blame on those fools only, lady. =/

U got a good point...
Okay - basically, you just don't like deaf schools because of some jerks were around you at your ex school. I wouldn't force even YOU to shit out a watermelon no matter HOW moronic YOUR opinion was entitled on. That's fine, I understand that. You were really lucky because you just were doing fine at your old mainsteamed school. That's cool.
Believe it or not, I was bullied the way much more than yours. Yes, I was tolerated for EIGHT YEARS of deaf school, but will make me to hate deaf schools just because of that? To me, it's plainly silly.

All fault was the jerks/bullies, not deaf schools' fault.

I don't see why you should blame on your old deaf school and shrug off.
Blame on those fools only, lady. =/

Good post!
No, I'm not being harsh. I found it how the way you wrote was quite disgusted me. :|

I don't like when people blame on deaf schools because of bullies, sexual abuses, or whateever it is.


By the way, no, I called your comment/opinion is just a plain moronic - not you. (if you dont understand what I mean, I refer to those common comments)

Just sayin', that's all.