dont really want to make it a hearie bash thread but being more deaf proud now im realizing im starting to hate alot of hearies that are ignorant of deaf culture its high school all over again, where deaf and hoh of kids would be messed with just cuz there deaf or one kid (which I happened to be involved in the little scuffle hes a hearie sat next to a deaf girl in the cafeteria and started to berate her on the deafness (first of all your a moron she cant hear you) then what set me off was he took one of her aids off and started laughing so I did something really good but very very stupid I stabbed him in the back of the neck with a fork, felt good at the time but detention blew, another I hit with a chair... anyhoos what im trying to say is anyone else have similar experience in high school, middle school, bullying etc I know you did or moms, dads who knows there kid was bullied
and what can we do to stop it, even though bullying will persist no matter what happens I know jillio can come up with something
and what can we do to stop it, even though bullying will persist no matter what happens I know jillio can come up with something