Hearing people label southern people are redneck. Cowboy and farmer, they like to drink the beer or whiskey all the day.
I live in the Southeast, and I've never heard anyone here call a cowboy a redneck. They call them "cowboys". Some Southeastern rednecks do wear "cowboy" style boots but there aren't any ranches or big cow herds here, so we don't have any Western cowboys.
I've heard Midwesterners call farmers "hayseeds" (not a nice term).
"Redneck" is a regional attitude and philosophy, not an occupation.
I've met many rednecks in Michigan.
People in the Southeast are proud to be called rednecks.
Not everyone in the Southeast is a redneck. Many of the people living in the South now are Northern transplants.
Hubby is a Northerner from Michigan, and I'm a Yankee from Connecticut, and we love Southern people.
They are hermit (dislike to socialize with other people).
Rednecks love to socialize with each other, especially in big crowds. You should see the big groups of rednecks (and redneck wanna-bees) at monster truck rallies, fishing tournaments, NASCAR races, all kinds of sports competitions, gun and knife shows, family reunions, flea markets, etc. Northern rednecks also do ice fishing. They all love deer hunting and boats.
I know, it is kind of offended but New England people called Southern people are redneck.
Yeah, my brother in Connecticut thinks we live like the Dukes of Hazzard here, heh, heh. :roll:
Southern people dislike, we call them redneck as insult. Just like black people as "nergo". It is very insult for the black people.
I guess it depends on the person. Most of my Southern friends proudly call themselves redneck.
When I was a kid, the
polite words were "Negro" for black and "Caucasian" for white. People who used the word "colored" were low class or uneducated, and "******" and "nigra" (Southern pronunciation) were totally unacceptable. I've never heard anyone say that "Negro" was an insult, unless they said it with an insulting attitude.
Interesting how it is different in each state. :P