Liebling:-))) and Sunshinelady?...


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
Will you girls teach us some Germany language pretty please? I am beginning to learn German language as Liebling had taught us a few words on IMs and would like to practice writing and would love to be able to speak in Germany language too...This will also give me an opportunity to teach my children and my family about Germany culture and their language...

So far I remember, " bussi " ( bye ) and " Hallo " ( Hello ) Aren't I doing good so far as a newbie? :giggle:
Bright idea!!! Let's hear it girls!!

Make sure you put words in English also, so I know the meaning of each Germany words. :thumb:
I will have Handsome_Smiley and his wife to teach me more about ASL this Sunday before I'm able to ASL with you this July... :thumb: Sunshinelady know ASL better than me... She will teach me ASL this Sunday, too...
What is the germany word for Thank you?....LOL

Toll means super?...Cool....I already know about that thread, I have it saved in my fave, but I want to learn some Germany language, can you teach us ?....:mrgreen:
What is the germany word for Thank you?....LOL


Toll means super?...Cool....I already know about that thread, I have it saved in my fave, but I want to learn some Germany language, can you teach us ?....:mrgreen:

Sicher, Kein Problem :D (Sure, no problem)

Toll (Super)... ja (yes)
Ohh I would love to learn german language as I am part german. this would be fun.. :)

Only I know one German word.

Would love to learn Germany Sign Languages but can't find website for beginners!
It's great to learn about your family's ancestors. I'm a mixed breed as you call it. I'm part German, French w/Indian background, and English. I know what Ja means. My grandfather always say that. Sadly he's almost 83 yrs old and can't remember all the German Language. His father taught him that when he was little. Over the years, my grandfather speaks more English than German.
Hallo Liebling, I'm going to be siebenunddreibig this coming up June-o! :giggle:

Wie geht es Ihnen?...( How are you? )