9-11 Memorial Ceremony (Warning)


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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I got email from my work (today is my first working day after 4 whole weeks leave). I pasted everything from this email.

Let us pause to remember…

A time to be born and a time to die
A time to mourn and a time to dance
A time to kill and a time to heal
A time to love and a time to hate…
A time to tear down and a time to build
A time for war and a time for PEACE!

I would like to share this memorial with you all where I get email from my work.

I can't believe it has been 5 years already!!! My son turned 7 months old when it was happened and now Tyler is 5 and half years old. My 2nd cousin's son was born on that day and Aaron is now 5 years old.

I am wearing T-shirt that has flag on it.


*Breath breaking* Doesn't want to remind 'bout this because too much pain memorial again..

Feel alike... I've wanted to eye for an eye to terrioist what have you done to innocent peoples dies. What they want to destory them ? Terrioist believe God wanted you die.. Ridcouisly their stupid terrioist's reglion made up againist God's will!
Oh My God! I have the exactly email from my co-worker!! :eek3: I have families and friends that works for the governments and myself working for government too, and I do have the same email you got... Wow!

I am wearing Red, Blue and White outfit to show my pride for USA, and to all the people who have lost their loved ones...
My prayers to all that feel the grief and pain of this day for comfort and healing. :usa_flag: Dave
i have held my breath when i view that wow
5 years had gone past dang time have gone by SO fast

My eyes got teary while I was looking at these pictures again. Very painful memories :tears:

God Bless America.
Hard to believe it's been 5 years already..One day that I'll never forget. The shock of watching that live on T.V. All those people, & nothing could be done. Also I was in that area of Manhatten just 6 months before that. I thought that was the most fascinating city I've ever seen & had planned to go back & now its gone.:(
Yeah same here ButterflyGirl, really painful looking at them again, It has been a very sad day when this happened, alot of innocent people died inculding those who risk their lives by saving others but Our nation won't stop no matter how many times they tried to hurt us and we'll show the world that we are still standing together as a family with ONE heart, ONE soul, ONE voice.... May those who died will always be remembered and my prayers are with all the families and friends who lost their loves one that day...May they rest in peace and keep flying high ...

God Bless America and those heros
I would like to express my thoughts and prayers to those families, and friends that lost a loved one on September 11, 2001.

The day it happened- I cried alots as I was sad for those people who died in this horrible Terrorist Attacks.

Mark my words- They will never be forgotten. Forever etched in my heart.

God bless America!

WTC Tribute of Light memorial - High Definition Full Screen Spherical VR - 360VR Studio this is so lovely to remember those who were lost. Check this Light Tributes.

A Tribute to the Victims of September 11, 2001"Can't Cry Hard Enough" A Tribute to the Victims of September 11, 2001 Very beautiful. It is music but does have words to go with the pictures. Check this out! :(
Yes..It is very hard for me... same time WTC and Pentagon...My sister was working in there when it happened... she got 70 % burn and lost her right arm in Pentagon... she survived but went beserk every time she heard planes flying over.. Bless her heart... she passed away last year to lung cancer... It is very hard for me to watch or hear more news about this WTC and Pentagon.