

Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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It was happened on my birthday at 7.30 pm last Sunday.

I had close friends to celebrate on my birthday in dinning room. My children stay outside with their mates for long hours. I know they throw snowballs each other like “snowballs war”…

Danny was upset and came to us with young man saying that he “damaged” young man’s car front window screen by snowballs… I was like :ugh: and got Danny to repeat it because I can’t image that throw snowball to damage window screen… Young man got us to look at his car… We did… Oh my dear… it’s only very little like “cat’s whisker” cracked on car window screen. It looks like it’s nothing do with snowball… it could be impossible because we have around 6 inch deep snow… Young man suggested us that it could be that Danny didn’t notice small stone when he picked and made snowball to throw… I told young man that I felt it’s nothing do with snowball but it’s just old window screen like what we have some of little “cat whisker” cracked. (He has old car)…He demand to have a new car window screen. I was like sigh and suggested him to come again tomorrow (Sunday) since we have visitors today. (Honestly I really have no time to discuss with him over that stupid little thing – it would be different if there’re big thing). We went back to house to leave him stand with Danny and mates.

Alan ran to us and told me that young man took Danny to police station. It made us furious because he took Danny without our permission which it’s not right. My hubby and friends calm me down and say that the police would laugh at young man because it’s very small scratch like cat’s whisker and will say that it’s nothing do with snowball…

An around hour later 2 polices brought Danny to us and make statement with us… Police said that young man has the right to demand a new car window screen from us. We were like huh and asked them did they see his car? They replied yes... but it’s no matter either there’re small or big but he still has the right to demand a new car window screen. I was like :wtf: I asked them again that do they believe its snowball. They said that it could be small stone that Danny didn’t notice when he picked to make snowball… "What a naive Police are, I said to myself"... Police suggested us that young man will drop his lawsuit against us if we agree to cover car window screen. We asked them how much window screen cost? They estimated that it could be around $500. Danny was terrible upset after heard that word $500… I tried to do something against young man’s word… We suggested police that we will drop our lawsuit against him for “kidnapped” Danny only if he agrees to drop his demand a new car window screen. Police was like :shock: and asked us either young man took Danny to Police station in town without our permission. We said yes because we would say NO if young man want to take Danny to police station. Other police look at his watch and told us that we can’t do that because it’s not over one hour. We can do that if it’s over one hour but its only 30 minutes… I was like shit because we tried to against his demand…

I know we have compulsory insurance but we doubt either window screen could be cover or not because Danny and his mates play snowballs are on the street which it suppose be at playground or garden… not street…

Danny was upset when we told him that we have no choice but remove his month allowance for a year if compulsory insurance won’t do for us. My friends suggest us to talk with Danny’s friend’s parents to cover their insurance for window screen if my insurance is not acceptance. We thought my friend’s suggestion is good. Danny said that he will try to talk his mates about this because he is afraid to lose his month allowance. One hour later Danny came and told us that his mates’ parents are agree to cover insurance for car window screen because their children are also part of responsible, too.

We went to mate’s parents on next day (Sunday). They were like sigh when they learn the name of young man and told me that he and his family are very hypersensitive (oversensitive) people. We should use 3 meter distance away from young man’s family house property and car. They make hypersensitive over very small things and claim their rights… They told me that young man’s father is POLICE OFFICER. :shock: They want us aware that young man and his family are money grabbers. They said that they will support us if my insurance won’t do for us. They accepted that their children are also part of responsible, too.

On next day (Monday) we went to Insurance office. Good news! They cover for us with no problem… but they need price offer for window screen from young man. We told Danny good news when he came from school… He relieved and happy… He informed his mates that my insurance accepts. Their parents are relieved and happy. I warned my boys to not go near young man’s property…

Young man came to us to give us price offer of window screen. It cost $600. We noticed that there is no bank account of window Screen Company where insurance should transfer money to. Young man suggested us that money should go direct to him instead of go to company… We stay firm and say NO. We demand that money go to company directly instead of his account. We argued…and told us that he is honest because his father is police officer… My hubby is unfriendly toward him saying “so?” Young man realized that he wasted his time to argue with us and saw which company we insure… He called my insurance and convinced them that money should go his account directly. My Insurance agrees to this… It got us m :mad2: My hubby told our insurance to not do that. Insurance explained us that they are going to transfer $600 to his account and wait for one month then will write a letter to young man to ask for original invoice where he already pays…

*Praise Insurance*... Wait and see either young man is honest or not... either he keep $600 himself instead of fix a new car window screen...

Share your experience like this over very little things here with us……
Wait a minute Liebling before going ahead and pay this guy, This guy need to get 3 cost estimates on the window, and you choose which is the lowest price for you to pay, That is only fair because that's exactly what I did, when my son hit a baseball and it hit someone else's house window and broke a window, I took full responsible for the action my son did, but I told the neighbor that I want three estimates on how much it is going to cost to replace that window and I found someone who would do it for 100.00, He had no choice because it's a brand new window replacement, He cannot just choose any price he feels like it.

600.00 is way too much and a rip off in my opinion. Don't let him take advantage of you, Be tough, and tell him you want three estimates, He has no choice.
Cheri said:
Wait a minute Liebling before going ahead and pay this guy, This guy need to get 3 cost estimates on the window, and you choose which is the lowest price for you to pay, That is only fair because that's exactly what I did, when my son hit a baseball and it hit someone else's house window and broke a window, I took full responsible for the action my son did, but I told the neighbor that I want three estimates on how much it is going to cost to replace that window and I found someone who would do it for 100.00, He had no choice because it's a brand new window replacement, He cannot just choose any price he feels like it.

600.00 is way too much and a rip off in my opinion. Don't let him take advantage of you, Be tough, and tell him you want three estimates, He has no choice.

I agreed with Cheri .. don't give him advantage you from you.
It does not matter. If someone would damage my car and get the estimate cost from the auto body shop and show the person who damaged or insurance company. They would give me check and i will fix myself the damaged car and keep some or whole money...

Next time, to check any auto body shop and find out the price. They can easily replace the window from the used car junk yard. That's why they made lots of profit rather than ordering brand-new window...
Mookie said:
They would give me check and i will fix myself the damaged car and keep some or whole money...

That is wrong thing to do! Never take advantage of people who paying to repair your window or vehicle. When someone damaged your property, they are paying for the damage not giving you pocket money to spend on something else. It shows that you are greedy and dishonest. If you have money left over after repairing the right thing to do is give back the left over balance. :thumb:
I smell scam here! Liebling if your smart enough asking the guy if HE had proof that the snowball from your property did damage. It is very common insurance scams going on here in my hometown.
Hey Liebling, I remember you said about alot positives and safety in your hometowm... WTF? is it really ok for anyone to kidnap any kids for 59 minutes, and cop won't do anything? Not here!!! Here EVEN if one second, will have FULL blown investigation!!! Im glad I live here where anyone dare to touch my son for EVEN one second to deal with full blown investigation!

There is ABSOLUTELY NO excuse for anyone to take my kids, not even for one second without my authorization, P E R I O D! Thank god for America!
Cheri said:
That is wrong thing to do! Never take advantage of people who paying to repair your window or vehicle. When someone damaged your property, they are paying for the damage not giving you pocket money to spend on something else. It shows that you are greedy and dishonest. If you have money left over after repairing the right thing to do is give back the left over balance. :thumb:

If I dented a tiny bump on your big kitchen pot, would you keep money? No big deal. They have right to make their decision what they want to replace or not. It is also wise to put money into investment instead of paying the replacements....
That is true! In fact I have collected insurance checks and barely do anything to fix em.

Mookie said:
If I dented a tiny bump on your big kitchen pot, would you keep money? No big deal. They have right to make their decision what they want to replace or not. It is also wise to put money into investment instead of paying the replacements....
diehardbiker65 said:
Hey Liebling, I remember you said about alot positives and safety in your hometowm... WTF? is it really ok for anyone to kidnap any kids for 59 minutes, and cop won't do anything? Not here!!! Here EVEN if one second, will have FULL blown investigation!!! Im glad I live here where anyone dare to touch my son for EVEN one second to deal with full blown investigation!

There is ABSOLUTELY NO excuse for anyone to take my kids, not even for one second without my authorization, P E R I O D! Thank god for America!

Well, police officers probably knew the young lad of the police officer. That's why they looked at their watch and decided to ingore the serious matter. I know it is very BS. Liebling should have make a formal complain to the mayor's office, elected official in her district and/or internal affair/police chief's office...
diehardbiker65 said:
That is true! In fact I have collected insurance checks and barely do anything to fix em.

Cheri looks like :shock: at her shinning knight's comment and she looks like :ugh: that she does not know how to response...
diehardbiker65 said:
That is true! In fact I have collected insurance checks and barely do anything to fix em.

:eek: I cannot believe you. :(
Get junk yard car pound there have plenty old window.. why need brand new window.. I bet that guy who want $$$ not replace window.. I can feel my guts.. which his car is very old.. why cares?


Same thing my little son accidently threw wrong directly and hit the HUGE WINDOW.. The landlord really kinda piss'n off and use his company window.. I refused...
knew it's extreme expensive.. I searched different company window.. found cheaper 200 bux to repace it.. which it's little used.. so what... finally replace it.. and looks alike brand new window... I kept spray vingar on the window.. kept scrubbing til shine... There's go looks so NEW!

I call landlord and come over.. landlord is satisfty...
*whew* pssst it's used window.. LOL

Good thing, I'm glad we were moved out that place which landlord is scum!
Mookie said:
Well, police officers probably knew the young lad of the police officer. That's why they looked at their watch and decided to ingore the serious matter. I know it is very BS. Liebling should have make a formal complain to the mayor's office, elected official in her district and/or internal affair/police chief's office...

You know, off point. This reminds me of a time when I had a car towed and I couldn't reach the company because they kept hanging up on relay. They billed me a sum for almost four figures for holding the car for several weeks (I even wrote letters).

I finally got through to the manager. He told me, "I'm sorry. We'll take care of the operator You're a valued customer. How about we take three days off your bill?" I was floored. The money didn't matter to me and I would have paid the whole sum of the towing on the spot, but what bothered me was the disrespect he was showing us deaf people. If he rips me off, he may do the same for the next deaf person who comes along. That isn't cool at all.

I gave it some thought and then I told him what I thought he was doing was very unfair, and tried to negotiate with him to see if we could agree on a figure that would be much better. He refused to budge.

So I told him what I was going to do. I was going to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, I was going to reach my friend at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and distribute press releases to a number of news and media outlets, I was going to contact a number of deaf and disability organizations, and I was going to pursue any and all available legal recourse.

He got the message and we negotiated a fair price: towing plus a day or two of storage. I paid it and went on my way. I hope the next deaf customer they have has a better experience.
Mookie said:
If I dented a tiny bump on your big kitchen pot, would you keep money? No big deal. They have right to make their decision what they want to replace or not. It is also wise to put money into investment instead of paying the replacements....

But, that is someone else's money, or their insurance company's money, U have no idea that their insurance going to raise up because of the accident that they did to your property. If you going to spend it on something else beside getting the damage done why in the world would you sue for the money in the first place if you not going to repair the damaged? That sounds so dishonest. :( Shame on you men, I'm disappointing.
Liebling, I am sorry about what happened. Hope everything will work out well for you and your family. Umm what disturbs me the most about your story is the young man took your son to the police station without your permission. That was so wrong of him! I don't know about the laws in Germany but if I was you I would file a complaint against the young man. In America no one has the right to do that even if it was only for one minute.

I know how you feel Liebling :hug:, when my first son was in pre-school, he cut the boy's shirt with a pair of scissors and I didn't know anything about this until the principal send home a note saying she wanted to talk to me tomorrow morning, which I did came to the office with my son, that when she told me what my son did to this little boy's shirt, and the first thing I said was oh my gosh....my son started crying after the pincipal said she paid the mother of the boy's shirt that was damaged 20.00 because she felt that my son didn't mean to do it and he did apologized, so she felt it was no big deal cause kids in pre-school intend to do that sometimes, but the problem was the boy's mother wanted more money, she called and complaint that 20 dollars wasn't enough she wanted 60 dollars for the shirt cause his father brought it for him, and the principal told her shes believe the shirt is worth 20 not 60....however the mother wasn't happy, she was mad and wanted more because his father no longer lives with them and hardly see him, and that shirt means so much to him, yet the principal said that if the shirt means so much to your son, then he shouldn't wear that to school because once hes in pre-school , the children intend to have accidents such a painting, glue, etc...The mother still complaint so the principal told me she can't pay her more then 20, so I told the principal I wanted a meeting with her and we can sit and talk about this and see if She'll take 30 instead of 60 cause I felt bad for her and her son, but the principal told me that she will call the mother and will let me know this afternoon, so she called and said that the mother said never mind 20 dollars was enough.....

Sometimes when children do things by accident whether it may be something big, small or tiny, still we have to take our responsibility as a parent by doing the right thing paying the damage that our children did by an accident...

I agree with Cheri and the others about having more than 2 estimates on the window to compare which one is reasonable enough for you....Also, you pay the person that your child damager his car window...And it's up to him whether or not he would want to fix his window or keep the money.....There's pretty much nothing we can do about it....It's the same way it happened to me when I got into an car accident, and some drunk guy bumped in my car twice in the back and the side, even it wasnt badly damaged but it was a bend in the side and the back of the car, I didn't use the money to fix the car up I kept the money and brought another car later on.....So really it's not our buisness what he does with the money, but all we have to do is take responsibility by paying what we owe, afterall it's our child's fault, and they should be more careful when throwing snowball nears car and etc, cause it can damage whether it may be just a soft snowball.....

The man did the wrong thing by taking your son to the police department without your permission, you have the right to press charge... tsk tsk on that man!!!

And one more thing, I'm truly sorry to hear what happened, no parents want to go thru this, but sometimes we got to do the right thing you know honey.... :hug: Hope everything goes smooth at the end....
Cheri said:
But, that is someone else's money, or their insurance company's money, U have no idea that their insurance going to raise up because of the accident that they did to your property. If you going to spend it on something else beside getting the damage done why in the world would you sue for the money in the first place if you not going to repair the damaged? That sounds so dishonest. :( Shame on you men, I'm disappointing.

Sorry dame,

Every owner has right to make their decision weather or not to replace their damaged personal property. They also have right to fix their own property and keep extra profits since they worked hard and sweated with their own dirty hands...

You did not response about your favorite kitchen pot.
Cheri said:
But, that is someone else's money, or their insurance company's money, U have no idea that their insurance going to raise up because of the accident that they did to your property. If you going to spend it on something else beside getting the damage done why in the world would you sue for the money in the first place if you not going to repair the damaged? That sounds so dishonest. :( Shame on you men, I'm disappointing.

It doesn't matter if the person will use the money to fix the window or keep it, the point is her son did a damage on his window and he has the right to collect the the money....but Liebling can go look around for a cheaper cost to have his window repaired if she feels that 600.00 is alot of money...
Wait, DID this boy really do the damage or was it scam artist doing "Staged accident" It is very common here in my home state.
Scam artist is getting smarter on how to get money fast.

^Angel^ said:
It doesn't matter if the person will use the money to fix the window or keep it, the point is her son did a damage on his window and he has the right to collect the the money....but Liebling can go look around for a cheaper cost to have his window repaired if she feels that 600.00 is alot of money...

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