Have you got stiches or broken on white cast?


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Feb 20, 2005
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Have you got stiches or broken on white cast?

- broken my leg when I was 7 yrs old from the car that I across the road and the car was hit me.

- stiches my ear when I was 6 yrs old that I was bored so I go ahead use toilet paper around my eyes then spin around around around then stop and walk but lost my blance (sp) and hit the heat on my ear with my hearing aids on and I got scream so hard and my mom took me to hopstial right away!!!!!!

- my ass stiches (exeuse me not funny) my old friend was look for spot on soft snow so wont get hurt me but she pushed me and got me fell off and hit the little branches tree in my ass and I was so pissed off at her and yelled at her " IT IS NOT FUNNY!!!!! and other 2 ppl was laughing at me till I got in rush to hopstial and got stiches in my ass then next morning that I bring pillow with me to sit on the chair and 2 ppl was laughed at me that told me how they sorry for being laugh that thought it was funny but not. and other girl was asking me why I bring pillow ?? so I told her duh!!! I had stiches in my ass then she stop talk back hehe. I had hard time go to washroom from my ass hehe :lol: but it was painful ouchies
i've broken my left foot my right and left arm all my fingers and all my toes my ribs . and have had stiches in my forehead
DeafMonkey said:
Have you got stiches or broken on white cast?

- broken my leg when I was 7 yrs old from the car that I across the road and the car was hit me.

- stiches my ear when I was 6 yrs old that I was bored so I go ahead use toilet paper around my eyes then spin around around around then stop and walk but lost my blance (sp) and hit the heat on my ear with my hearing aids on and I got scream so hard and my mom took me to hopstial right away!!!!!!

- my ass stiches (exeuse me not funny) my old friend was look for spot on soft snow so wont get hurt me but she pushed me and got me fell off and hit the little branches tree in my ass and I was so pissed off at her and yelled at her " IT IS NOT FUNNY!!!!! and other 2 ppl was laughing at me till I got in rush to hopstial and got stiches in my ass then next morning that I bring pillow with me to sit on the chair and 2 ppl was laughed at me that told me how they sorry for being laugh that thought it was funny but not. and other girl was asking me why I bring pillow ?? so I told her duh!!! I had stiches in my ass then she stop talk back hehe. I had hard time go to washroom from my ass hehe :lol: but it was painful ouchies
I was trying not to laugh at what you said about your arse but I couldn't help it :lol: Forgive me heh heh.

Anyway I had few stitches on the top of my head when I was little girl. My head hit on a pole when I was swinging on a swing. I never had broken bones before.
Darn you read my mind! I was gonna make that thread lol!

Yes, I have...

I broke my legs twice, fell down from swing, and at school someone may push me off the bar or something I don't remember. (I can't remember on which side, I was about 3 when it happened...twice in same year I think.) , my left wrist once when I was 7 or 8 from roller skating outside of my home and fell down from the wind and hit rock. :( .

I had stitches on my arm. Damn at the blade from food processor fell out of my hand all of sudden! UGH!

Not sure if there's any else lol!
ButterflyGirl said:
I was trying not to laugh at what you said about your arse but I couldn't help it :lol: Forgive me heh heh.

Anyway I had few stitches on the top of my head when I was little girl. My head hit on a pole when I was swinging on a swing. I never had broken bones before.

:nono: :nono: :nono: it was inside near in my damn anal (oops i dunno other word) but didnt go near it so lucky if go in there then it will be bad infection in anyhow and isint fun it is was so painful ,, dang it gonna hurt

ehe owww :lol:
Broken from my left thumb when I was about 15 years old for playing softball...
DeafMonkey said:
:nono: :nono: :nono: it was inside near in my damn anal (oops i dunno other word) but didnt go near it so lucky if go in there then it will be bad infection in anyhow and isint fun it is was so painful ,, dang it gonna hurt

ehe owww :lol:
Ouchie I can imagine how that hurt!
By the way, I was not really laughing at your injury. It was just the way you talked and the way you laughed :giggle: :hug:
only stitches on my wrist cut with broken glass at work, never broken bones
yea i have broke my right leg, i have stiches on my right foot and my left wrist from surgery...
Oh yeah I have alot of stitches ...

One on my head from knocking over a lamp when I was a little girl

top of my forehead....

Stab wound from a knife on my right leg

8 wounds from electric knife on my left arm

3 deep cuts on my right hand from washing inside a glass and it broke, so I cut my hands and had surgery cause the glass hit the nerves and doctor had to repair some of my nerves so I could move my finger again....

long cut on my stomach from C-section

and bottom where baby comes out ..... :whistle:

I had a broken rib once.....

That's it
^Angel^ said:
Stab wound from a knife on my right leg

8 wounds from electric knife on my left arm

I had a broken rib once.....

That's it

ohh :|:|:|:|:|:| stab in your right leg and electric knife in your left arm ? gonna be painful
^Angel^ said:
Oh yeah I have alot of stitches ...

One on my head from knocking over a lamp when I was a little girl

top of my forehead....

Stab wound from a knife on my right leg

8 wounds from electric knife on my left arm

3 deep cuts on my right hand from washing inside a glass and it broke, so I cut my hands and had surgery cause the glass hit the nerves and doctor had to repair some of my nerves so I could move my finger again....

long cut on my stomach from C-section

and bottom where baby comes out ..... :whistle:

I had a broken rib once.....

That's it
*shudders* That is a lot!
*geee* long list..

I cannot remmy too many cuts on my head... When I was little girl and dare anything happends...

Car hit and run... I flies away high and hit on the bush... *wheeled me into the hospital* Extremelly I'm alive.. just cut big open my left knee.. G"thing I can see my left leg has been smeared and barely see scar...

eyebrow (right side) tiny scar.. When I wasn't pay attention and fell down and hit on the paint pail..

I went into the basement which it's black pitch and took kid table.. *stomped* slit nail into through my right foot.... fell down and screaming loud.. My mom rushed into the basement and turn light on... Bleed poured all over the floor... took me rushed into the hospital... *passed me out* and fixing my right foot stiches and wore cast.. barely walk.. I'm afraid to walk... when I was young... never never forget and stuck in my memories.. sometimes flash back (groan) ain't fun being thinking when I was young...
My mom blamed to her ex hubby where left flithy woods and nails all over the basement... HE learn his lesson and clean the hell mess up....

When I was about 9 yrs old but not sure age correction... and jumped exicting on my bed... I cannot wait seeing Shaun Cassiey (singer) have huge perfrome.. somehow I flies down and HIT on my head.. sumt'hn not right feeling pain pain coutines.. I touch on my head.. can feel bump huge! so I walked and whinning low voice.. and heard my sister said you have bleed... i said what, and looked on my hands.. MY GOD.. SCREAMING I'M BLEEDING AWFUL LOT POURING RUNNING ON MY FACE... My parent took me rushed into the hospital... really huge cut on my back head.. stiches.. don't know how many stiches.. pretty bad... *mumbling* never forget that... LOL
oh boyee...

I think I was 12 or 13 yrs old.. I copied young boy was shown off can dare bike one up high.... So I thought I could copy boy... and see I made it one wheel up rode all the way.... and *whammed on the hard grounded* broke my right arm.... Counsellor (Dorm residence staff) took me rushed into the hospital and xray.. unfortunally huge cracked... Staff has to call my parent.. They were wild driving and arrived in the hospital within half an hour... got wear nice CAST.. problem is... cannot writing due my right hand.... So Student has to do write for me.. :D for 6 wks... LOL
Lovely memories..

That's all I have.. :D
FreeWoman77 said:
only stitches on my wrist deep cut with broken glass at work, never broken bones

I thought only happened accidently, ok I have 2 surgeries/stitches so far, one on my left shoulder only small cut both front n back, another one on bottom of my belly small cut too. Also I forgot there's 5th finger of not remember right or left hand cut with the lid but didnt have stitched was supposed to but too late Dr said more than 6 hrs can't do it, it was at work late night all Urgent care closed didnt think to go ER at hospital that cut looked not bad til next morning to see Dr :/
have many cuts but didnt stitches, when I was little girl went with my father fishing and helped cut fishes stomach to remove accidently top of scirrocs cut my thumb other index finger :Oops: I didnt tell my father cuz afraid of not letting me to go with my father again I loved fishing. many scars on my hands from cats, :lol: one i never forgot I was little girl helping my younger sister's sandals to mow (i dont know what exact word is that sandals u know for wearing at shower or beach sandals there's sharp like massage i havent seen in USA but former USSR they liked it as massage, anyway) accidently knife slipped and cut to my thumb it would have gone to my chest or bottom of my neck if my thumb wasnt there :Ohno: tore skin badly but I didnt tell my mom neither my younger sister she was sure guilty shouldnt have asked for help, alright, now i may see that scar still there :aw:
DeafMonkey said:
ohh :|:|:|:|:|:| stab in your right leg and electric knife in your left arm ? gonna be painful

Oh hell yeah it was painful...I should have left the knife in my right leg until I got to the hospital but it hurt even more when the knife was in so I had to pull it out but didn't expect to see blood splashing right out :shock: ..

And for the electric knife on my left arm, that was when I was still in high school, I was really depressed so I tried to umm ya know....
^Angel^ said:
Oh hell yeah it was painful...I should have left the knife in my right leg until I got to the hospital but it hurt even more when the knife was in so I had to pull it out but didn't expect to see blood splashing right out :shock: ..

And for the electric knife on my left arm, that was when I was still in high school, I was really depressed so I tried to umm ya know....

ahh I got it now .. splashing of blood oh ewwww yucks hehe
^Angel^ said:
Oh hell yeah it was painful...I should have left the knife in my right leg until I got to the hospital but it hurt even more when the knife was in so I had to pull it out but didn't expect to see blood splashing right out :shock: ..

And for the electric knife on my left arm, that was when I was still in high school, I was really depressed so I tried to umm ya know....

r u mean S............ ?

I was teenager , Yes I had been attempt S............. didn't happend.. and send me away to hospital.. They think I'm psycho... No.. I was depressed and barely vent to whom where I trust with.. ? Until er um.. finally took me out from my parent.. pretty long story..
Doesn't want talk about this.. eh
GalaxyAngel said:
r u mean S............ ?

I was teenager , Yes I had been attempt S............. didn't happend.. and send me away to hospital.. They think I'm psycho... No.. I was depressed and barely vent to whom where I trust with.. ? Until er um.. finally took me out from my parent.. pretty long story..
Doesn't want talk about this.. eh

Yes, same here :hug: