A question...is the Cochlear implant made for the hearing or for the deaf?

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Jun 30, 2006
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I need no introduction and I would like to ask some of you for your thoughts on the intention of this invention - the cochlear implant.

Is it for the benefit of the Deaf? or for the benefit of the hearing?
you can if you wish, state as it audiologically, or as in cultural sense. But really I am asking this in regard to the cultural paradigm.

Anyway, first of all, Hearing people view the same hearing loss as the inability to listen to music, to talk on the phone, to interact with the population at large.However, it is pointed out that “cochlear implants do not, and likely will not, eliminate deafness altogether. An individual who has an implant is still deaf” which is quite correct as when... an attempt for the hearing to converse with implanted children, it is often the case that it is so garbled that you cannot pretend to understood their speech. It was simply difficult (as morphed hearing gives away as morphed speech - sound familiar? anyone?!). So many parents visiting school (to meet implanted children) communicated in sign or through an interpreter who had become attuned to their pronunciation.

I must wonder about the efficiency, or rather effectuality of the implants...which prompts me to beg a question to which i wish to ask others here...
is the is the Cochlear implant made for the hearing or for the deaf?

but keep in mind, i am talking about congenitally deaf children and perhaps even some of you as adults who deciding/decided to be implanted, why? do you still crave for the hearing world or what?
i'm curious for some of your answers, but please try keep it real short (and civil!)

Thanks folks.
Actually it was made for somebody that government can't trust. What they do is actually wired to victim's eyeball so that NSA (Snowden's former boss) can spy where this poor sucker goes, and whatever they doing.
No believe me, eh?
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Why are you so convinced that they don't work?
I believe it's for those that wish to hear and that are willing to put in the effort required to make it successful.

All I could say that the cochlear implant is meant for the deaf to hear like a hearing person. The Hearing society along with AGBell want them to be like them and involve in the hearing world, not d/Deaf world. That is true that the CI does not work well with sounds as it is different than the sounds normally. Hearing people never fully understand why CI or hearing aids don't work that way with us, d/Deafies. They (deaf CI) are just telling you from their experience. Lot of times, it fall on deaf ears and refuse to believe us. It happen to me with hearing aid which I tried to explain that I can not pick up the words and the hearing aid are not perfect at all. So why bother with it? :(
No they're not expected to "hear like a hearing person" just better than with hearing aids o_0
There are medical developments for about every areas. You see, it costs a lot of money to run experiments. Do you think that the idea of CI just came out of blue? I am sure those that worked on CI worked hard through a lot of trials and errors to bring up CI up to FDA standards. You see, if a lot of people want it badly enough, then fund will be set up to find a "cure" or technology to "fix" the problem. There a lot of people wanted to be able to hear. It seems like the CI invention was beneficial to a lot of people. I would not want to discuss my opinion on CI. I don't live other people's lives. I only live my life.
But to answer you question, while I can understand the view of some deaf, that the hearing want the deaf to be like them, I disagree. It's something they want to do for them, not to them.

I personally want one, not so it will make it easier, better for the people around me, I want one for me.
There are medical developments for about every areas. You see, it costs a lot of money to run experiments. Do you think that the idea of CI just came out of blue? I am sure those that worked on CI worked hard through a lot of trials and errors to bring up CI up to FDA standards. You see, if a lot of people want it badly enough, then fund will be set up to find a "cure" or technology to "fix" the problem. There a lot of people wanted to be able to hear. It seems like the CI invention was beneficial to a lot of people. I would not want to discuss my opinion on CI. I don't live other people's lives. I only live my life.

Well said Derek!! And it always throws me when you don't talk about turbo engines deaf cats or deaf ferrets :D
Well said Derek!! And it always throws me when you don't talk about turbo engines deaf cats or deaf ferrets :D

Up to date, I have no knowledge of any cats or ferrets that have vouched for CI technology to advance. At least, not yet.

About turbo and CI...I would have to think....hmmmm....
Up to date, I have no knowledge of any cats or ferrets that have vouched for CI technology to advance. At least, not yet.

About turbo and CI...I would have to think....hmmmm....

Might not be a good idea, could melt your brains ;)
Personally I think its for the hearing ... many reasons for that but I'll state my opinion ... the "norm" is hearing ... as far as it goes with me I'm the only one in my family that is deaf ... so the only form of communication is verbal ... I know sign but not fluent but what good does it do me now? No one in my family signs and I don't think they would be willing to learn or at the very best be patronizing about it if they did attempt it ... that being said sometimes I feel like I was almost forced into it as a way to get by I was being held back by my hearing or lack there of in more ways that one BY THE HEARING WORLD.
I personally want one, not so it will make it easier, better for the people around me, I want one for me.

If your still in SC when you get a CI I'll ride down to check on you and help ya out with it if you want. I could bring all my CI stuff stuff down and let you play with it and get a feel for the CI before you have it done if that would help you decide to do it for sure or not.
If your still in SC when you get a CI I'll ride down to check on you and help ya out with it if you want. I could bring all my CI stuff stuff down and let you play with it and get a feel for the CI before you have it done if that would help you decide to do it for sure or not.

Thanks. Oh I'm sure, I've been sure! If I had insurance I'd have one already ;) the deaf guy I worked with 2 years ago would tell me everyday I need to get a CI, you can't get better marketing than that :)
But to answer you question, while I can understand the view of some deaf, that the hearing want the deaf to be like them, I disagree. It's something they want to do for them, not to them.

I personally want one, not so it will make it easier, better for the people around me, I want one for me.

that's perfectly fine if you want to get one but I can't say same for kids :(

I'm hearing far too many deaf people hating their parents deciding to get one for them.
:wave:A Cochlear Implant benefit is for the DEAF person-assuming one wants to "hear" somewhat from their "silent condition". Why else would one want to pay a "substantial sum" for having the Implant operation etc?

Of course, if that person is "suitable for an Implant". Not every DEAF person is! The actual experience from Sunnybrook/Cochlear Implant section/Toronto since 1984.
it doesn't work for handful of deafies and that's a fact.

It doesn't work for some, but that's not the case for all, that's a fact

But regardless, if you read grummers post he makes it sound like it doesn't work for anyone. I was asking him why he's so convinced that they don't work. I wasn't asking whether or not there's cases of CI not working. That was never in doubt.
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