Craiglist threat


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
Reaction score
Today I stripped the 3rd useless mower down, Pulled the motor and any useable parts then put the rest at the curb after posting a Free Curb Alert on craigslist for scrap metal.
Wasnt but 30 minutes and someone came and snagged it, so I immediately deleted the craigslist as as stated in the ad.
About an hour later I get an email from this guy ( stupid enough to have his real name and email sent) An he is threatening me saying:
Im on my way out to get the scrap mower, if it is not there when I get there I am beating on your door and demanding you pay for my gas and I will send other people out to beat on your door as well !

Well, Im not getting bated into sending my email ( since its annomimous through craigslist) I decided to post an ad Titled with his name, I pasted his email along with a statement from me.

I said " You do know that the ad was deleted over an hour ago, look at the date/time stamps, I have saved the email as well as printed it along with mine and the original ad. I will make sure the police are involved when you get here and any other problems that arrive after this time"

Thank you for emailing me your threat with your personal and traceable email account.

so far no issues, and I am smart enough not to take the bate and send my personal email. I mean come on, its a curb alert as-is, first come first served and ad clearly stated that, along with do not knock just take it sitting at curb, ad will be deleted when gone. So, I got my bases covered.
Good for you....never heard of this happening before...but sure it has.
I didn't even know craigslist would still forward messages sent after the ad had been deleted. Sorry you had to even read that garbage:0
Wow! Stay alert. I use craigslist ALL the time and have had nothing but good luck but I'm also always wary.

Speaking of threat... I'd like to share that I found myself in a very bad position three days ago. I was working around midnight in a parking lot in central Austin. I was deep inside my trailer doing something. I've got a drop down ramp and a side door but the side door was locked so... a mentally deranged homeless man walked into my trailer while I was in it. When I turned around, I immediately found myself VERY trapped as I had nowhere to go. I screamed at him to STOP. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT.

He backed off to the ramp door and then started screaming obscenities at me. I reached into a drawer to access my gun safe which I JUST had bolted down the week before and told him that I AM ARMED. GET OFF. GET OUT. That only enraged him even further. After a minute of screaming at me... he finally got off and walked away.

I got out of the trailer and ran up to my truck to grab my phone. After about five or six minutes of wondering what the hell happened and how could I have put myself in such a terrible position. The gun safe had no gun in it yet as it wasn't purchased yet. I only pretended to be reaching for it. I have since gotten a Sig Sauer Mosquito with laser target sighting. I know it's a little gun but that's just what I want.

Anyway, he went around the building and came up to the side of me throwing dirt at me. I ran out to the middle of 6th street and just dialed 911 and told them I NEED HELP 600 LAMAR! I NEED HELP 600 LAMAR! Thankfully they came SO FAST and they took him down. They found him to be carrying an unloaded 9mm Beretta... and heavily intoxicated. I will NEVER leave the side door locked onsite again.

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Wow! Stay alert. I use craigslist ALL the time and have had nothing but good luck but I'm also always wary.

Speaking of threat... I'd like to share that I found myself in a very bad position three days ago. I was working around midnight in a parking lot in central Austin. I was deep inside my trailer doing something. I've got a drop down ramp and a side door but the side door was locked so... a mentally deranged homeless man walked into my trailer while I was in it. When I turned around, I immediately found myself VERY trapped as I had nowhere to go. I screamed at him to STOP. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT.

He backed off to the ramp door and then started screaming obscenities at me. I reached into a drawer to access my gun safe which I JUST had bolted down the week before and told him that I AM ARMED. GET OFF. GET OUT. That only enraged him even further. After a minute of screaming at me... he finally got off and walked away.

I got out of the trailer and ran up to my truck to grab my phone. After about five or six minutes of wondering what the hell happened and how could I have put myself in such a terrible position. The gun safe had no gun in it yet as it wasn't purchased yet. I only pretended to be reaching for it. I have since gotten a Sig Sauer Mosquito with laser target sighting. I know it's a little gun but that's just what I want.

Anyway, he went around the building and came up to the side of me throwing dirt at me. I ran out to the middle of 6th street and just dialed 911 and told them I NEED HELP 600 LAMAR! I NEED HELP 600 LAMAR! Thankfully they came SO FAST and they took him down. They found him to be carrying an unloaded 9mm Beretta... and heavily intoxicated. I will NEVER leave the side door locked onsite again.


Oh my....that's reacted spot on tho'!....and glad ur alright....There was an incident not too long ago at a stop passenger window was half open as my doggie likes the breeze...and a hiomeless man walked up and put his arm in the window...Good thing I always and have always kept my car doors locked while driving! it was shocking about the homeless man,,I just took off, ran thru the light and lucky there was no accident....
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wow -- goes to show that people are NUTS
NitroHonda, your damn lucky! I do use Craigslist and have had several good luck with them and I done with caution and extremely careful how deal with these craigslist. I felt ripped off only once, and that is nothing to me really.

Recent, I think is one of my best deal I ever got. Yeah, I found a decent and much better wood stove. At first I thought it was exact same as my friend's stove. I offer where I would call low-ball offer and it worked with charm. It was unintended as low-ball because I thought it was small one. I Brought it to my home and unload and carry all way in to where my old woodstove and I dropped my jaw and said NO WAY, NO Way! SMH.. I then asked my friend specific question about his stove, and discovered that I bought the largest size of 4 sizes, he has second smallest one. I realized that the seller made mistake, he had no idea it was called Big Mo'. If he used right wording and used "Big Mo', it would worth more than 500 dollars easy. I have good chance of making huge profit by selling one of these stoves. One of them will be on sale sometimes mid summer or late summer. I don't want sell it now because it is now considered end of season, so can't sell high right now.
Wow! Stay alert. I use craigslist ALL the time and have had nothing but good luck but I'm also always wary.

Speaking of threat... I'd like to share that I found myself in a very bad position three days ago. I was working around midnight in a parking lot in central Austin. I was deep inside my trailer doing something. I've got a drop down ramp and a side door but the side door was locked so... a mentally deranged homeless man walked into my trailer while I was in it. When I turned around, I immediately found myself VERY trapped as I had nowhere to go. I screamed at him to STOP. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT.

He backed off to the ramp door and then started screaming obscenities at me. I reached into a drawer to access my gun safe which I JUST had bolted down the week before and told him that I AM ARMED. GET OFF. GET OUT. That only enraged him even further. After a minute of screaming at me... he finally got off and walked away.

I got out of the trailer and ran up to my truck to grab my phone. After about five or six minutes of wondering what the hell happened and how could I have put myself in such a terrible position. The gun safe had no gun in it yet as it wasn't purchased yet. I only pretended to be reaching for it. I have since gotten a Sig Sauer Mosquito with laser target sighting. I know it's a little gun but that's just what I want.

Anyway, he went around the building and came up to the side of me throwing dirt at me. I ran out to the middle of 6th street and just dialed 911 and told them I NEED HELP 600 LAMAR! I NEED HELP 600 LAMAR! Thankfully they came SO FAST and they took him down. They found him to be carrying an unloaded 9mm Beretta... and heavily intoxicated. I will NEVER leave the side door locked onsite again.


Man, I worked for the City 15 years, been put in bad situations all the time working the North Side. Drug Deals gone bad, Warrants Served...middle of shootouts...its endless. I am pretty much a brute when it comes to taking hits and havening to muscle my way through things.
We went to a job site early one morning, when I got out of the van a pitbull came running full speed at me, I pulled my box cutter and helpd my other arm out... the pup ended up being frendly and was lost. The guys laughed at me and I told them straight up, if a dog ever attacked me, yeah he can have my arm while I slice his will be the last arm he ever bites.
Another job we just rolled up to and the cops were chasing some thug between houses, when he came out on the street he opened fired on the police and they returned fire, I was trapped in my workvan laying on the floor hoping not to get hit. The van never got hit but was too close for comfort.
A drug deal gone bad had some guys shot right in front of us, he was calm as could be, smiled at us and just walked on... I hated that job.

On a side note, glad you are ok
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NitroHonda said:
Wow! Stay alert. I use craigslist ALL the time and have had nothing but good luck but I'm also always wary.

Speaking of threat... I'd like to share that I found myself in a very bad position three days ago. I was working around midnight in a parking lot in central Austin. I was deep inside my trailer doing something. I've got a drop down ramp and a side door but the side door was locked so... a mentally deranged homeless man walked into my trailer while I was in it. When I turned around, I immediately found myself VERY trapped as I had nowhere to go. I screamed at him to STOP. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT.

He backed off to the ramp door and then started screaming obscenities at me. I reached into a drawer to access my gun safe which I JUST had bolted down the week before and told him that I AM ARMED. GET OFF. GET OUT. That only enraged him even further. After a minute of screaming at me... he finally got off and walked away.

I got out of the trailer and ran up to my truck to grab my phone. After about five or six minutes of wondering what the hell happened and how could I have put myself in such a terrible position. The gun safe had no gun in it yet as it wasn't purchased yet. I only pretended to be reaching for it. I have since gotten a Sig Sauer Mosquito with laser target sighting. I know it's a little gun but that's just what I want.

Anyway, he went around the building and came up to the side of me throwing dirt at me. I ran out to the middle of 6th street and just dialed 911 and told them I NEED HELP 600 LAMAR! I NEED HELP 600 LAMAR! Thankfully they came SO FAST and they took him down. They found him to be carrying an unloaded 9mm Beretta... and heavily intoxicated. I will NEVER leave the side door locked onsite again.


This is the reason I carry everywhere, even at home. Only place I don't carry is church. People are scary though. :(

Posted from App for Android
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Whoa Nitro that was some adrenalin there! On thinking about this- it really turned out all right. I have a bad feeling if you had had a gun that night you would have that mans life on your soul. If he had pulled that unloaded gun and you had yours you would have gunned him no doubt. I hope he is getting some help.

On the other hand I am glad to hear you will not get caught that way again.
You also need a tool partner on those night runs to watch your back and help out.
Whoa Nitro that was some adrenalin there! On thinking about this- it really turned out all right. I have a bad feeling if you had had a gun that night you would have that mans life on your soul. If he had pulled that unloaded gun and you had yours you would have gunned him no doubt. I hope he is getting some help.

On the other hand I am glad to hear you will not get caught that way again.
You also need a tool partner on those night runs to watch your back and help out.

And I would have slept like a baby if I had gotten him. The only problem with shooting somebody... being financially prepared to spend a lot of money defending my reason for doing so.

I had two employees working with me that night. They were in a different part of the parking lot. I was back in the trailer getting them something they needed.
And I would have slept like a baby if I had gotten him. The only problem with shooting somebody... being financially prepared to spend a lot of money defending my reason for doing so.

I had two employees working with me that night. They were in a different part of the parking lot. I was back in the trailer getting them something they needed.
In SC, you would be protected by the Castle Doctrine law. Our state's law includes vehicles and outbuildings, residence and business.

You were obviously corned without an easy escape, until the guy left. Up to that point, it would be self defense. If you pursued him outside, and then shot, that would be different.
In SC, you would be protected by the Castle Doctrine law. Our state's law includes vehicles and outbuildings, residence and business.

You were obviously corned without an easy escape, until the guy left. Up to that point, it would be self defense. If you pursued him outside, and then shot, that would be different.

I would have been well-protected here in gun-liberal Texas. I would still have to PROVE it and no matter what... that means $$$. Justifiably shooting someone is STILL very expensive.

Absolutely correct on pursuing out to shoot. Carrying is a HUGE responsibility.
The Craigslist situation. I buy off there all the time as well. I did get ripped off on a vehicle once - I should not buy them anymore without someone with me who can hear. That was an expensive lesson. The guy had that super thick motor honey in the engine block and I could not hear or feel the knock. I changed oil later and the engine went out while driving. I was the perfect guy for his scam. I kicked myself later too because there were other things I should have noted. All in all I screwed up. That fellow was gone too retired out of Alaska. I could track him and he has kids in Fairbanks but it is just not worth it to get into all of that.
I would have been well-protected here in gun-liberal Texas. I would still have to PROVE it and no matter what... that means $$$. Justifiably shooting someone is STILL very expensive.
Only if you're charged. In Castle Doctrine states, often the shooter isn't even charged.

Absolutely correct on pursuing out to shoot. Carrying is a HUGE responsibility.
Yep. Not something to take lightly.
Only if you're charged. In Castle Doctrine states, often the shooter isn't even charged.

Yep. Not something to take lightly.

Okay...then I would say a good way to look at it is... if you fire your weapon... do it expecting to be charged. It's a life-changing choice no doubt... whether you're justified or not.
Okay...then I would say a good way to look at it is... if you fire your weapon... do it expecting to be charged. It's a life-changing choice no doubt... whether you're justified or not.
Usually I post ads where someone responds, and they knock and get it, but this time I was busy and posted the address as a curb alert... Ill never do that again.
I was waiting for the guy to come collect his can of Whoop Azz, but sadly he never