Trouble With Voice Recognition Over The Phone


Eye/Hear/Speech Impaired
Premium Member
May 27, 2006
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Hi, I'm planning to swtich from AT&T GoPhone Pick Your Plan ($30 for 200 minutes) to Pay As You Go service as I'm getting landline with DSL in order to drop Comcast High Speed Internet with $10 Cable TV service. The reason is I stopped watching cable TV altogether -- a couple of days ago, as most of the basic channels are not worthwhile to watch, and did not keep track of the time against programs scheduled to air. If I drop cable TV service, I'll be charged $60/month for just high-speed Internet, which is too much for a 12 mbps high speed service.

I only need 6mbps speed, which I'm fine with that. Because AT&T, Verizon, and Earthlink is not available for my apartment in Tallahassee, Earthlink seems to be available in my area, but the problem is, I can't get DSL without landline, which is why I'm switching my cell phone service from Pick Your Plan to Pay As You Go.

I used online chat in AT&T's website, explain what I'm going to switch, and they told me I can do that but I need to call customer care. Okay, I dialed the number, and the automated system recognized my cell phone number, but after AT&T Automated System transferred my call to GoPhone's Automated "Voice" system, well, this is where I have troble with the voice recognition!!!

Since there are several options that I can choose from, since I'm hearing impaired, I didn't understand all the options except "customer care."

So, I mentioned: Customer Care
Automated System: Sorry, I don't get that. (Gives options to me, along with Customer Care)
I mentioned again: Customer Care
Automated System: Sorry, I don't get that. (Gives options to me, along with Customer Care)

Then, I hung up.

UGH!! I went to speech therapist a couple of years ago, and it made little to no effect on my speech...

Well, as an addition to being visual and hearing impaired, I seem to be speech impaired, but not very severe-- or maybe... :(

How can automated phone systems only allow me to use my voice and not to punch in numbers!!????
Try online relay?

You're not the only one. Even hearing people have problems with these voice recognition calls.
Well, I once use, and when I copy and paste a text with someting like:

[Phone Number to call goes here]

(Note: Please do not announce relay.)

My Phone Number: [my phone number goes here.]

[The rest of info goes here.]

Well, the relay operator dialed my phone number unstead of a number shown at the top of "(Do Not Announce Relay)." Apparently, the relay operator called me(!) instead of the phone number the relay operator is supposed to call.

But it's alright, as it's already late. I'll be going to Embark to sign up for landlane (and DSL, if possible) and go to AT&T to get my plan switched over.

Well, I once use, and when I copy and paste a text with someting like:

[Phone Number to call goes here]

(Note: Please do not announce relay.)

My Phone Number: [my phone number goes here.]

[The rest of info goes here.]

Well, the relay operator dialed my phone number unstead of a number shown at the top of "(Do Not Announce Relay)." Apparently, the relay operator called me(!) instead of the phone number the relay operator is supposed to call.

But it's alright, as it's already late. I'll be going to Embark to sign up for landlane (and DSL, if possible) and go to AT&T to get my plan switched over.

Sometimes, it's better to be more specific when telling the relay operator what you want to do.

For instance...

Phone: 555-555-5555
Request: Do not announce relay. When prompted for my phone number - 5555554444.

This would be easier if you used because they have "Dialing Instructions" for you to tell them what you want before you connect. :)
Oh, okay. Thanks for the tip.

Update as of 2 PM EST:
I'll have to keep Comcast as my mom wants to watch news during the morning in my apartment before she goes to work (my mom bought a house in Altha "just because" it's cheap). *shrug* But the good news is my mom, dad, and I will split the cable bill in three ways to help me out with my money.

Thanks anyway.

Update 2: And nevermind the landline. ~$53 for one time charge and a credit check... Cannot afford that one-time charge.

Tallahassee is a very boring city with little to no choice... I better find something for me to cheer me up (going to watch a Blu-Ray movie tonight with my Dijornos pizza). :) Well, guess I could have fun with MegaSigning (from Rocket Sign Language), but it's only a demo version with very limited functionality. But that's no big deal...heh! :) Gonna check my mail for my Netflix movie... :D
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