Mendoza Legislation AB2072 Nudges California Back to Eugenics


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Apr 18, 2004
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California eugenics has a direct link to Nazi Germany’s war of extermination against Jews and all other Europeans deemed less worthy than the Aryan master race. In the first two decades of the twentieth century, American eugenics launched a campaign to create a white, blue-eyed, blond-haired master race in America, a biological ideal they called “Nordic.” A key center for the pseudoscience of eugenics sprang up in California. It was from California that eugenicists, backed by wealthy philanthropies such as the Carnegie Institution, created racist pseudo-medical brochures and proposed legislation to eliminate the existence of all people on earth who did not resemble the Nordic ideal.

How? Eugenicists wanted to create public gas chambers, marriage prohibition, concentration camps, and other elimination strategies for those perceived as “disabled” or less than the eugenic version of perfect. Legislation was crafted to slowly implement their goals on a state-by-state level.

Euthanasia laws were introduced in Ohio by the social worker professions as early as 1908—and defeated. Marriage restriction and concentration camp confinement laws for those with vision problems were proffered in New York by the ophthalmology profession—and defeated.

But through an extensive and pernicious campaign of fake science and academic fraud at the highest echelon, eugenicists were able to achieve forced sterilization laws in twenty-seven states. Ultimately, some 65,000 Americans were coercively sterilized, many without knowing it. Often the reasons were no more than gossip about moral character, presumed illiteracy, poverty, or the commission of a petty economic crime. In 1909, California became the third state to adopt such laws and over the coming few decades, about a third, and sometimes more, of all these 65,000 forced sterilizations occurred in California. In 1933 alone, at least 1,278 coercive sterilizations were performed in the state, 700 on women.

The state's two leading sterilization mills in 1933 were Sonoma State Home with 388 operations and Patton State Hospital with 363 operations. Other sterilization centers included Agnews, Mendocino, Napa, Norwalk, Stockton, and Pacific Colony state hospitals.

In the twenties, Adolf Hitler studied American eugenic theories and California’s statutes and emulated them in Nazi Germany with great ferocity and velocity, renaming the Nordic type as “Aryan.” In “Mein Kampf,” published in 1925, Hitler quoted American eugenic ideology and openly displayed a thorough knowledge of American eugenics. “There is today one state,” wrote Hitler, “in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception (of immigration) are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.”

Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed the progress of the American eugenics movement. “I have studied with great interest,” he told a fellow Nazi, “the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.” Hitler even wrote a fan letter to American eugenics leader Madison Grant calling his race-based eugenics book, “The Passing of the Great Race,” his “bible.” The deaf were among the Reich’s earliest targets for elimination and covered by the first wave of Nazi legislation in 1933.

In 1934, as Germany's sterilizations were accelerating beyond 5,000 per month, the California eugenics leader C. M. Goethe, upon returning from Germany where he sat on a Nazi eugenics court, ebulliently bragged to a Pasadena colleague, “You will be interested to know that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. Everywhere I sensed that their opinions have been tremendously stimulated by American thought . . . I want you, my dear friend, to carry this thought with you for the rest of your life, that you have really jolted into action a great government of 60 million people.”

Many thought eugenics was a buried part of California’s past. Now it seems that new legislation, AB2072, may nudge the state back to the slippery eugenic slope. The target of opportunity is the state’s deaf community. They are an easy target and find it hard to stand up to the powerful medical economic interest of the audiology profession and the cochlear ear implant industry who are lobbying hard for AB2072, a law that will create a climate that can quickly subhumanize, marginalize, and medically modernize an entire cultural group out of existence. This porous ill-defined legislation, sponsored by Assemblymember Tony Mendoza (56th District)—probably without thinking through the impact—has for all intents and purposes identified the deaf as social misfits that require state intervention.

Mendoza’s legislation calls for every newborn to be tested. Families with a deaf infant are to receive an “informative” brochure—devoid of oversight and detached from the wishes of the deaf community—that will in realistic terms be under the control of the audiology industry. This brochure will in essence sell cochlear implants as a medical marvel that will obsolete the deaf and their well-developed culture of community. This has been a goal of the eugenics world and its tax-exempt foundations since eugenics pioneer Alexander Graham Bell—a leader of the early eugenic societies—spotlighted the deaf for elimination.

But there’s a problem. The deaf only look like an easy target. They only seem like freaks to be eliminated. In fact, they have a well-developed and distinct culture of communication using sign language and they do not wish to be exiled from their own unborn children and grandchildren. They respond to email in moments and faster than any newsman. They command a lyrical sense of the English language that is at once poetic and fiercely precise. They are wonderful artists. Their technologic world of video phones and other adaptive equipment became commonplace when Skype and Instant Messaging were still being invented. They may be deaf, but they correctly hear the hymn of eugenics in AB2072, and they heard it sooner than Assemblyman Mendoza.

Butch Zein, a fifth generation Bay Area deaf man told me, “The fact that there will be no oversight, and that the organizations will have free rein to modify the brochure later on, reeks of what had happened during Nazi Reich when Germany lost control of oversight and allowed Hitler and his SS group to develop propaganda against the Jews. That’s the parallel I am seeing right now. It’s their intent to wipe out "Deaf" by encouraging parents that their deaf child can become hearing when in fact they knew it’s not true and that the technology is far from perfect.”

No cultural, ethnic, religious, or other special group in California should be targeted by legislation designed to obsolete their existence. AB2072 does exactly this and Mendoza may go down in history as the founding father of California’s return to eugenics. If he does not know this now, he may learn it soon. Surely, once the brochure law goes into effect, the amendments, enhancements, and enforcements will gain velocity down the eugenic slope. If this brochure is not that important, why are the million-dollar corporations and foundations lined up to so enthusiastically support it?

Once the deaf are gone, then it is visually impaired, then the obese, and then perhaps immigrants, and then me. After me, guess who’s next?

Edwin Black is the author of the bestselling, award-winning IBM and the Holocaust and his book on American eugenics, War Against the Weak. He will be lecturing on eugenics in Sacramento June 15 and 16.

Someone should send this article to Mendoza.
Yup, they are going to be voting on this bill tomorrow.
It was announced yesterday that the voting has been postponed to June 23rd.
ooooh....great argument there. ASL is going to dieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

The point is that parents are given the information as required by law so they can make an informed decision. Nothing more.
Let's put this in historical context:

One of the earliest modern advocates of eugenics (before it was labeled as such) was Alexander Graham Bell. In 1881 Bell investigated the rate of deafness on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. From this he concluded that deafness was hereditary in nature and, through noting that congenitally deaf parents were more likely to produce deaf children, tentatively suggested that couples where both were deaf should not marry, in his lecture Memoir upon the formation of a deaf variety of the human race presented to the National Academy of Sciences on 13 November 1883. However, it was his hobby of livestock breeding which led to his appointment to biologist David Starr Jordan's Committee on Eugenics, under the auspices of the American Breeders Association. The committee unequivocally extended the principle to man.

Eugenics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

footnotes omitted (see link)

There's a reason that genetic studies make deaf/HOH people nervous.
Might wanna read up how eugenics movements flare up... usually they start out harmless.

Yes. Those that are poo-pooing this will be singing a different tune if it passes and they begin to experience the negative effects in their own lives.

Postponing the voting is a good thing. More time to rally those against and to inform more of the public regarding the negatives of a bill such as this.
It's almost like doing the Godwin's law thing. Throw in that eugenics charge just for good measures. This is about parental decisions. Not eradication.
There is nothing in this bill about forced CI's, or eugentics. The bill clears includes ASL, and ALL OTHER OPTIONS. Why is that bad? How is education and information EVER a bad thing???
There is nothing in this bill about forced CI's, or eugentics. The bill clears includes ASL, and ALL OTHER OPTIONS. Why is that bad? How is education and information EVER a bad thing???

Psst..! Anything remotely connected to the name "AGBell" gets their wrath and spincters in knots. Maybe they should go after Vincent Cerf "Father of the Internet" for accepting an AGBell medal award 13 years ago and get him to give it up?

You're right. It's about providing access for parents so they can make an informed decision. No favoritism here. It's about choices.
There is nothing in this bill about forced CI's, or eugentics. The bill clears includes ASL, and ALL OTHER OPTIONS. Why is that bad? How is education and information EVER a bad thing???

It is not bad; it is just that the people against it do not believe fair choices will occur in reality after it passes. First off, there's that audiologist and we all know almost all audies know next to nothing about the deaf culture. The big-monied interests hovering over this are the same way and there will be no oversight, etc so how do you expect the culturally deaf to react other than to be skeptical?
It is not bad; it is just that the people against it do not believe fair choices will occur in reality after it passes. First off, there's that audiologist and we all know almost all audies know next to nothing about the deaf culture. The big-monied interests hovering over this are the same way and there will be no oversight, etc so how do you expect the culturally deaf to react other than to be skeptical?

This man says it all.
One thing though. This bill is designed to help provide all necessary information for parents of deaf/hh children since audiologist isn't supposed to be a one stop information messenger since bias and favoritism can creep in, not to mention potentially lacking knowledge in some crucial or key areas on communication and education. They're expert in detecting hearing loss, not about everything else.
Thanks for keeping us updated. Will there be a crowd outside the Govt house when this bill is voted?

Well, there was one there today but I haven't gotten any feedback as of yet. I think they had to change gears and try to talk to Senators about this bill as they come and go into the Capitol or up and down hallways/floors, etc......I think those who are opposed may have gained some traction with all the letters when it is voted on the 23rd, I am sure they will be back in force...
If the evil audiologists are already convincing parents to not use ASL and that the Deaf community is pointless, wouldn't this bill at least help? Doing nothing isn't going to change things. What is the alternative? I hear a lot of yelling, but no one putting out better ideas.