Tinnitus treated with cannabis cookies


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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According to Patricia Tabram, a 66-year-old grandmother from Northumberland, she uses cannabis in her baked goods to guard against tinnitus as well as pains caused by a car crash.

Cannabis is illegal but to granny she believes it should be legal for medical reasons only. ""If they send me to jail, I can finish writing my book about the merits of medicinal herbal cannabis," she reported.

Tinnitus is ringing, whistling, or buzzing noises in the ear or both ears. Tinnitus is caused by being exposed to loud noises, ear infection, the use of certain drugs, head injury, et al. About 50 million people in the US suffer tinnitus.

Wow! It'd be nice if cannabis turns to legal because tinnitus is an awful thing to deal with. I have some friends that have this problem. I hear about it sometimes and that makes me feel really bad.

I wonder what's so illegal about cannabis?
Cannabis is also marijuana. Unless your doctor prescribes you with cannabis as medical treatment, it is illegal for everyone else.
ohhh, then more Deafies will get the munchies! ;)

Cannabis seed oil is legal. But not the leaves part. I have cannabis lipbalm and rehydrating cannabis lotion.
Ahhh.. I didn't realized that "Tinnitus".. No wonder why I've noticed my husband kept whinning and compalin about his ears kept ringing and echo all the time non-stop.. He kept trying ingore his ears and driving around the road.. I kept asking him, you're okay? which my concern about his health.. of course part of me feeling and not sure if he is..."OKAY". He still contuine whinning.. I thought I had to say.. oh aw.. come on .. stop whining.. Why can't you quit it saying to me repeatly for 10 years.. Until Alex posted about this issues "Tinnitus". Let me guess.. I'd rather nofity my husband about this details. Have to push him go over and see Specialist doctor..

Thanks for bring this thread topic... Thank you big time!
Bullym0m said:
Ahhh.. I didn't realized that "Tinnitus".. No wonder why I've noticed my husband kept whinning and compalin about his ears kept ringing and echo all the time non-stop.. He kept trying ingore his ears and driving around the road..

"Ringing in the ears" can be a symptom of a bigger problem. It's not something to ignore, unless you want your hubby to wind up dead from a head tumor or something like that. Get him checked out!
I used to have Tinnitus, in middle school until I am in 9th - 10th Grade it was gone. I was so happy that it vanished away. I probably grew out of it. So, praise the Lord! :)
I think that my dad and I have Tinnitus, We've both had a ringing in our ears for as long as we can remember, it's nothing too bad, although I get headaches constantly. I've sort of grown accustomed to it. If anything I think I've got a mild form of it. I dont know so much about Cannabis helping it though, it may take your mind off of it, but not so much solving the problem. Kind of like taking tylenol for a broken arm it's going to take your mind off the pain a bit but not going to fix the fracture. Then again I'm not a doctor so it may solve the problem.
Sorry, I'm against kind of drugs totally. No offense.

The drugs could be additive when you try them out of curiously. Legal? No way!
deaflibrarian said:
Pot is good. Very, very good. Pot is legal in Canada. :D

No, it isn't. It was "decriminalized" but it's still not legal. Actually, I'm not even sure if they actually had decriminalized it due to the crappy coverage it got in the newspapers.
deaflibrarian said:
......Well, as long as the coppers don't know, pot is still good, very, very good. :D
You advocate breaking the law? You are saying that illegal dope smoking is good ? As long as you don't get caught?
deaflibrarian said:
Well, as long as the coppers don't know, pot is still good, very, very good. :D

No, it's not true!

My sister is addict to kind of drugs. She tried different drugs and she had been tried smoking pot in first place.
Marijuana was decriminalized in Canada, was it not?
Do you hear of wild-eyed addicts running amok?
Beowulf said:
Marijuana was decriminalized in Canada, was it not?
Do you hear of wild-eyed addicts running amok?
So far it has not been decriminalized. Read the links. Posession is still against the law if I read it right. I think deaflibrarian is advocating an illegal act.
Well, yeah, Codger, I know it is still illegal there.
I said decriminalized.
That means you can pay the fine while holding the money in one hand and a doobie in the other, heh heh.
Decriminalization is the proposed legislation. It has not passed. Here is what they propose:

Penalties for Marijuana Possession
The marijuana reform bill distinguishes between penalties for adults and penalties for youths. A youth is someone under the age of 18. Parents or guardians of young people who receive a ticket or are charged with marijuana possession will be notified.

The penalties in the new marijuana legislation are:

for possession of 15 grams or less of marijuana, enough for about 15 or 20 joints, the penalty would be a ticket with a fine of $150 for an adult, $100 for a youth
for possession of one gram or less of cannabis resin (hashish), a ticket with a fine of $300 for an adult, $200 for a youth
for possession of 15 grams or less of marijuana or one gram or less of cannabis resin where aggravating factors exist, the fines would be $400 for an adult and $250 for a youth. Aggravating factors include possession while committing an indictable offence, operating a motor vehicle, and on or near school grounds.
for possession of from 15 grams to 30 grams of marijuana, the police would have the discretion to give a ticket or issue a criminal court summons. The ticket would be $300 for an adult and $200 for a youth. The summary conviction penalty would be up to six months in prison and/or a fine of up to $1,000.

Penalties for Growing Marijuana
The production of marijuana in Canada is currently punishable by up to seven years imprisonment. The new marijuana legislation creates different offences depending on the size of the marijuana growing operation.

The penalties for growing marijuana under the new marijuana legislation would be

for growing one to three plants, the penalty would be a fine of up to $5000 and/or 12 months in jail
for growing four to 25 plants, the penalty would be a fine of up to $25,000 and/or 18 months in jail, or if pursued by indictment, five years less a day imprisonment
for growing 26 to 50 plants, a sentence of up to ten years would apply
for growing more than 50 plants, the sentence could be up to 14 years.
Dang. I didn't know that.
I used to be quite the pothead, but no longer partake of the stuff.
I dunno, though, my feeling is that it is just a plant for Chrissake, and what is the big deal?
We have more prisoners than any other country in the world, and that includes Russia and China, and I cannot help but get the strange feeling that something is wrong with that.
What? Are they trying to lock up as many people as possible?- and for what?
Ah well.