Deaf community in Maine?


New Member
Feb 13, 2007
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Hey, I'm working on learning ASL and am interested in meeting others in my area to help me learn and hang out. I live near the Brunswick area. Send me a message if you're interested. I only started learning a few days ago, so I'm still a noob when it comes to ASL. I hope to meet some of you. Take it easy. :)
Try Googling deaf events in your area or something. There may not be one directly in your area, but some place a while away from where you are.

I do have some deaf friends who live in Main. So, I'm sure you'll find something there. :thumb:
I'm from Maine, not living there anymore.. And I can tell you that most of the time.. you can. look into the Maine Center on Deafness, or MCD, they can give you information on deaf events, I think.


Hope this helps :)
I'm from Maine, not living there anymore.. And I can tell you that most of the time.. you can. look into the Maine Center on Deafness, or MCD, they can give you information on deaf events, I think.


Hope this helps :)

Thanks alot. I'll look into that. :)
Just a FYI..

The Deaf community in maine is spread out... nobody lives in any specific city or town... But Lewiston/Auburn, Portland and Bucksport seem to be the popular Deafie towns. From what I remember. Plus you can try searching for Gov. Baxter School for the Deaf Which is in Falmouth.

Sorry, Meant to add that to my last post but forgot. LOL.
Deaf community in Maine

Hello all:
there's a new chapter of ALDA in Rockland, right near my hometown of Camden!
I know it's for late-deafened folks, but there are ASL-Deaf folks who go to the ALDA events in Boston, and I bet some go to the Rockland ones, too.
There was also just a Deaf film festival at the University of Southern Maine in Portland (WISH I coulda gotten to it!), and there may be other Deaf events there, if you contact the university ...
Happy signing! ASL is such a great language to learn -- best of luck, and have fun!
-- Kim
(born Hard-of-hearing, latecomer to ASL, but love it all the same)