Roe v. Wade - For Men

My father would sure have loved that when I was a kid. But he found a way around paying anything anyway.
It's good to hear that this legal challenge will not succeed.

Too many men avoid financial responsibility for their children as it is.

This guy, in question, should keep paying child support, but no where does it state he has to see his child, does it?

So he should just shut up and pay til the child's 18.
I posted it because I thought it was interesting to note that there ARE more options for women to decline parenthood than there are for men.

The argument presented by feminists in that article is that men who do not want children should get sterilized (same option for women).

However, a man cannot terminate a pregnancy and many men have been trapped in relationships over unwanted or accidental pregnancies. They do not have an "opt out" .... but women do.

Do you think this is fair?

I have a feeling I opened a can of worms .....
I posted it because I thought it was interesting to note that there ARE more options for women to decline parenthood than there are for men.

The argument presented by feminists in that article is that men who do not want children should get sterilized (same option for women).

However, a man cannot terminate a pregnancy and many men have been trapped in relationships over unwanted or accidental pregnancies. They do not have an "opt out" .... but women do.

Do you think this is fair?

I have a feeling I opened a can of worms .....

No. It's not fair to men but it's fair to women.

It takes a LOT of resources for a woman to get pregnant and carry it to full term. The risk of dying from pregnancy is much greater and they are much likely to develop long term diseases as a result of pregnancy. They have to deal with labor pains. The risks are very real and women should be the ones to decide, not men. When they take birth control, the risk of health complications as a result of side effects are very real. They're more likely to develop blood clots which can be life threatening.

Men? It's just fun. No pain. No carrying to full term. Don't want a baby? Sterilize yourself. *snip* that way you will never have to pay for fatherhood.
Men don't have as many options? Option #1: don't put your penis in a woman's vagina if you're not ready to live with the results of an unintended pregnancy!

As if deciding to get an abortion and living with that trauma for the rest of your life is an easy "option" for a woman...

The men trying to get this passed are just a bunch of deadbeats who want to avoid responsibility.
Wirelessly posted

netrox said:
I posted it because I thought it was interesting to note that there ARE more options for women to decline parenthood than there are for men.

The argument presented by feminists in that article is that men who do not want children should get sterilized (same option for women).

However, a man cannot terminate a pregnancy and many men have been trapped in relationships over unwanted or accidental pregnancies. They do not have an "opt out" .... but women do.

Do you think this is fair?

I have a feeling I opened a can of worms .....

No. It's not fair to men but it's fair to women.

It takes a LOT of resources for a woman to get pregnant and carry it to full term. The risk of dying from pregnancy is much greater and they are much likely to develop long term diseases as a result of pregnancy. They have to deal with labor pains. The risks are very real and women should be the ones to decide, not men. When they take birth control, the risk of health complications as a result of side effects are very real. They're more likely to develop blood clots which can be life threatening.

Men? It's just fun. No pain. No carrying to full term. Don't want a baby? Sterilize yourself. *snip* that way you will never have to pay for fatherhood.

Problem is many doctors will refuse to do the procedure on men until they're either one of the followings:

1) Age of 30
2) Already has a kid
3) Is settled down
4) Has a preventable life-threatening or crippling disorder or disease

And they will only do it after the person have a clear bill of mental health. The standards go for both men and women. So for the rest of us young folks, we gamble with birth control methods or celibate.

Alex has the right idea.
Men don't have as many options? Option #1: don't put your penis in a woman's vagina if you're not ready to live with the results of an unintended pregnancy!

As if deciding to get an abortion and living with that trauma for the rest of your life is an easy "option" for a woman...

The men trying to get this passed are just a bunch of deadbeats who want to avoid responsibility.

women have the same option of not having sex .....
No. It's not fair to men but it's fair to women.

It takes a LOT of resources for a woman to get pregnant and carry it to full term. The risk of dying from pregnancy is much greater and they are much likely to develop long term diseases as a result of pregnancy. They have to deal with labor pains. The risks are very real and women should be the ones to decide, not men. When they take birth control, the risk of health complications as a result of side effects are very real. They're more likely to develop blood clots which can be life threatening.

Men? It's just fun. No pain. No carrying to full term. Don't want a baby? Sterilize yourself. *snip* that way you will never have to pay for fatherhood.

How does it to develop long term diseases? It could be from smoking, drinking, drugs, and poor nutrients. Many women haven't tried in a warm water birth with licensed midwives which is better than in the hospital. Oh gosh, I am seeing a stork bringing baby home with a special delivery - what a cool! Perhaps, the baby needs sunglasses from Jiro's special sale.

Sorry, for men, they still have to pay for it no matter what because of no equal salary for women in decades.
women have the same option of not having sex ..... takes 2 to tango, but in my opinion, it's (sex) is at the urging of a man, more often than a woman. If the woman says, I'm not on any birth control, then the man should feel obligated to use a "jacket" both the man and woman should protect themselves from an unwanted pregnancy.
But try telling that to a 16 year old!

Someone I do know, his daughter is 17 years old, is mildly mentally challenged, she is 7 months pregnant, and the father is 14 years old.

Accidents do happen, even to married couples. And there are cases when a woman will "trap" a man by deliberately getting pregnant and lieing about using birth control.....

I think it's the individual's choice to protect should not all fall upon the woman.
Men need to learn that there is no such thing as consequence-free sex. As Dr. Ruth would say, use a condom!
Condoms break. When that happens, then what? Sue the manufacturer?

Perhaps some men don't know what size condoms they should wear.....then again, if the man knows the woman is not on birth control and opts for a condom...he still knows there is a chance of pregnancy....Some men even check for small "holes" in the condom before wearing them. My guess is that men should buy the best condoms available, not a cheap product, even wear "2" of them.
Perhaps some men don't know what size condoms they should wear.....then again, if the man knows the woman is not on birth control and opts for a condom...he still knows there is a chance of pregnancy....Some men even check for small "holes" in the condom before wearing them. My guess is that men should buy the best condoms available, not a cheap product, even wear "2" of them.

A little-known fact is that two condoms feels more natural than one.