I Watched the Movie ""The Path to 9-11""



I placed the Blame totaly on BILL CLINTON cause his staff doesnt belive in murdering arabs if theyre gonna achive peace.You see how liberals are? This is why Bill Clinton didnt want ABC TV to Air this movie.And Albright didnt want Bin Laden to be Taken out cause the Republicans were gonna make a political issue how clinton used volence would hurt Al Gores chances on becoming president.Bill Clinton Came from the 60s hippie generation you know...MAKE LOVE NOT WAR.It was truly Clintons fault on 9-11 cause he didnt belive in fighting back.If I walked up to Bill Clinton and socked him in his eye he would not punch me back.Bill Clinton Follows Jesus examples.Remember watch Jesus Christs words were on Volence?
If a man slaps you across your cheek offer him the other one
. This is why Democrats should never be trusted to run this country ever again.Cause Todays Democrats are nothing like Thomas Jeffersons Democrats or FDR Democrats.Todays Democrats are Anti Free Speech,,Anti Military ,,Anti Death Penalty and Pro Abortion.
:barf: :iough:
I placed the Blame totaly on BILL CLINTON cause his staff doesnt belive in murdering arabs if theyre gonna achive peace.You see how liberals are? This is why Bill Clinton didnt want ABC TV to Air this movie.And Albright didnt want Bin Laden to be Taken out cause the Republicans were gonna make a political issue how clinton used volence would hurt Al Gores chances on becoming president.Bill Clinton Came from the 60s hippie generation you know...MAKE LOVE NOT WAR.It was truly Clintons fault on 9-11 cause he didnt belive in fighting back.If I walked up to Bill Clinton and socked him in his eye he would not punch me back.Bill Clinton Follows Jesus examples.Remember watch Jesus Christs words were on Volence? . This is why Democrats should never be trusted to run this country ever again.Cause Todays Democrats are nothing like Thomas Jeffersons Democrats or FDR Democrats.Todays Democrats are Anti Free Speech,,Anti Military ,,Anti Death Penalty and Pro Abortion.
You watched the movie and how was it? Good? Bad? Is it something I would like to see?
You watched the movie and how was it? Good? Bad? Is it something I would like to see?

It was on ABC TV Cheri It might air again on a rerun.It was good,,It Proved it was Bill Clintons fault why 9-11 happened.
I didn't watch it. and ABC got rating tied with CBS's reairing of other 9/11 documentary while NFL games got higher ratings.. (source: Path to 9/11 Trounced By Football, Ties CBS Rerun )

I am not watching them tonight and didn't watch last night either...

Buck, don't forget Gulf War under Bush's Dad! Cheney was Sec of Defense! he said bad idea to invade and won't be greeted as liberator then in 2003 cheney says "Tenets says it is slam dunk case so good idea to invade" HE didn't keep his word!

Cheney is horrible liar on Meet the Press yesterday! it was 1 hour long interview by Tim Russert no cc but there's a link to transcript on same page: MSNBC - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC - Front Page

for those who haven't seen yesterday can check out the video clips on youtubes with reason why it is false and etc:
mparent7777: Video Clips of Path to 9//11 Part 1 Broadcast in New Zealand Last Night

Buck, IT DOES NOT PROVE that Clinton is at fault.

You know what former 9/11 Commissioner John Lehman (R) said on ABC yesterday about the Docudrama:
Lehman said, “if you don’t like the hits to the Clinton administration, well, welcome to the club.” According to Lehman, any defamatory material is acceptable because conservatives “have lived with Michael Moore” and “most of Hollywood.”
Oh that is a revenge for Michael Moore's movie eh..

You know the difference between the Path movie and Moore's movie?

Path's movie contains make up scene that never happened. Moore's movies contains everything real video captured. no make up eh.

The partial transcript of that Lehman on ABC;

LEHMAN: I think that it certainly should go forward. I’m told it’s equally harsh against the Bush administration, in fact, both Bush administrations and even back to Reagan for not retaliating against early strikes, so absolutely it should go forward, and if you don’t like the hits to the Clinton administration, well, welcome to the club. Republicans have lived with Michael Moore and Oliver Stone and most of Hollywood as a fact of life.
Source: Think Progress » 9/11 Commissioner Lehman On Path to 9/11: ‘If You Don’t Like The Hits On the Clinton Administration, Welcome to the Club’

I suggest you all read all headlines about Path to 911 movies here;
Think Progress

It's sad that you, Buck, is suckered into watching it.

Now think about it what happens after 9/11 how did it fares? To me, It GOT WORSER than before 9/11 ! See this: Think Progress » The 9/11 Timeline (oh by the way check out what did the new intelligence czar do during march 2006? )

Remember what Cheney said on March 2003: (source: Interview with Vice-President Dick Cheney, NBC, "Meet the Press," Transcript for March 16 )
Now, I think things have gotten so bad inside Iraq, from the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. And the president’s made it very clear that our purpose there is, if we are forced to do this, will in fact be to stand up a government that’s representative of the Iraqi people, hopefully democratic due respect for human rights, and it, obviously, involves a major commitment by the United States, but we think it’s a commitment worth making. And we don’t have the option anymore of simply laying back and hoping that events in Iraq will not constitute a threat to the U.S. Clearly, 12 years after the Gulf War, we’re back in a situation where he does constitute a threat.

now look back in Gulf War which he said this: (see the quote) http://www.alldeaf.com/564325-post24.html when he was a Sec of Defense to Bush 1 well?

Buck, again, remember I told you to check out MediaMatter.org before you spew any false claims made by those who wants Bush out of Office.
Media Matters The staffs there are not all liberal or dems. they are mixed.. they strives to dig in and give you what media won't.
anyway right on front page of that site shows "ABC'S FALSE PATH TO 9/11"

Anyway, that's why I am not watching it. I didn't watch Moore's film first time around till I was given the DVD and watched it and realized that there is no make up scenes in Moore's film while ABC's film DOES.

and get this. the preview was screened by jouranlist and republicans NO Democrats or such.

And what's more the movie is produced by Christian Right organizations!

It is sad you are brainwashed by Republicans over the years till now you want to vote Dem straight due to Bush won't fun Stem Cells. see you don't make sense. Please don't deny that you are not...
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I didn't watch it. and ABC got rating tied with CBS's reairing of other 9/11 documentary while NFL games got higher ratings.. (source: WordPress › Error )

I am not watching them tonight and didn't watch last night either...

Buck, don't forget Gulf War under Bush's Dad! Cheney was Sec of Defense! he said bad idea to invade and won't be greeted as liberator then in 2003 cheney says "Tenets says it is slam dunk case so good idea to invade" HE didn't keep his word!

Cheney is horrible liar on Meet the Press yesterday! it was 1 hour long interview by Tim Russert no cc but there's a link to transcript on same page: MSNBC - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC - Front Page

for those who haven't seen yesterday can check out the video clips on youtubes with reason why it is false and etc:
mparent7777: Video Clips of Path to 9//11 Part 1 Broadcast in New Zealand Last Night

Buck, IT DOES NOT PROVE that Clinton is at fault.

You know what former 9/11 Commissioner John Lehman (R) said on ABC yesterday about the Docudrama:
Oh that is a revenge for Michael Moore's movie eh..

You know the difference between the Path movie and Moore's movie?

Path's movie contains make up scene that never happened. Moore's movies contains everything real video captured. no make up eh.

The partial transcript of that Lehman on ABC;

Source: WordPress › Error

I suggest you all read all headlines about Path to 911 movies here;
WordPress › Error

It's sad that you, Buck, is suckered into watching it.

Now think about it what happens after 9/11 how did it fares? To me, It GOT WORSER than before 9/11 ! See this: WordPress › Error (oh by the way check out what did the new intelligence czar do during march 2006? )

Remember what Cheney said:

now look back in Gulf War which he said this: (see the quote) http://www.alldeaf.com/564325-post24.html when he was a Sec of Defense to Bush 1 well?

Buck, again, remember I told you to check out MediaMatter.org before you spew any false claims made by those who wants Bush out of Office.
Media Matters The staffs there are not all liberal or dems. they are mixed.. they strives to dig in and give you what media won't.
anyway right on front page of that site shows "ABC'S FALSE PATH TO 9/11"

Anyway, that's why I am not watching it. I didn't watch Moore's film first time around till I was given the DVD and watched it and realized that there is no make up scenes in Moore's film while ABC's film DOES.

and get this. the preview was screened by jouranlist and republicans NO Democrats or such.

And what's more the movie is produced by Christian Right organizations!

It is sad you are brainwashed by Republicans over the years till now you want to vote Dem straight due to Bush won't fun Stem Cells. see you don't make sense. Please don't deny that you are not...

I thought I blamed Bush President's fault. I reseached history what caused. But God only one knew who did and caused.
FYI: I edited my previous post to add more source links that I forgot and edited the link to reflect properly...
I didn't know they were showing a movie on TV about this, I thought it was in the movie theatre
It is a 2 parter movie on ABC too late it is over now.. ABC has been showing it worldwide. but not worth watching it.
It is a 2 parter movie on ABC too late it is over now.. ABC has been showing it worldwide. but not worth watching it.

How come it's not worth watching?...
That is just 100% no 500% BS!!!!....Just for your information, Clinton did what he could. This thing with Bin Laden has been going on for 13 years or longer. It was NOT his fault for 9-11. Bush was well aware of Bin Laden. When he got into office Jan 2001, he choose to ignore everything that has happened & was very warned about other things with Bin Laden & the terrorists. But he dismissed it for the time being until 9-11 thank you very much..

I placed the Blame totaly on BILL CLINTON cause his staff doesnt belive in murdering arabs if theyre gonna achive peace.You see how liberals are? This is why Bill Clinton didnt want ABC TV to Air this movie.And Albright didnt want Bin Laden to be Taken out cause the Republicans were gonna make a political issue how clinton used volence would hurt Al Gores chances on becoming president.Bill Clinton Came from the 60s hippie generation you know...MAKE LOVE NOT WAR.It was truly Clintons fault on 9-11 cause he didnt belive in fighting back.If I walked up to Bill Clinton and socked him in his eye he would not punch me back.Bill Clinton Follows Jesus examples.Remember watch Jesus Christs words were on Volence? . This is why Democrats should never be trusted to run this country ever again.Cause Todays Democrats are nothing like Thomas Jeffersons Democrats or FDR Democrats.Todays Democrats are Anti Free Speech,,Anti Military ,,Anti Death Penalty and Pro Abortion.
Micheal Moores movie is BS too but Movie Theater Managers wouldnt boycott and prohibited Micheal Moores Movie from being shown in theaters. But over 60% Radio Station Managers refused to allow The Dixie Chicks songs on their Radio stations because the Dixie Chicks are Anti George Bush.Guess What?? Dixie Chicks Concerts were ether cancelled because lack of tickets sold or the local law enforcement officers prohibit Dixie Chicks from holding a concert.Even the Dixie chicks play in the grand ol opery it wont get sold out. So Why cant Movie theater managers Ban Micheal Moores Movie from playing in theaters? Well 60% of Radio Station Managers Banned the Dixie chicks!
How come it's not worth watching?...

It's works of Republican Noise Machine hmm...

what is it? ok...

http://www.motherjones.com/news/qa/2004/09/09_400.html (you will be surprised by what Republicans did)

it describes what Republicans do.. Democrats didn't have that before Bush.

But We don't need one. although we have blogsphere like Daily Kos (www.dailykos.com) telling the world the truth than Republicans can.

And also There is Media Matters in American website at www.mediamatters.org which shows you what media fails or such like that. check that website and you will see headlines about Path to 9/11 movie. (this is the one that David Brock started which he was interviewed by Mother Jones in the first link above)
It was on ABC TV Cheri It might air again on a rerun.It was good,,It Proved it was Bill Clintons fault why 9-11 happened.

Oh I watched CBS, It was very interesting how the firefighters video tapped what happened in the lobby and the loud thubs from those who jumped out of the twin towers.

I don't think it was Clinton's fault, I believe we did not have any tight securities at the airports during that time.
I watched this film in my TV for two nights, both nights I fall asleep at the end, I miss out alot - oh well.
That is just 100% no 500% BS!!!!....Just for your information, Clinton did what he could. This thing with Bin Laden has been going on for 13 years or longer. It was NOT his fault for 9-11. Bush was well aware of Bin Laden. When he got into office Jan 2001, he choose to ignore everything that has happened & was very warned about other things with Bin Laden & the terrorists. But he dismissed it for the time being until 9-11 thank you very much..

You nailed that one dude! I'm with you based on everything that you just said above.

I'm tired of the public blaming Clinton this and that, when Bush is the one who sat on his freggin ass at the classroom in Florida during the attack.
Y Bush is the one who sat on his freggin ass at the classroom in Florida during the attack.

What you want him to you? Yell to the kids WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!! Is that what you want bush to do? NO!!!! If Clinton done his job like he was supposed to do we would had a 9-11 holiday. Like After the first WTC Why didnt he Bomb IRAN,,IRAQ And AFGAINSTAN?? Why Didnt Order a Military Strike on Yemen After the USS COLE was attacked? Remember how Reagan Handled the Terrorist? HE BOMBED THE HELL OUTTA TRIPOLI AND KILLED QADHAFI`Si SON DURING THE BOMBING!! And Reagan Kept on hitting them.Who knows what might had happend if we had liberal walter mondale in office.We could had a 9-11 way back then if it wouldnt for ronald reagan.
What you want him to you? Yell to the kids WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!! Is that what you want bush to do? NO!!!! If Clinton done his job like he was supposed to do we would had a 9-11 holiday. Like After the first WTC Why didnt he Bomb IRAN,,IRAQ And AFGAINSTAN?? Why Didnt Order a Military Strike on Yemen After the USS COLE was attacked? Remember how Reagan Handled the Terrorist? HE BOMBED THE HELL OUTTA TRIPOLI AND KILLED QADHAFI`Si SON DURING THE BOMBING!! And Reagan Kept on hitting them.Who knows what might had happend if we had liberal walter mondale in office.We could had a 9-11 way back then if it wouldnt for ronald reagan.

You are totally wrong... :eek: