Iranian President Faces Holocaust Denial Charges in Germany


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Iranian President Faces Holocaust Denial Charges in Germany

A joint team of Israeli and German lawyers has filed a criminal indictment against the Iranian president in Germany, requesting he be tried for Holocaust denial.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad isn't exactly known for his tact. From calls to "wipe Israel off the map" to claims that the well-document German genocide against Jews known as the Holocaust was a "myth," he has managed to alienate leaders across the globe.

While Jewish community leaders from across Europe would like to see him banned from setting foot on the continent, Israeli lawyer Ervin Eran Shahar announced Wednesday that he has filed a criminal indictment with the German federal prosecutors, charging Ahmadinejad with the crime of Holocaust denial, harming the memory of Holocaust victims, incitement to hatred, racism, and violation of United Nations conventions and resolutions.

"The defendant should be investigated for inciting racial hatred, defiling the dead and denying the Holocaust. He should also be investigated according to international conventions and international law for violating the rights of Jews to security, to life and to freedom," the indictment says.

Punishable offence

"The charges are based on German law from 1993 against racial hatred and Holocaust denial," Shahar told DW-RADIO.

Shahar, who heads up the suit, filed the indictment on behalf of the Civil Coalition, which he describes as "an NGO active in Israel and the world, dealing with human rights internally and externally."

Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: In Germany, the Holocaust is a historical factAlthough Ahmadinejad has not publicly denied the Holocaust on German soil, Shahar argues in his indictment that there are firm legal grounds for bringing charges in Germany, where denial of the Holocaust is a crime punishable with up to five years in prison.

"The Federal Court in Germany has repeatedly declared that the Holocaust is a fact, that Holocaust denial is considered a lie and as such, has no legal defense on the basis of freedom of speech," Shahar stressed.

"Our goal is to make a point -- to make clear that a person who denies the Holocaust, threatens others and infringes their civil and political rights has no place in the civilized world," Shahar said. "I think we've achieved this goal."

An investigation expected

Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Germany's highest court "The crime as described is directly linked to Germany, committed among others -- against German nationals of Jewish descent, so it is expected that the Federal Prosecutor will decide to prosecute," he told Reuters.

But first, the prosecutors will have to assess legal questions like jurisdiction, possible immunity from prosecution and whether Ahmadinejad could be tried in absentia.

"We don't expect an immediate response," said Shahar. "These things take time.",2144,1913942,00.html
Yeah, the history tells about the "history" itself that there were homosexuals involved durin' Adolf Hitler's reign. Adolf Hitler himself was born from Australia. He was a homosexual. Since all these homosexuals were spreadin' everywhere in Germany, Adolf Hitler somehow twisted everythin' in his evil mind that the " homosexuals " were bad and exposed to disease... and, then started blamin' on Jews for makin' Germany weak. Of course, there were lesbians involved in there, too but, Adolf Hitler don't see it exposed to disease, except homosexuals. That was how the Hitler was usin' it to excuse by killin' the Jews. The Jews were innocent and confused. Well, some of them were homosexual Jews and they were Socialists.

Before Hitler started war ( WW 2 ), he wanted to eliminate all homosexuals by arrestin' them and put them in concentration camps.

That was how the " Holocaust " started and became famous. It is still in the history.

I am glad it ceased the " hatred ". Jewish people are entitled to freedom, life and security. I love Jewish people... and, even their foods. LOL ! I have one deaf Jewish friend and she made a wonderful " Jewish " soup. Ohhh, I love her soup !! Very delicious.......
CyberRed said:
Yeah, the history tells about the "history" itself that there were homosexuals involved durin' Adolf Hitler's reign. Adolf Hitler himself was born from Australia. He was a homosexual. Since all these homosexuals were spreadin' everywhere in Germany, Adolf Hitler somehow twisted everythin' in his evil mind that the " homosexuals " were bad and exposed to disease... and, then started blamin' on Jews for makin' Germany weak. Of course, there were lesbians involved in there, too but, Adolf Hitler don't see it exposed to disease, except homosexuals. That was how the Hitler was usin' it to excuse by killin' the Jews. The Jews were innocent and confused. Well, some of them were homosexual Jews and they were Socialists.

Before Hitler started war ( WW 2 ), he wanted to eliminate all homosexuals by arrestin' them and put them in concentration camps.

That was how the " Holocaust " started and became famous. It is still in the history.

I am glad it ceased the " hatred ". Jewish people are entitled to freedom, life and security. I love Jewish people... and, even their foods. LOL ! I have one deaf Jewish friend and she made a wonderful " Jewish " soup. Ohhh, I love her soup !! Very delicious.......
Adolph Hitler was born in Austria not Australia.
May I correct you, CyberRed?

Hilter born in Austria, not Australia. ;)

Yes, Germans and Israeli file lawsuit against Iranian president for Holocaust Denial... Its about respect. Iranian shows no respect but deny Holocaust... German support Jews to against Iranian which it´s good. We have jews around here in Germany. They are friendly people.
wow Butterflygirl, we post on the same time...(2 minutes difference) lol... I didn´t see your post before I typed my post.. :lol:
Liebling:-))) said:
wow Butterflygirl, we post on the same time...(2 minutes difference) lol... I didn´t see your post before I typed my post.. :lol:
LOL yea we said the same thing at same time :)
Liebling:-))) said:
May I correct you, CyberRed?

Hilter born in Austria, not Australia. ;)

Yes, Germans and Israeli file lawsuit against Iranian president for Holocaust Denial... Its about respect. Iranian shows no respect but deny Holocaust... German support Jews to against Iranian which it´s good. We have jews around here in Germany. They are friendly people.

Oops ! My apologizes - gee, it's one of my bad habits. My bf was born in Australia. Excuse me for misspellin'. Heh heh But, thanks ! :D Yeah, that's really nice to know about Jews livin' in Germany. We have some in USA, too. ;)
A drastic deline of Jews in Germany! So, overall, we have about 12 millions of Jews nowadays?

Anyway, this is an unprecedent move to charge a PM of Iran. Should be an interesting outcome if there'll be any.
Do German or Israeli law allow for this guy to be tried in absentia? And if he's convicted (and certainly the facts are there!), does that mean that if he ever sets foot out of Iran, he'll be arrested?
Rose Immortal said:
Do German or Israeli law allow for this guy to be tried in absentia? And if he's convicted (and certainly the facts are there!), does that mean that if he ever sets foot out of Iran, he'll be arrested?
So far, they say, "But first, the prosecutors will have to assess legal questions like jurisdiction, possible immunity from prosecution and whether Ahmadinejad could be tried in absentia."

I don't know about Germany, but I think the chances of him ever setting foot on Israel are slim to none.
LOL, yeah, I can't see him making that particular trip. But, the Mossad could conceivably pick him up and bring him to trial if he left Iran at all, like they did with Eichmann...or am I getting my facts mixed up?
Reiko said:
Time to invade Iran!

That has been in my mind as a possibilty. Iran is a big paradox about to open so I think it's best to go stop them cold before it does. Or maybe God has a reason for them due to the Israel's time clock if you know the Bible Prophecy.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the pink and black triangles are evidence that gay people didn't cause the Holocaust.
Miss-Delectable said:
A drastic deline of Jews in Germany! So, overall, we have about 12 millions of Jews nowadays?

Anyway, this is an unprecedent move to charge a PM of Iran. Should be an interesting outcome if there'll be any.

Yes, me too... I will keep this new update.
Rose Immortal said:
Do German or Israeli law allow for this guy to be tried in absentia? And if he's convicted (and certainly the facts are there!), does that mean that if he ever sets foot out of Iran, he'll be arrested?

I think the example of links would helps.

British David Irving was arrested in Austria for Holocaust denial.


Czech Republic

Irving admits Holocaust 'mistake'

Should Holocaust denial be illegal?

But President? :dunno: For criminals, suspect etc yes but I don't know they can arrest this guy because of this? President? :dunno:

All what link says that they want to arrest him in Germany. :dunno:

That statement would have got him arrested in Germany, as denying the Holocaust is a federal crime there.