LOL! Jess and I are making Tampa the cool place to be!
J/K Though, be careful where you move in Tampa, more sketchy areas than good ones.
I've considered moving to St. Pete, I spend enough time over there.... However, I'd hate to drive to school all the way in Tampa and my job is up here... So the distance keeps me here. Plus, lots of fun places because it's huge.
Not that St. Pete isn't, but ya know. :P Why are you moving down here? What state are you coming from if you don't mind my asking? :P St. Pete's pride parade is HUGE and amazing, so that's another nice thing.
Jeeze, not like you were talking. :roll: I'd have just walked away to another seat if someone was annoying me for WHATEVER reason. :P Seems like a pretty stupid thing to be annoyed over.
However, you know how intolerable people are. :roll: Yes, please stop your involuntary actions that you can't help as it is making me angry. Idiots... :roll: