B&N Nook


Active Member
Nov 20, 2004
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I received a B&N Nook for my birthday. I love it!
So tell us more! How do you use it? Why do you like it? Is it readable outside in bright sun?

How many books have you downloaded so far?
Neat. You can now take a whole library with you anywhere!
So tell us more! How do you use it? Why do you like it? Is it readable outside in bright sun?

How many books have you downloaded so far?

It is very readable in the bright sun. I love reading. I have download five books by B&N's website. The nook has buttons (to progress in the book) and a touchscreen (like an iphone).
But I mean, how do you use it personally - like to read books during your commute on a bus or subway? Is the point of it more to be able to read books while you're on the go someplace, or do you use it mostly at home?

It's another of those gadgets that I'm kind of interested in, but wonder if the charm would wear off pretty soon. Carrying a paperback book around never seemed like a big problem to me, but it might be cool to have a library of a lot of books available whenever I want, instead of just whatever was light enough to carry.
But I mean, how do you use it personally - like to read books during your commute on a bus or subway? Is the point of it more to be able to read books while you're on the go someplace, or do you use it mostly at home?

It's another of those gadgets that I'm kind of interested in, but wonder if the charm would wear off pretty soon. Carrying a paperback book around never seemed like a big problem to me, but it might be cool to have a library of a lot of books available whenever I want, instead of just whatever was light enough to carry.

I'm a traditional book girl myself but I like the idea of downloading fav books when you go on holiday so you can save room :)
But I mean, how do you use it personally - like to read books during your commute on a bus or subway? Is the point of it more to be able to read books while you're on the go someplace, or do you use it mostly at home?

It's another of those gadgets that I'm kind of interested in, but wonder if the charm would wear off pretty soon. Carrying a paperback book around never seemed like a big problem to me, but it might be cool to have a library of a lot of books available whenever I want, instead of just whatever was light enough to carry.

Not to hijack, but I've got a Kindle (that I've had for about a year and a half now), so I can answer these questions for myself:

I use my Kindle (basically the same as the nook, very slightly different design) for reading a lot on the bus and anywhere else I'd normally read a book (at home, in bed, in a park, etc). I read easily 5-10x more books with it than I did before I got it, too.

I've had mine for about a year and a half, and the charm certainly hasn't worn off for me - I take mine almost everywhere with me, and it's probably the second most used electronic in my life, after my computers (well, maybe my phone, but only because I use that for music). As you mentioned, one of the biggest appeals is that I can just download or buy every book I want to read, and then wherever I go, I have them all with me, so there's never any chance of finishing a book and thinking "Well, crap. Now that's gone, and I'm out of books." I also occasionally start reading a book that's interesting but a bit heavy, and since it always saves the page you were on (ie no dog-ears or bookmarks to get unfolded or fall out), it's easy to jump back and forth between several books at the same time, depending on what you're in the mood to read.

The best way to tell whether you'd like it or not is to go on Amazon or B&N, and look up the past 5 books you read. If every single one is available in ebook format, then you'll probably love it. 3 or less, and you're more likely to be frustrated by your lack of reading options. None, and you'd hate it, lol.

For anyone who claims that they prefer to read a real book and think they wouldn't like reading on a nook/Kindle, if I have the time, I try and sit them down with a book they'd like, and have them read a chapter or two on mine. Usually, they're convinced at the least that they certainly wouldn't dislike it (though some still say they'd prefer the actual paper books themselves, more for the feel/smell than anything else). I also like the fact that it's light enough to hold and use entirely with one hand (ie you don't need a second hand to hold up the book, hold open a page or turn a page).
The best way to tell whether you'd like it or not is to go on Amazon or B&N, and look up the past 5 books you read. If every single one is available in ebook format, then you'll probably love it. 3 or less, and you're more likely to be frustrated by your lack of reading options. None, and you'd hate it, lol.

Now that's a brilliant idea! I'm going to do that. Right now I'm reading Tom Friedman's "Hot, Flat, and Crowded." Amazon says it's available on Kindle, and B&N has it on Nook. Hmmm....
*checking amazon to see what past 5 books I read*

.... empty. just like my brain :roll:
How much does the books cost to read on the Nook or the Kindle? The same as paperback/hardcover books?
How much does the books cost to read on the Nook or the Kindle? The same as paperback/hardcover books?

The prices are comparable to paper/hardback books, often cheaper. A lot of Kindle books are $9.99 too. And there are a TON of free and cheap e-books out there too :)
I've been trying to decide which one to get when I have the money to do so. I do really love to actually hold the book in my hand and go to the library, but there are times, when I want to curl up late at night and read and not disturb hubby with a light.
Kindle has a new deal on a WIFI Kindle for only $114
The prices are comparable to paper/hardback books, often cheaper. A lot of Kindle books are $9.99 too. And there are a TON of free and cheap e-books out there too :)

And I have purchased a couple of professional reference books on Kindle for under $30.00 that would have cost me 60.00-80.00 in print.
Now that's a brilliant idea! I'm going to do that. Right now I'm reading Tom Friedman's "Hot, Flat, and Crowded." Amazon says it's available on Kindle, and B&N has it on Nook. Hmmm....

Amazon also allows you to download samples of anything you are considering purchasing for free. Check out a chapter or two before buying.