go roll#17
Because This Mr Bush Break Law Away God SAID TEN CommandmenT
Promiscuity - encouraging men to act without dignity, degrading the purpose of human intimate relationship.
Self-abuse - physically, mentally, emotionally.
Mental abuse causes grave sins, sometimes grave intention for sin, permitting the intellect to become so permeated with sinful thoughts that men sin consistently and it weakens them in every way.
Homosexuality - Lesbianism
. You Know That Mr Bush Not Listen God.....You Did See THAT MR BUSH IDEA SERVCE NEW LAW GAY 3yrs Ago About This Mr Bush BREAK LAW TO God. I Dont Trust Mr Bush Not God!!!!! This Mr Bush Is Evil...

"This t is to allow men to better understand that wrong use of bodily communication with other men has a definite disgrace in God's Plan. Promiscuous involvement to satisfy only the senses has many areas wherein men sin against their role in God's Plan. This Commandment definitely says that homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, pornography, and all promiscuous endeavors of man, have a permissiveness that is against the reason for creating mankind.
God said to Moses, 'Men will have many excuses and will justify their sins against this Commandment. Also, men will deliberately attach only specific sins on this Commandment, for shame will make them call this The Hidden Commandment'."
Impurity - attack through the senses, lack of self-discipline, permissiveness, self-love.God said to Moses, 'Men will have many excuses and will justify their sins against this Commandment. Also, men will deliberately attach only specific sins on this Commandment, for shame will make them call this The Hidden Commandment'."
Promiscuity - encouraging men to act without dignity, degrading the purpose of human intimate relationship.
Self-abuse - physically, mentally, emotionally.
Mental abuse causes grave sins, sometimes grave intention for sin, permitting the intellect to become so permeated with sinful thoughts that men sin consistently and it weakens them in every way.
Homosexuality - Lesbianism
. You Know That Mr Bush Not Listen God.....You Did See THAT MR BUSH IDEA SERVCE NEW LAW GAY 3yrs Ago About This Mr Bush BREAK LAW TO God. I Dont Trust Mr Bush Not God!!!!! This Mr Bush Is Evil...