As my ex0perience in my life as a christian is a reality. Its nothing religion about it, its a living. True, christians can't make others to believe, God left them a choice either receive it or reject it. Yes, there is Buddhist, Hindu, Kirakrishna, islam and etc, but all are still in the grave. But Christ is alive and even some scientist has the proof, but many people rather choose other scientist to pervert it to lead others astray. Its not something out there itself lead me to believe, its inside of me till I'm in the 20s, when I received Christ, its a life changing, but later I face challenges and yes, sometimes fail, but as I see people think there is no God bec of this, but many like me, see different way. Amazingly, many other religion quoted Jesus messages. For example, hindu, quote "who shall give them light, who shall feed them" etc, then the person who establish hindu ( can't spell the person name), saying He called me, I'm the way the truth and the life. I'm the light, that's what lead people been lead to. Buddhist is awesome teaching and even he quoted Jesus message. Islamic is generation of babylon. And etc. Religion isn't the issue, the point is salvation. Now, like catholic, orhtodox, different christian denomination, all believe Christ has risen, but as of teaching of creed or rules, are different, but worship same Risen Lord. I can't say particular church name is going to heaven and other isn't, only hope for those who have Christ in them, not what they do. Religion isn't the answer. As after Jesus was risen, two guys heading home, discourage thought its done,"noone will defeat roman power" Jesus is with them and ask why u r down? They explained what happen in jerusalem. As Jesus said, oh u little faith, have u read the old, about the salvation? Bec in the old testament several times explain about the messiah, many jews blinded by it, but one is nicodemus percieved that message. Bec nicodemous seeing what Happen to Jesus and also what Jesus doing etc matched exactly what the old testament described. Remember, its like a treasure, you can't tell the different of the stone if its real gold or not, looks the same, all other religion is like fake gold bec looks real, but Jesus is like a real gold. Again, it not just religion, it a living and hollow inside been filled and which no other religion has as they described and said they don't have that like christians has. Its giving grace to ALL mankinds, but people made a choice, tho still alive, still waiting, I share the persons, but God does the work. That's all to it.