How do we get them to? I had a chat session last night with Sony trying to let customer service show me how to get closed captioning on my brand new Sony blu ray player. Brendan the chat customer service man says well you have subtitles...I'm like well so what the subtitles don't have everything plus I'm Hearing Impaired so I would like to have the subtitles in my language. What good are subtitles to me or anyone when the subtitle languages are not in the same language the dvd's spoken language is in????
Anyway I'm new here and this is my first post and I was so upset about my new blu ray player. I spent a little over $80.00 on 3 seasons of supernatural and over $200,00 on the new blu ray player and dammit I can't even get the freakin subtitles in my language let alone what I should be able to get [have] which is closed caption accessibility
People of all ages with different reasons need closed caption why don't they recognize that. Oh and I told Brendan the customer support employee I will be returning my new Sony blu ray player and won't purchase any Sony products until they make them close caption accessible. Then I also went to the cw channel 11 website and joined them in the lounge since I'm a supernatural fan and let them know the problem with not having close caption their answer also is use the subtitles to help me. They said it nicer than Sony without what I perceived as an attitude. I explained the discs don't have English subtitles
The only other option I have now, that I know of, is save up for a laptop and watch the dvd's on that or somehow learn how to download movies on my computer and use media manager with verizon. That way I can get closed captioning ....maybe. I can on my computer with windows media manager I figured out how.
Don't they realize there is a market for closed captioning and when they supply what we demand and need they make money. Sheesh.