Eh? One can get a drivers license without insurance.
Not in South Carolina.
Insurance Requirements
SC Insurance Requirements
Current South Carolina law requires that at the time a driver's license is issued for the first time and a driver's license is renewed, drivers must certify on the driver's license application (DL 447) that they are insured by an automobile liability policy. If an applicant does not own a vehicle or a vehicle is not in the household of the applicant, the applicant can check off on the application accordingly. The applicant declaring liability insurance certifies personal automobile liability insurance and not liability insurance of an employer.
Owners are required to provide proof that the vehicle being operated is insured. The first time you register your vehicle in South Carolina and each time your vehicle registration is renewed, you must provide the name of your insurance company. SCDMV will verify your coverage electronically. If the insurance policy cannot be verified, your driver's license and vehicle registration may be suspended. If you are a new resident in South Carolina and have an automobile policy with a national insurance company, be sure to change your address with your insurance company before you register your vehicle in South Carolina.
If you are stopped by a law enforcement officer and unable to provide proof that the vehicle you are operating is insured, you may be issued a citation and be subject to a fine or imprisonment.
If issued a citation, you will be required to provide proof of insurance for the vehicle that you were operating at the time within thirty (30) days to avoid an indefinite suspension of your driver’s license.
Presently, the minimum limits for SC are "25/50/25".
At the time of an accident, South Carolina Law requires that the investigating officer issue a Notice of Requirement (Form FR-10) to verify that liability insurance was in effect at the time of an accident. When the investigating officer issues the form, the owner is responsible for providing proof (via insurance company) that the vehicle involved in the accident was insured. Failure to provide insurance verification to the department within fifteen (15) days from the date of the accident may result in suspension of the owner's driver’s license and/or registration privileges.
South Carolina Law requires that insurance companies notify the department when a liability insurance policy is cancelled. The Notice of Cancellation of Policy (Form FR-4) is forwarded to the department and then forwarded to the owner. The owner is required to update the department with current insurance information or surrender the vehicle plate/registration. Failure of the owner to submit verification that the vehicle is currently insured or advise the department of the current disposition will result in the suspension of your driver license and the vehicle plate/registration. If suspended, the owner may be required to pay a reinstatement fee up to $400.00.