I was hospitalized in December for an acutely ruptured disk and had emergency surgery. I was discharged after 2 weeks, and the doctors ordered a home health aide and home PT and OT. They faxed a referral to the provider in my insurance network. When I called the next day to set up services, they told me they don't provide interpreters and their lawyer said they didn't have to. They refused to accept me as a client.
This agency is a franchise of a corporation with 75,000 employed health care workers. There is no way they can claim financial hardship with that large a workforce.
Yesterday I filed a complaint against the agency with the Department of Justice claiming my ADA rights had been violated.
As an aside, this agency provides home care to a number of my patients. It's a shame I won't be able to authorized those services any more
...I can't support a business that blatently discriminates!
This agency is a franchise of a corporation with 75,000 employed health care workers. There is no way they can claim financial hardship with that large a workforce.
Yesterday I filed a complaint against the agency with the Department of Justice claiming my ADA rights had been violated.
As an aside, this agency provides home care to a number of my patients. It's a shame I won't be able to authorized those services any more