Sighs! Read this !


New Member
Mar 2, 2006
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Share your Comments with the FCC!

Dear Friend:

The government is considering cutting the budget for relay services. The FCC is currently considering cuts in three areas: reimbursement rates for VRS services; the amount of money collected for relay services for the deaf; and elimination of outreach funding, which is the way that deaf individuals learn about relay options.

Eliminating outreach would mean that not all deaf individuals will be able to learn about and access VRS to communicate. Cutting the VRS rate would also mean that the quality of VRS services may be jeopardized.

Act now! Tell the FCC you care about VRS access by sending an e-mail or a letter. Visit for more information and to learn how you can send your comments directly to the FCC.

Together we can ensure the future of VRS for you and coming generations!

Sorenson Communications

Where did you see this?

This is probably another one of those hoaxes like years ago when they said they were gonna shut down closed captioning on television.
Sorenson is screaming because they stand to lose the biggest in the 8 percent VRS cut and the loss of outreach reimbursements.

Other VRS companies have already addressed the possibility of rate cuts like one decided to cut the excess 'administration baggage' and picked up wind of another is going to outsource it offshore.

If the cuts hurt Sorenson thats too bad.


sorry to hear esp for deaf population. I do not have it because I can not afford it so it does not effect me really but for others who needs it, I feel for them.
VamPyroX said:
Where did you see this?

This is probably another one of those hoaxes like years ago when they said they were gonna shut down closed captioning on television.

Nope not a hoax there is a petition you can sign that is right on the sorenson website.

You can check it out yourself.

Its all right there on the site itself.
Nesmuth said:
Sorenson is screaming because they stand to lose the biggest in the 8 percent VRS cut and the loss of outreach reimbursements.

Other VRS companies have already addressed the possibility of rate cuts like one decided to cut the excess 'administration baggage' and picked up wind of another is going to outsource it offshore.

If the cuts hurt Sorenson thats too bad.

Its not all about the SORENSON.

Its all about VRS that VRS provide us but the FCC might reduce and more waiting list and FCC cannot do that since they expect all VRS be respond instead of waiting. I want see VRS expanding.
Cutting funds

The fund will reduce not only VRS and it mean include IP Relay. Since we are using pager and using AIM or Sidekick that laready enlist of ip-relay. If fund cut and they are not able spending money on research and their work ensure that communicate successful for deaf community.

Its not about us, its about next childern for future will be more equal and more like hearing and everything we have in couple years ago has changed.

Include -- they will have better job and become network communication.
Sweetmind 's
Let me asking you a question.. Is FCC violated our ADA laws that is our Deaf rights?

Now, I think FCC is violated our Ada laws that is our Deaf rights.

So do you ever think that is actually that we have the right to have a real independent that Deaf people can do anything except hear?

How come didnt Government says they want Deaf people to be independent??

How can you be independent if they are taking away the access away from you to allow that freedom to be independent without their support?

That would turn out a very positive outlook for Deaf children 's future. They have violated our rights and is taking what is rightful yours to live in this world independence citizens.

Think twice before turn out into a nasty ugly comments toward Deaf community or Deaf people 's abilities that they asked for more conflict interest between audism people and Deaf people 's rights.

Thank you! ;)
I sent email to FCC. Thanks, Sweetmind. I can't imagine living without VP again and hope never will have to. More deaf people really, really need to have VP and use it whenever they want without worrying about paying extra for it except for high speed internet service. I use VP a lot everyday and use VRS also.
Shit, I doubt federal will cut CC or eliminate subtitles from DVD... If do that then deaf people will have biggest march and protest, compared to people that march and protest about new immigrants bill.
I got it, thanks... I feel unhappy right now. :(

Wha.. Gov't are total greedy.... All Gov't wants focus other things than Deaf!
That discrimation!

VRS and any other relay services aren't going anywhere. If anything, they're cutting the wasteful spending. These companies are profitting far too much from the FCC, and something needs to be done. And for those who are absolutely screaming that your rights are being violated. That's horse shit. There is nothing in the ADA about a minimum that the FCC has to reiumburse relay providers. The FCC has always tooken good care of the deaf community and listened to what they have to say. Relay rates have been cut several times since last year, and of course Sorenson is going to bitch. They're a giant corporation. It's their purpose to make as much money as possible. Your VRS service is not going anywhere.